Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 6 Chapter 81: Unscientific electromagnetic gun

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Ma Yuan was about three or four meters away from Misaka Miqin. At this time Misaka Miqin began to do his own thing.

She took a deep breath, and a sparkle began to flash on her head. The sparkle was like a sign, and Ma Yuan could not help but take a few steps back.

Ma Yuan knew the power of Misaka Misaka, after all, it was the strength of the super power (lv5). To fight against this strength, Ma Yuan did not die like this.

After Ma Yuan took two steps back, Misaka Misaka began to struggle.

She directly fired her attack towards the freak.

This attack is very heavy.

Ma Yuan can feel the strength of this attack at a distance of more than three meters behind Misaka Miqin. The strong radio wave even blows Ma Yuan’s hair, not to mention the object attacked by Misaka Miqin, even more directly Body burns, even recovery can't keep up.

This intense electric fire directly burns the freak's body, and there is no way to recover it even if it recovers.

This attack method is obviously stronger than Ma Yuan's, but it also has its flaws.

To use such a strong attack, Misaka Mitsuki's burden is even heavier.

"are you OK?"

Ma Yuan asked, and he could see that Misaka Miqin's expression had begun to be a little tired, even for the super power (lv5), it was difficult to avoid tiredness under such a strong energy output.

"Fortunately, you wait a little longer."

Misaka Misaka said.

She made all the plans from the beginning. The protagonist was not herself. She believed that Ma Yuan would be more suitable than him for the final blow.

Because all the weaknesses were found by Ma Yuan, Misaka Miqin was only helping.

Mika Misaka still felt a little depressed that he couldn't make up his own mind about things in his college.

Ma Yuan waited for a while, until Misaka Miqin's electric shock stopped, Ma Yuan stepped forward and used Misaka Miqin to give his long sword, and attacked the freak directly.

The outer skin of the huge freak has been burned by the electricity of Misaka Miki, and the internal muscles also show a fragile appearance, which gives the horse a chance to take advantage of. After passing the blade and the blade wind, it was cut in half, and the "core" inside was exposed.

It was a three-dimensional diamond-shaped core with something strange like an electronic network, and the black metal shell also made it harder.

Even under the weakening of the treatment song, this core still maintains the function of supplying energy to the surroundings. Its energy is transferred to the body of the giant freak, and the limbs of the freak are completely integrated.

It is because of this thing that the monster can still maintain its integrity without the energy supply.

"damn it!"

Ma Yuan roared while relaying in mid-air and jumped onto the core. Just a knife just shot the core out, and did not shred it.

However, after encountering the nuclear, Ma Yuan understood what.

There is no way to dispose of this nucleus immediately, because this nucleus is not only energizing the body, the same body is also energizing the nucleus.

As long as the body and the nucleus are together, there is no way for him to be resolved immediately.

"Misaka Misaka!"

Ma Yuan yelled at Misaka Miqin.

"You use an electromagnetic cannon against me and this thing!"

Hearing Ma Yuan's call, Misaka Misaki was stunned.

This requirement is tantamount to finding a dead end. After all, Misaka knows the power of his super electromagnetic gun.

"Hey, you will be affected in this way!"

Misaka shouted out her thoughts. Who knew Ma Yuan didn't mind this at all, he continued shouting at Misaka Miqin.

"You are attacking this thing! Be precise. Only then can I avoid your attack, I can avoid it!"

Ma Yuan's precision made Misaka Miqin somewhat guess what he wanted to do, but Misaka Miqin took out a coin from his pocket and aimed at the core.

The nucleus has begun to recover somewhat, and it will recover the body on both sides, wanting to hide itself again in the protection of the body, together with Ma Yuan.

To do anything, you have to be quick. If you are not happy, you will only let Ma Yuan be swallowed by this monster. In the monster's body, who knows what will happen.

The next second, the electromagnetic gun flew directly from Misaka's hands.

Ma Yuan also seized this opportunity to jump back and jumped behind the core, and then the core was directly shot into the freak's body by the super electromagnetic gun.

That impact directly attached Ma Yuan to the core, which is what Ma Yuan wanted. When the nucleus is shot out of the host, you can lie on the place where they are flying to attach to the nucleus.

But what Ma Yuan didn't expect was that the power of the super-electromagnetic gun was greater than he thought. This speed was so fast that he couldn't hold back.

After flying a few tens of meters away, the limit of the super-electromagnetic gun began to reach, and the speed slowed down. Ma Yuan took out the long knife in his hand and cut it directly toward the core.

Misaka Mitsuki's super-electromagnetic gun cannot do this. She can push the nuclear super-electromagnetic gun as power, but only Ma Yuan can solve the nuclear problem.

When the long knife is inserted into the center of the core, the entire core is directly short-circuited. This core, which basically operates on "electricity", cannot be broken by charging.

Then Ma Yuan jumped off the nucleus, watching the nucleus break in half in front of him.

You're done.

Ma Yuan took a deep breath, then looked at Misaka Misaka.

When Misaka Misaka saw the core disappear and the wreckage of the huge freak began to turn to ashes, suddenly his legs softened and began to fall to the ground.


Even Misaka did not know why he fell down, but exclaimed.

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