Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 6 Chapter 85: Shrine maiden

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Ma Yuan nodded his meaning, saying hello.

But immediately he noticed something was wrong.

Blue hair earrings?

This is not the name at all, hello!

Ma Yuan looked at the squint with blue hair on one side, all said that the squint was a monster, but did not expect it to be a monster. This name is obviously not a person's name, but the last article Dangma was introduced in this way, and is there anything strange? !

"That... blue hair earrings?"

Ma Yuan looked at the blue-haired earrings.

"Yes, hello, my name is Blue Hair Earrings, and Shang Tiao Dang Ma and this Tuyumen Yuanchun is a school cram school."

The blue-haired earrings seem to be wrong. Instead, they introduce their names very seriously, which makes Ma Yuan a little embarrassed.

It seems inappropriate to question a person's name in this way...

Ma Yuan can only ignore this strange name and pretend to accept the content. What didn't happen was that the squinting monster was actually embarrassed by Inticus.

"Eh, this girl is so cute, wait, so cute, maybe it's a boy, could it be a ladies' dress?"

The blue-haired earring looked at Inticus and said.

Women's dress is just... Don't make trouble, at least you have to be a little polite, hello!

Ma Yuan immediately had a black line on his face.

"What is Mr. Ma Yuan?"

Fortunately, Inticus didn't know what Zhengtai meant, which relieved Ma Yuan.

But what I know is that these blue-haired earrings have started to chase them down.

"Eh?! Was it really a nun? I thought it was a dress-up play. Isn't it really a boy to be so flat?"

"Hey Hey hey."

Ma Yuan promptly reminded the friend who was in the top, but what she said was like splashing water, which could not be withdrawn at all, not to mention that Inticus had heard all the content, she smiled and looked at the blue Hair earrings.

This smile is not the same as the girl's usual bright smile that Inticus usually has, but instead has an inexplicable murderousness.

Even the nuns, the girls will care about their bust, otherwise, at Yue Yong Xiaomeng's house, they will not protest in various ways because of the bust.

"This little brother here, if you have something to confess, I can listen to your confession now."

Inticus said as he folded his hands together as if to emit a holy light.

It's just that anyone who encounters this Holy Light will feel a little cold in his heart.

Obviously Inticus was angry.

"Ah... this, where are we going to sit and chat."

Shangdang Dangma suggested so.

This made Inticus' anger lessen. After all, she also had an ice cream shop she wanted to go to.

But this relief of anger was not lasting, after all... The ice cream shop that Inticus was going to was actually closed.

"It doesn't matter! Fast food restaurants also have ice cream!"

Shangdang Dangma said so.

He said that Ma Yuan and Shang Tiao Dang Ma both looked at the blue-haired earrings and gave him a white look. If it weren't for his nonsense, this would probably not have happened.

However, the blue-haired earrings did not mean any repentance at all. Instead, they followed the article seriously and went to the fast food restaurant, and then let the person who made the proposal pay before the meal.

Looking at the hard-winded noodle, Ma Yuan couldn't help but sympathize with him. But just as Ma Yuan knew, the sympathy of Dangdang Dangma will not end, what he has to say is related to his right hand.

The illusion killer that can destroy anything, even the last fortune, will also be solved by his right hand. This is why even sympathy has no effect.

Anyway, no matter what kind of sympathy, the last article will fall into misfortune.

"Ma Yuan Ma Yuan is coming over~"

As for Inticus, as long as someone buys something for her, she is very happy. She has no concept of money, and sometimes she is somewhat capricious, but as long as she can be followed, she is more easily satisfied.

"Oh, here I come..."

In the dining room on the second floor, Inticus shouted Ma Yuan's name. On the table she found, there was a girl with long black hair in a witch dress lying on her stomach.

Wait... what's going on?

Ma Yuan froze at the scene, and he looked at Inticus.

And Inticus didn't seem to feel anything wrong, but just kept waving at Ma Yuan and told him to come here quickly.

"Hey, hello, what's wrong with this witch!"

Ma Yuan reminded Inticus, hoping that Inticus could understand that it is not normal for a strange witch to lie on his stomach.

"Someone can sit in this position. Let's go to other places."

Ma Yuan said.

"But there is no such a big place in other places, and only she is alone, it doesn't matter if we can be together."

Inticus looked at Ma Yuan without knowing why she left this position. In the concept of Inticus, she only needed to find a position to sit down. This position allows six people to sit in. , Even if a witch is added.

Inticus, who grew up in the church, thoroughly implemented the theme of "sharing and benevolence" in the church, which made Ma Yuan not know how to tell Inticus about the common sense of the world, that is to say, even if it is a Do not disturb people occupying six seats.


When Ma Yuan just wanted to say something, the witch lying on the table groaned, seeming to be very painful.

In front of the witch, there is a fast food plate with countless hamburger bags, which makes Ma Yuan suddenly feel that he does not know how to vomit.

How much burger did this seemingly tiny girl really eat, would it really have any effect on the stomach?

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