Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 6 Chapter 97: Gold refined

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Ma Yuan looked at the knights in front of him in a bit blind.

He knew that the Gregorian chant team should be composed of 33,33 people praying and singing in the church. Although the previous fake did not have 3333 people, there were hundreds of people. Chanting.

Now there are only six or seven people in front of me.

This makes no sense.

"No... it's not these knights who really formed the chants. Now there must be 3333 monks singing in the Vatican's sanctuary."

Steele said so.

Stir said that Ma Yuan could understand that the people here are only the media, and the hymn team formed in the temple was released to the academy city on the other side of the ocean.

Ma Yuan didn't quite understand the magical use of Christianity, but what he knew was that the ability of this spell was definitely not low.

It is better to say that it is very strong.

"Wait, if I remember correctly, there should still be students in this period of time!"

Being alert, Ma Yuan discovered a fundamental problem. It’s true that the Knights used the Anthem directly, but they didn’t even care about the students who were still in the Misawa University!

Although those students were used by Oreos Isad, they are indeed innocent!

"Hey, you stop!"

Ma Yuan shouted.

"Give up, they won't care."

Steele said to Ma Yuan, and stopped Ma Yuan who wanted to run into the building. Thanks to Steele's stoppage, Ma Yuan didn't enter the building, and he didn't get along with what happened afterwards.

Immediately, Ma Yuan saw it, and the light of the Anthem attacked the building directly. The clouds on the top of the building also turned red, the reinforced concrete began to split, and the glass began to break. But the whole ceremony was still intact and the building collapsed directly downwards, it seems to avoid suffering to the people around. The collapse of the building does not let the surrounding buildings be involved.

Except the people in the building...

The Anthem is itself a weapon against the city. If it’s not because Oreos Isaad is too strong, the Knights probably won’t use it. After all, without destroying the entire building, there is no way to condemn Oreos Isad.

As for why these knights can appear in the academy city in a fair and decent way, no one is surprised. It is probably the same ability as the one used in Misawa, and it separates itself from the people in the superficial world.

"For the Knights, since it will do this, then those losses are acceptable, and they will only lose them if they are within the acceptable range."

Still explained to Ma Yuan.

The "loss" in his mouth refers to a life of life.

"Hello, do you know what you are talking about?"

Even if the other party is his current partner, Ma Yuan cannot allow the other party to speak such contempt for life. Even if he is himself, killing is not killing those innocent people, not killing those victims.


Immediately, Ma Yuan punched directly into Steele's face.

Still didn't fight back, because he suffered the punch.

But immediately, Steele pointed at the mansion, and Ma Yuan looked up. Although the mansion collapsed, it collapsed halfway through. As if someone prevented this from happening.

Immediately afterwards, Ma Yuan saw that the whole building was back in time, returning to its original state from this situation.

The fractured reinforced concrete returned to its normal form, that is, the glass also recovered, and soon the red clouds in the sky disappeared, as if the previous situation had not happened, as if the Anthem’s attack had never been effective.

Ma Yuan was dumbfounded.

Even illusion cannot achieve this effect, because it can only make everything "look like". Even if there is illusion, it must be based on a certain ability.

"This is the ability of Oreos Isad."

Still said.

"Gold is refined, this is the ability of Oreos Isad."

"Alchemy is not simply turning a stone into gold, nor is it something of chemistry, but it is really constructing a thing. Whether it is iron into gold, or fool into wise man, it is all real. What is happening is a real situation. Oreos Isaad can build everything possible, this is alchemy."

Stil’s explanation gave Ma Yuan some understanding of alchemy.

It is very similar to illusion.

It's just that illusion can't achieve this effect, but Ma Yuan didn't think there was anything wrong.

Not to mention...

Now Steele knows the truth, that is, the thing in front of him is the existence of his illusion in this world.

In any case, Ma Yuan wanted to learn alchemy. He decided that he must let Oreos Isaad teach him these things, even if he was intimidating and tempting.

But before that...

Ma Yuan looked at the knights there. Although he could not see their eyes because of the helmet, Ma Yuan could feel that the members of these knights must be stunned.

But if these people hinder themselves later, it will be a bit troublesome.

Ma Yuan closed his eyes and concentrated on the spirit. For the first time in this world, using such a illusion is so big. Ma Yuan needs to concentrate.

Then when Ma Yuan opened his eyes, the knights in his eyes were all sitting on the ground.

Ma Yuan created a wonderful illusion for them, and may cause some harm later, but this is all they want to kill innocent people.

"go in……"

Ma Yuan looked at Steele and said. Steele glanced at the knights and said nothing, but nodded.

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