Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 6 Chapter 99: plan

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"You tease me..."

Ma Yuan looked at Oreos Isad and said.

"Even if you become a vampire, it is impossible to help Inticus. After all, vampires only change the status quo of the body, and Inticus does not have any diseases that need to be cured. Her ability is a talent, although letting her and Others are different, but even if you become a vampire, it is impossible to disappear... The disappearance is the magic attached to her from the beginning."

"Furthermore, even if you become a vampire, Inticus will only be more painful, because her ability... is an absolute memory ability. Her life as a human being has been so short for decades, even if her brain has ten With 33,000 magic ban books, brain savings can be spent these days. If you become a vampire, it will be a burden for her."

Ma Yuan's popular science surprised Oreos Isad.

"Wait, why do you say... Is her brain capacity actually able to bear these memories?! Why does she need to lose memory every year!"

Oreos Isad almost shouted words.

At this time, Steele lit a cigarette, and then added a shot to Oreos Isad.

"Oh, you may not know clearly... It is the problem of the church to refresh memory. It is indeed the right choice for you to leave the church, but you have deviated, and the magic of Inticus is no longer there. It’s just a normal girl with 13,000 magic ban books."

Still said with a glance at Ma Yuan.

"This is the credit of this little brother!"

"What! That means that my efforts over the years have been in vain!"

Oreos Isad almost collapsed and knelt on the ground.

On the contrary, Jishen Qiusha is relatively calm. Her only role here is to save Inticus, using her own power... using her own ability that has only caused tragedy.

Since Inticus didn't need to be saved, it didn't change anything for Ji Shen Qiu Sha, but felt relieved.

After all, if there are really vampires, Ji Shenqiusha doesn't know what she can do.

"Oreos Isaade... Actually it doesn't matter, after all, Miss Inticus is enough if everything is fine, right?"

Ji Shen Qiu Sha walked to Oreos Isaad kneeling down and patted him on the shoulder.

"Do not……"

Oreos Isad shouted.

"Since you are now partnering with Inticus, there are still some things between us..."

Oreos Isad pointed to Ma Yuan.

"I don't accept this result. Only the person who can protect Inticus is me, and only I can get this girl out of trouble... So, I won't let you take Inticus."

Oreos Isad seems to be a bit paranoid.

"Hello you loli control?"

Ma Yuan gave Oreos Isad a glance.

"Although I don't have any opinion about someone wanting to take this child, but your loli-controlled declaration is very dangerous, uncle, be careful that the police will take you away."


It was at this time that Inticus suddenly turned a side, seemingly talking in dreams, and called Ma Yuan's name.

The magic that Oreos Isad used on Inticus was just to make Inticus fall asleep, but the behavior of the sleeping Inticus instead made Oreos Isad's runaway One more step.


Oreos Isad shouted at Ma Yuan.

As Stir said, Oreos Isad’s gold is refined into something that does not exist, and at the end of Oreos Isad’s words, Ma He could feel that his neck seemed to be pinched by something, suffocating him.

"Don't can..."

Ma Yuan struggled to apply the touch of Oreos Isaad to himself, followed by stomping his feet, and the entire space immediately became a forest.

That's right, the woods.

And it is the kind of Celtic woods, in the middle of the woods there is a druid altar, and above the altar lies Inticus.

Ma Yuan recently read a lot of novels of these magical series... His first reaction was this, but it surprised Oreos Isaad.

"Are you also an alchemist?"

"No, I am just an illusionist, and my ability and your ability have the most in common is that our ability needs to be controlled by the brain to achieve the purpose."

Ma Yuan said so.

"You... see it?"

Still was surprised.

He originally wanted to remind Ma Yuan that Oreos Isaad's ability is not like "speaking spirit", but another kind that starts directly from the brain.

"Of course I can see that, after all, something similar to my ability."

Ma Yuan smiled and looked at Oreos Isad.

"But since it is something similar to the illusionist, then I will start to use the illusionist's rules to compare and compare, do you have any questions about this?"

"What the **** is the illusionist..."

Oreos Isaad can't help but confess Ma Yuan, there is no "illusionist" profession in this world, the only real existence is the magician or super ability. Then there is no illusionist in the subdivision of magicians and superpowers.

But although Oreos Isaad didn’t know what the illusionist was, he knew that the person in front of him was fighting against himself and against an alchemist.

Oreos Isad looked around. This level of ability...Although it was not made of gold, it also aroused the interest of Oreos Isad. He wanted to see what Ma Yuan could do. To what extent.

"I know, I accept the challenge."

Oreos Isad said to Ma Yuan with a smile.

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