Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 6 Chapter 101: electric shock

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That's right, electric shock death itself does not appear in the illusion duel.

But there is no particular reason, just because the illusionist's abilities are all created through his own imagination, and in a sense, there is a limitation.

There is a limitation called "I can't imagine anything I haven't experienced".

Only the illusionist who has passed this limitation can be regarded as truly unique.

However, Oreos Isad is different. He is an alchemist.

If he can't feel a thing well, he has no way to concretize that thing in a certain sense. Even the ability to use language must be assisted by "language", which has fully exposed his limitations.

Ma Yuan did not evade.

He decided to verify his point of view, such as why Oreos Isaad would use the electric shock to kill this ability.

Is it to scare yourself, or does the other party really know how this feels?

The electric shock immediately attacked Ma Yuan, and the current carried through Ma Yuan's body, causing him some pain. This sense of oppression reminded him of Misaka Miki.

Misaka Megumi's super-electromagnetic cannon is much more powerful than this, but the voltage felt when it is near the super-electromagnetic cannon is no different from this.

This is the real current.

Ma Yuan was even beaten and flew out a section.

"Why don't you hide!"

Oreos Isad can see that Ma Yuan can avoid it. After all, his experience is not less than that of Ma Yuan. After decades in the church and three years as an alchemist, it is absolutely possible. Show off the experience.

"There is no reason, because your attack can't hurt me at all."

Ma Yuan said this and stood firm.

Although this electric shock is very real, for Ma Yuan, these are "fake". As long as it is fake, as long as it is determined to be "non-existent", any mouse, even the gold refining of the face Gini book, is not worth mentioning at all.

Ma Yuan looked at Oreos Isad, his ability had no effect on himself.

"Where are you the holy god..."

Oreos Isad took a step back, he seemed to have been scared by Ma Yuan.

"It's not a special person, just an alchemist."

As Ma Yuan spoke, he took another step forward. He didn't know what magic, but he went to study a little while Inticus was asleep.

Although it is not as good as the 13,000 magic ban books in Indix's head, he can still do it if it is just a little trick.

Ma Yuan began to sing some sentences that he didn't quite understand. It was some Latin, and it was still readable in the Roman translation of Ma Yuan.

I just don't know the meaning.

After hearing this Latin, Steele's expression changed instantly, and only he knew how troublesome the magician was.

Magic is divided into many categories. The most common division is the difference between modern magic and classical magic. Even if modern magic is sung in a non-native language, it can be true, such as encountered before.

However, classical magic must be sung in the mother tongue. The magic in different places has different language composition and different meanings.

This has become the cause of magic, which few people have come into contact with.

Still didn't know where the magic that Ma Yuan got from, or what the content of the magic was, but what Still knew, it was definitely not a simple matter, but rather very troublesome.

Because the attack power of classical magic is definitely stronger than modern magic, so I don't know where it exists.

"what are you saying……"

Oreos Isad took another step back. As an alchemist, he did not understand this type of Latin, but he could feel a kind of spiritual pressure erupting from Ma Yuan, which directly pressed him. Breathless.

This is magic...

Whether it is illusion or reality, this is magic.

Then the magic began to converge into reality.

In this space cm began to hang more strange wind.

That's right, it's a strange wind. In a closed room with no possibility of air convection, a whirlwind was generated. The whirlwind centimeter contains ice and flame, no matter how unreasonable, it becomes reasonable at this moment.

"Are you a magician?"

Asked Oreos Isad.

"How is it possible, I am Amano Hara, one of the eight super powers (lv5) in the academy city."

Ma Yuan looked at Oreos Isad with a smile. This intelligence Steele also knew, but what they didn't know was that the title of his superpower (lv5) was just borrowed.

"Anyone who has accepted a superpower development project cannot use magic..."

Oreos Isad said what Inticus had said.

"But why can you use magic!"

Oreos Isad shouted at Ma Yuan.

"How can you know that this is magic?"

Ma Yuan looked at Oreos Isad with a smile. The other party was clearly in his illusion, didn’t he? This ability is not 100%, and 80% or 90% is true, but he didn’t tell Ore. Oss Isad.

This is a illusion.

Illusion is a lie.

To make the other person believe his lie, the first thing is to make the other person doubt his lie. For example, now, he said that he did not use magic just now.

Oreos Isaad has been in contact with magic for so long, it must be obvious that this cannot be magic.

Since this is magic, it is impossible to simply use illusion, maybe he can use some methods to defend against magic, but he cannot use magic to defend against magic.

This is absolutely impossible.

Ma Yuan knew this deeply.

He watched Oreos Isad take another step forward.

But Oreos Isad has been dizzy by what is happening now.

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