Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 6 Chapter 113: Misaka's plan

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Since Misaka Misaka intends to stop this experiment, it will take more time for human help.

Normal people know that such a large-scale experiment cannot be carried out by a person or an organization. It is definitely a large-scale experiment conducted by a government organization.

Without the help of others, it is impossible for Misaka Misaka to destroy an experimental den by himself.


If Ma Yuan didn't think wrong, Misaka Misaka may be planning a more terrible thing.

It's similar to the thing of going to destroy a den by yourself.

No... not just that.

Ma Yuan looked at the paper of the experiment in his hand again and again, thinking about what Misaka Miqin might do, and then became more and more afraid.

He always felt that something terrible was about to happen. He took this piece of paper and walked directly out.

He knew that Misaka Misaka must be somewhere. He must find Misaka Misaka, otherwise, he always feels that something bad is going to happen to this girl.

However, in this world, the ability of illusion is not as good as in the previous world.

So... Ma Yuan could not directly use illusion to spread his perception throughout the city, but fortunately, the second page of the material in his hand was a map.

A map showing the experiment site.

In any case, at least the experiment site will not be far away from this map.

There are also some special symbols on this map, most of which are the location of the experiment.

The rest can only rely on Ma Yuan's own abilities.

After searching for a while, Ma Yuan discovered a very strange phenomenon, that is, the windmill in this place seems to rotate differently.

In the academy city, most of them are clean energy, that is to say, non-polluting energy like hydropower or wind power. Of course, solar energy is also included.

Therefore, windmills are scattered all over the academy city. This kind of windmill usually didn't feel a little different. Instead, they were accustomed to their existence. In general, they don't care. But now, he is aware of it.

Ma Yuan remembers that when Misaka Miqin uses electromagnetic waves or electromagnetic cannons, the operation of the entire windmill will start to change unnaturally in a certain direction, and Su Yi will use the "unnatural" changes of this windmill to find Misaka Miqin.

According to the uncertain changes of these windmills, Ma Yuan ran in a certain direction.

Sure enough, on a bridge, Ma Yuan saw the figure of Misaka Misaka.

Misaka Miqin stood by the bridge in this way, and it was not until Ma Yuan called Misaka Miqin's name that Misaka Miqin discovered Ma Yuan's arrival.

"Long ago, there was a naive little girl."

After discovering Ma Yuan’s arrival, I don’t know if I was caught in my own thoughts. Misaka Miqin suddenly started to feel sad. She looked at the lake in front and said some words, making her seem a little bit like her. a feeling of.


Ma Yuan froze.

But then Ma Yuan knew that he shouldn't speak at this time, after all, Misaka Misaki was trying to tell a story.

A story of your own.

There is a particularly cute girl in the story of Misaka Misaka. It is the first time it has come to the academy city, the first time it has received a superpower development project, the first visit to the research institute, and the first time it has been scientifically Attracted.

Then an uncle told the little girl that if she could get her genes, she might be able to solve many difficult problems.

The little girl agreed.

She thought it would be great if she could contribute to science.

But what she didn't think of was what her gene would be used for when she grew up.

"That little girl is you, and your genes are treated as the mother of sisters?"

Ma Yuan asked.

Misaka Misaki was a bit stunned. She just wanted to tell a story, but it didn't seem to make Ma Yuan discover her own plight.

That's right, the "little girl" in that story refers to Misaka Mitsuki himself.

Because she has been doing things herself all the time, Misaka Miqin can't support it, and she has no other ideas, just want to find someone to talk.

It would be better if that person did not know what happened.

"If you are ready for the battlefield and let 128 super-electromagnetic guns (Misaka Misaka) die, you will have the opportunity to let one side pass into the absolute ability (lv6)."

Ma Yuan started to read the content on the paper in his hand. This content is really related to the absolute ability (lv6), in order to create an experimental plan for the absolute ability (lv6).

"However, because this situation is impossible, so no consideration is made, and the target is locked on the sisters. Prepare 20,000 battlefields and let the sisters die 20,000 times. The same can also allow one side to become an absolute ability. (Lv6)"

"Considering that one side pass is the person closest to the absolute ability (lv6), this experiment will also be carried out according to the situation of one side pass."

Ma Yuan's words seem to sting Misaka Mitsuki's heart.

If it were not for this content, Misaka Mitsuki would not stay at this place without returning to his dorm room at night.

However, Misaka did not have any quibble about this content, but walked in front of Ma Yuan and directly punched Ma Yuan in the chest.

This punch is not heavy, and it seems that it is just for the purpose of venting your current feelings.

"This is not something you should manage."

Misaka Misaka said.

"I have my own plan."

"Really? What is the plan?"

Ma Yuan asked Misaka Miqin with a smile. He knew that Misaka Miqin's plan could not be anything that could be put on the table. Although he had no plans now, if he could know Misaka Miqin's plan, he might be able to figure it out.

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