Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 6 Chapter 121: wind

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physical fitness?

One side has never been asked this question. Although he looks thinner, but what about it, his physical fitness is above average.

And there is the super power of vector control.

"So ah, your physical fitness is too bad, even vector control is difficult to turn on the half way. So even if you have super powers, it is useless, you are still a lot worse than me. Say."

Ma Yuan's appearance of "try it if you don't believe it" makes one party pass a little bit embarrassed and angry, and he attacks Ma Yuan directly.

This attack is not light.

Even Ma Yuan couldn't see his movements. He seemed to have moved beyond the limit of his body.

If it wasn’t because Ma Yuan wasn’t in that place, it would probably be opened by one side.

Fortunately, Ma Yuan was not in that place. After waiting for a passing attack, he released his illusion and gave him the illusion that he had escaped the attack.

Immediately after he stopped on one side, he kicked behind him.

This foot made one side pass without reaction, but stumbled a few steps to one side.

After that, Ma Yuan thought of a good way. He began to attack the past.

However, at this time, one side of traffic jumped on top of the container.

Yes, he jumped on top of the container, which made Ma Yuan frown. He didn't know what idea one side was playing.

Then, Ma Yuan felt that the direction of the wind around him changed.

That's right, the direction of the wind changed.

It seems that it started to turn around around one side.

Ma Yuan still saw this strange situation for the first time, but since the ability of one side to pass is vector control, this is still possible.

Immediately afterwards, a huge windball appeared on the side of the passing hand.

That's right, it's a windball.

By modifying the direction of the wind, a concentrated energy is carried out. The gusty wind and the air converge into a huge wind ball in his hand. If it is hit by this thing, it will be very painful.

Ma Yuan swallowed, and the way of one side's pass control ability was more proficient than that of the general superpowers, so it was faster to gather the wind ball, and soon a huge wind ball appeared in Ma Yuan In front of you.

Ma Yuan calculated the method he needed to jump onto the container. It was not an ordinary person who could jump up casually. It seemed that one side was afraid that Ma Yuan would interrupt his reading, so he chose this method.

"damn it……"

It was at this time that suddenly the situation changed.

The direction of the wind seems to be mobilized by something, turning in the other direction.

Ma Yuan looked around and noticed that the windmills around him had started to turn in all directions, as if they were taking Ma Yuan as the center of their center, and they wanted to start turning outside.

Although the windmill is basically used for wind power generation, if it is affected by electromagnetic waves, it can also start to rotate by itself.

If you turn yourself, the direction of the wind will start to change through the windmill.

And to achieve such a large amount of rotation, there is only one possibility...


Ma Yuan looked in the direction of Misaka Misaka, she had just been with a sisters, because the brain waves and memory banks of the sisters are shared, so as long as you can persuade one person, you can probably persuade others to carry out this behavior.

Sure enough. Misaka Misaki gave a thumb to Ma Yuan at this time.

It seems that this thing is really the result of the exchange between Misaka Misaka and her sisters.

When the wind begins to spread to the surroundings, the windball passing by one side has no meaning.

The moment the windball disappeared on the passing hand, the passing side knew what was happening. He looked in the direction of the sisters who were fighting him just now, and looked disgusted.

But this disgust can only stop here.

Ma Yuan looked around, first jumped over a container, and then stepped on the container to secure the foot, and then jumped on the container where the other side was passing.

Perhaps it was because one side had never seen this comic-style movement. He was so a little preoccupied that he didn’t react until Ma Yuan stood in front of him. What happened just now.

Immediately afterwards, Ma Yuan attacked one side.

As expected, one side passed quickly to resist its own ability, but did not want Ma Yuan to fly out because of one side's ability to pass.

This is also one of Ma Yuan's strategies.

Because Ma Yuan knew that one side's ability to pass also had a range, and he was just outside that range. As for the shadow that the one side saw just now, attacking himself in the past was just Ma Yuan's illusion.

Illusion is certainly not defeated by superpowers.

This is true at least if the other party does not know that this is illusion.

Of course, it goes without saying that the full power of one side is attacking on which illusion, so Ma Yuan does not have to worry about being affected.

After all, illusion is a method that directly affects the human brain.

When Ma Yuan of the illusion approached the passing side, the passing side took a step back. He did not expect that he actually met a rival here.

And he is still a man who has not received super power development.

This has completely changed the three views that one side has. He doesn't know if he is still the strongest academy city.

Or maybe this man is the hidden strong man.

When Ma Yuan of the illusion punched a passing body, he took a step back, and the touch was like he was hit.

Have you lost yourself?

One side thought.

It was at this moment that really Ma Yuan started to act.

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