Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 6 Chapter 137: City Destruction

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Mixia Chloe Jiefu looked at Ma Yuan and Fierce Fiery. Although their attacks were indeed theoretically able to contend with her, Mihai Chloe Jiefu did not care about this.

It is better to sneer.

Micha Chloe Jeff is not afraid that the other party can compete with her in theory, even if the method of fighting can catch up with her, the use of spells will not be suppressed by herself.

Misha Chloe Jiefu is an angel, a natural fighting race.

Not to mention, after gaining the authority of God, Mikhail Chloe Jiefu can do more things that the two people in front of him did not expect.

For example now.

Mikhail Chloe Jiefu just stepped back a few steps, and after reading a few words in her mouth, an incredible magic array began to appear in the sky.

That's right, it's an incredible magic circle, even Ma Yuan was stunned, almost scared by the sight in front of him.

It was that some "lines" that suddenly emerged from Michel Chloe Jiefu's back flew into the sky, and then formed a magic circle.

To be precise, it is a huge magic circle.

Because under this huge magic circle, the whole city was covered.

Ma Yuan knew that this magic circle could not be as big as the whole world, but this magic circle at least enveloped the city and enveloped the sky.

Misha Chloe Jiefu's goal is to be the last knife night. Now that he is running away, Micha Chloe Jiefu can only use this extreme method to cover the entire city.

"This is... a technique enough to destroy a city..."

After seeing this spell, Divine Fiery Blaze was completely surprised.


Hearing the fierce fiery fire, Ma Yuan froze.

What is the other party thinking about, destroying the whole city? This is not a joke. If the entire city is destroyed, magic or angels will be announced directly?

Even the church cannot take responsibility for this matter.

"It's no use saying more."

Mihai Chloe Jiefu looked at Ma Yuan coldly and said so.

"Even if the entire city is destroyed, the angel must be prevented from falling."

Michel Chloe Jeff’s words represent her determination, and Ma’s principle is to prevent this from happening in another way.

"Don't be funny, if there is no God's command, angels can't just kill people casually?!"

Ma Yuan still had a little understanding of the doctrine of cross religion after coming into contact with these things, so he knew that angels could not do things, for example, they could not kill people casually.

It is also said in the Bible that angels were ordered by God to kneel in front of Adam, the son of man, and swear to allegiance or obey humanity.

So they can't kill people casually, only God can kill them.

"No problem."

Misha Chloe Jiefu was not shaken by Ma Yuan’s words, she was also a cold look, as described in the description, is a “war machine”.

"It's just additional damage. God didn't let me kill others or keep everyone except the caster. As long as it can prevent the angel from falling, this additional damage is acceptable. "

this point?

Ma Yuan suddenly looked dumbfounded. It turned out that in the eyes of angels, they were such a small existence. As long as they could prevent the angel's falling spell from continuing, as long as God's command could be completed, it was just a city, but it was just a district. Hundreds of thousands of lives, they just don’t care.

No, maybe not just hundreds of thousands of lives.

To know that life in the city is not just humans, they can’t just kill people but not other creatures.

This terrible made Ma Yuan shake involuntarily, he had never seen such a creature.


Even if the other party was a messenger of God, it had protected human beings as well. Ma Yuan looked at Misha Chloe Jiefu, and he could not forgive this creature.

Simply treat the life of a city as something that is not worth mentioning, is this what angels do?

Ma Yuan thought of this, he waved the knife in his hand and attacked Mixia Chloe Jeff directly in the air.

Mischa Chloe Jiefu blocked the attack. After all, her fighting power is much higher than that of Ma Yuan, who is human. It is not difficult to stop Ma Yuan's attack.

Unless, that attack came from Ma Yuan.

Ma Yuan is not a person who has never seen physical fitness or physical fitness, and his fighting skills are better than himself. He has long known how to defeat each other.

Ma had his own secret weapon.

That is illusion.

The Ma Yuan who just attacked Mikhail Chloe Jiefu was just his illusion, because he was too concerned about the scene before him, even the angel did not find out that he was not fighting against a real human being, but a simple one. Illusion only.

This point is only known to God.

When Ma Yuan gave Shen Lihuo a glance, Shen Lihuo guessed what Ma Yuan wanted to do, and followed Ma Yuan's heart and began to fight.

"how about this?"

Ma Yuan suddenly disappeared in front of Mikhail Chloe Jiefu, but appeared in a "dead corner" behind her again.

Ma Yuan, who fought the angels for the first time, had to figure out well. Mikhail Chloe Jeff’s weaknesses and ways of fighting, everyone is caused by weaknesses, even angels are no exception.


Mikhail Chloe Jiefu blocked the "dead corner" behind him in a way that ordinary people could not understand.

This was still Ma Yuan's expectation. What he needs to do now is to increase his illusion skills again and deceive the other party completely.

Just thinking about it, three Ma Yuan appeared in front of Mikhail Chloe Jiefu.

This time, Michael Chloe Jiefu found suspicious.

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