Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 6 Chapter 143: Fake dating

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Three weeks after returning to the academy city, it was almost time to go to school.

Ma Yuan felt incredible magic fluctuations in the academy city.

After all, there are two little girls in the magic world at home, so Ma Yuan's sensitivity to magic has risen a few steps.

If it does not rise, it will probably happen when Ji Shenqiu Sha persuaded Inticus to tell her to play with a few magic tricks, but did not discover this situation, and directly led to a greater disaster.

The fact that there are two bear children in the family is enough for the horse.

The magic wave just passed by, which made Ma Yuan not knowing what to do.

After all, magic is not something that can be clearly captured, but when Ma Yuan was about to give up, suddenly he felt something was approaching him quickly.

That thing is not murderous, and it doesn't look like it is going to attack itself. In addition, it is probably a pet or a child in the city. Ma Yuan did not directly attack the past, but he turned around.

That is, when he turned around, he was immediately knocked down by something.

It was a girl, not as tall as Ma Yuan's chest, and her hair was brown.

When Ma Yuan reacted on the ground and now he was a **** his body, he discovered that this girl was actually Misaka Misaka! .

That's right, Misaka Mitsuki, she rushed directly to Ma Yuan in a very rare pose.

Not only that, when Misaka lifted her head from Ma Yuan’s chest, her face flushed.

"Hello... don't ask why can you cooperate with me later?"

Misaka whispered softly.

what's the situation? !

Ma Yuan froze for a moment, but Ma Yuan immediately reacted to what is probably the situation. If a girl would make such a request, there is only one possibility? That is to find a familiar person and let him get rid of the idiot.

"Really~ Am I just a little late, do you want to go?"

Misaka Miqin suddenly began to spoil aloud.

To be honest, if it weren't for Ma Yuan who knew Misaka's character, simply looking at her coquettish voice, he would think this is a soft and soft girl.

But having said that, if someone is entangled with Misaka Miqin, according to Misaka Miqin's character, is it okay to just put a bilibili on it?

Unless that person is someone Misaka Misaka knows, and his reputation is quite high.

Sure enough, at the place where Misaka Misaka rushed over, there stood a handsome boy with a gentle look. He looked at Ma Yuan with a surprised expression, and then recovered his original expression.

"So it turns out that Misaka is waiting for someone?"

Men said so.

"Sorry, Haiyuan, I have an appointment with this person."

Misaka Misaki said while holding Ma Yuan's arm again.

Ma Yuan looked at the boy whom Misaka Misaka called "Haihara" and sighed. Sure enough, this type of person, even if he doesn't know him, is not a **** or a bad boy, Misaka Misaka can't directly send a radio wave to it.

"Since Miss Misaka said so, there is no way."

Instead, Haiyuan is a gentleman, which makes Ma Yuan wonder what Misaka Misaka is hiding from him.

"Hey, I think this man is okay, why not try to chat?"

After a distance, Ma Yuan asked.

"what the hell……"

Misaka Misaki gave Ma Yuan a glance.

"Do you think this little white face is my type?"

Misaka Misaka said.

Little white face?

Ma Yuan didn't expect Misaka Megumi to use this word to describe Haiyuan, but it was quite appropriate. Now for boys who are the same age as their, it should be said that boys who are younger than themselves and use honorifics are rare.

Ma Yuan thought Haiyuan was a rare creature.

"Okay, okay, I know."

Ma Yuan sighed, and didn't expect that this little gentleman's style is still so unpopular among girls. I really don't know what type of girls now like.

"And if there are only occasional encounters, there is no problem. In the last week, he will suddenly appear from various places and then invite him."

Misaka Misaka added another sentence.

"Hey hello, isn't this an idiot? Feeling troublesome?!"

Misaka's words left Ma Yuan with only one answer.

"That's not true. I haven't reached the point of being an idiot. If I were an idiot, I wouldn't ask you for help."

Misaka Miqin said proudly, but if you think about it, according to Misaka Miqin's character, if you are really an idiot, a direct electric shock will pass.

"Oh, I'll buy something for you~"

After arriving at the park, Mitsaka Misaka said so to express his gratitude.

"This is usually a boy..."

Originally, Ma originally wanted to refuse Misaka Miqin to sell things, and instead went to himself. After all, he was a boy. There is no reason for boys to ask girls to buy things.

However, Misaka refuted Ma Yuan instead.

"Really, if you refuse at this time, you will be too ignorant, after all, it's my matter to you."

Misaka Miqin said with a smile, and then ran to a nearby mobile car and lined up.

Looking at the Misaka Miqin like this, Ma Yuan was relieved. After all, only the Misaka Miqin like this is the Misaka Miqin he knew.

The cowardly look of the little girl before was a little scary.

"Mitsaka Mizuki is really an outspoken person."

At this time, when Misaka Misaka was away, Haiyuan walked to Ma Yuan's side, saying so.


Ma Yuan froze, wait? Why is Haiyuan here.

Obviously Misaka Misaka wanted to pretend to date with her. The boys who were rejected according to the normal situation would also leave with fun? What's going on here?

Is it really an idiot, followed him all the way?

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