Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 6 Chapter 149: Last summer vacation

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Time in the college city is always fast.

After removing those **** incidents, the days were still peaceful. This made Ma Yuan feel a student who had not felt for a long time...No, it was summer vacation time.

However, no matter how happy things always go, it seems to be a blink of an eye, and summer vacation will be the last day.

After this evening, it was August 31, the last day of the summer vacation, and I got the "classmates" who wanted to transfer to school in advance. I didn't know why. I ran to the place where Ma Yuan lived and said I hope Ma Yuan can celebrate with them.

Ma Yuan didn’t know anything to celebrate, but it passed for the time being, and of course he didn’t forget to bring Inticus and Ji Shenqiusha, saying that he was his sister and someone who lived in his own home, On the contrary, no one is suspicious.

After it was over, it happened to pass by another church. Because of the earlier reason, Inticus also proudly said that he wanted to go in and play, and also said that he should bring Ji Shenqiusha to educate him. Counted in the church.

Ma Yuan had no choice but to let them play for a while and go home first.

After all, Inticus is no longer a child, and with Ji Shenqiu Sha also together, is Ma Yuan worried that they will be lost. And the security of the academy city has not been bad recently.

While walking halfway, Ma Yuan suddenly felt a strange breath.

That's the kind of breath that only Misaka Miyaka has, but it is much weaker than Misaka Misaka.


Ma Yuan instantly remembered the incident that he was involved in before, sisters' plan.

Immediately, Ma Yuan denied this. Although the capacity of sisters is indeed smaller than that of Misaka Mitsuki, this energy is greater than that of sisters, but it is slightly different.

Ma Yuan didn't know how to describe it. Instead, he stood still and looked down.

It was when Ma Yuan thought, a young figure came out directly from one side and then hit Ma Yuan's leg.

It was a girl who seemed to have only the shape of loli, exuding a strange electrical body, very similar to Misaka Mitsuki, but a little different.

Probably what other electrical capabilities?

Ma Yuan thought so. After all, the size of the sisters is the same as Misaka Misaka, so this small loli is definitely not a sisters.

"What's wrong, have you lost your family?"

Ma Yuan squatted down and looked at the girl who was just reaching her waist and asked.

Ma Yuan noticed that the "clothes" on the girls were not actually clothes, just something like a shady cloth, and they were still very ragged, just enough to cover the girls head and body.

Where did you escape?

Ma Yuan thought so, if it was really like this, then it was another incident, such a thing as imprisoning a little loli, Ma Yuan could not tolerate.

"Is it Mr. Amano Mahara?" Misaka Misaka asked curiously."

Wait, this suffix?

Ma Yuanlen looked at it for a while. There seemed to be only one type of person using this suffix in his memory, and he had thought of a type of person just now.

But are there such small individuals in sisters?

"It's me... what's wrong?"

"It's great-Misaka Misaka said ecstatically."

As if to prove the little girl's "ecstatic" feeling, the emotion of the little loli's words became very excited.

Compared with sisters with emotional defects, there is always a different feeling.

All the suffixes of Sisters are caused by their emotional deficiencies. It is not uncommon for the lack of things to be described in words.

And this little loli does not lack anything, but it is still described in words,

"That... can I look at your face?"

Despite a little conjecture, Ma Yuan couldn't help but asked.

"What questions are you suddenly asking!"

After hearing Ma Yuan's request, Little Loli took a step back, and looked at Ma Yuan as a predator.

"Nothing else, just look at your face."

Ma Yuan reached out his hand, and when his hand touched Xiaoli's "hat", Xiaoli took a step back, fearing that Ma Yuan would directly lift the entire cloth on his body.

Of course, Ma Yuan is not so perverted, letting a little loli uncovered under the large crowd, he just wanted to see that face.

It was a face exactly like Misaka Misaka. It's just a lot laugher than Misaka Misaka, but it's like Misaka Misaka in elementary school.

Loli version of Misaka Miharu? This is pretty good.

On this little loli's head, there is this very cute dull hair, which is the blush on the cheeks, which just makes her more cute.

Ma Yuan was stunned. Such a cute girl is probably in the sisters system.

I just don’t know why it looks like a young girl. Is it something wrong with the system?

"It really scared me to death. I thought you would lift the whole cloth directly."

This little loli did not add the suffix as the sisters. It seems that the suffix is ​​just a unified habit, and it is not special for her.

"That one……"

"Do you want to ask me about it?-Misaka Misaka said very proudly."

Because he guessed what the other party wanted to ask, little loli raised his chest proudly.

"I am the 20001 sisters, Misaka Misaka called ‘The Last Work’~ I just came out of the laboratory today, please advise me-Misaka Misaka reached out and hoped that the other side would respond."

Seeing Misaka Misaka's outstretched hand, Ma Yuan shook it subconsciously, and then he realized what was wrong. Now that it was not time for self-introduction, he directly embraced Misaka Misaka and walked towards his home.

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