Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 6 Chapter 154: Strange man

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Hearing the topic about viruses, Ma Yuan quickly raised a question to the researchers.

"So... is it normal for Misaka Misaka to have a higher body temperature than ordinary people?"

Ma Yuan’s question is about what Misaka Misaka said before. His temperature is caused by the brain computing too fast. If Misaka Misaka’s brain fever is not because of computing power, but because of a virus, it’s another matter. .

It is very likely that Misaka Misaka is in a dangerous situation.

"Generally speaking, if not sick, the physiological structure of sisters is not much different from that of normal people. That is, the brain cells need to operate more content. But this is also within the normal range."

"And, if the virus is today, probably starting now, there will be some signs of the final work."

The researchers said that Ma Yuan had just reacted, and Misaka Misaka's mind was hot, not because she was sisters, but because of the virus.

This is troublesome...

Ma Yuan glanced at the time, and the researchers knew how much Ma Yuan was looking at and sighed.

"I'm still parsing the virus. If you can bring Misaka Misaka directly to this laboratory, that's fine."

The researchers said so.

"At least I can put her in a Petri dish first, and then after the virus analysis is finished, I can directly detoxify."

The researchers said that after Ma Yuan and Misaka looked at each other, they quickly left the institute.

After all, the researchers did not intend to give up Misaka Misaka. As the last work of sisters, in addition to the existence of towers as sisters, the existence of Misaka Misaka has another meaning.

She is the last crystallization of sisters.

In other words, the researchers know that only Misaka Misaka, this final work will not die because of the experiment, so she will put more effort into her, she is like a researcher's child.

Ma Yuan just saw some feelings about the doting of Misaka Misaka from the eyes of the researchers.

"What's gone?"

But what I didn't expect was that after Ma Yuan returned, he didn't see Misaka Misaka.

Instead, Indix and Ji Shenqiu told Ma Yuan that Misaka Misaka was no longer at home.

I saw two girls in Ma Yuan’s house, which made Misaka Miqin a little curious, but the most important thing is not how many girls there are in Ma Yuan’s family, but Misaka Misaka is not here at this time.

"Just now a man came and said he was a member of the institute and was responsible for the sisters' entire plan, and then took the little girl away.

When Inticus explained, it didn't seem like he didn't know the sisters plan at all. There is not even a question about what Misaka Misaka and Misaka Miqin look like.

It seems that Inticus found something, but she didn't say it.

From a long time ago, Ma Yuan knew that there was nothing he could hide from Inticus. If this little girl is logical thinking, she is no worse than anyone, plus the ability of a complete memory, It should be able to know a lot of content.

"Is that man looking like this?"

Misaka turned on her phone and gave Inticus a picture of a man.

That's a picture of Yaxiong Patio.

What the researchers said just now is the man who was kicked out of the laboratory because he was too mean.

Although there are no photos to circulate, because Misaka's own ability to control can directly go deeper into the Internet, the reason for digging out everything for one person, so she can directly enter the network from her mobile phone, and then find this Photo of man.

After all, it's not a secret, and you don't need more complete network facilities.


Ji Shen Qiu Sha didn't know what was happening, so she came and glanced at it, but it was this one that made her discover that the man she had just seen was the man in Misaka Misaka.


Ma Yuan touched the head of Ji Shen Qiu Sha and said that after knowing this, she quickly looked at each other with Misaka Miqin and walked out of the house.

At this time, it was not the case that these two little girls were involved.

"You should be able to connect with sisters?"

Ma Yuan asked Misaka Misaka.

After all, sisters are made with Misaka Mitsuki as the mother, although Misaka Mitsuki cannot be connected to the sisters' connection system. But Ma Yuan knew that Misaka Mitsuki could at least feel their connection system.

After all, the connection is mainly made with electromagnetic waves of the same frequency.

"Of course, but how do you distinguish the last of the sisters?"

Misaka looked at Ma Yuan and asked.

He can indeed sense any one of the sisters, but because it can feel any one of them, it is meaningless.

After all, in the whole academy city, there are many sisters.

And not only in the school city, but also in the sisters outside the school city, Misaka Misaka can also feel it.

So, what is the difference between Misaka Misaka and Misaka Mikan?


After Ma Yuan thought about it, he said to Misaka Misaka.

"The final work exists as a tower that coordinates all the sisters, that is to say, she is different from other sisters and is a special existence."

"You only need to sense the Misaka Misaka according to the method of finding other sisters. After all, Misaka Misaka is the same as other sisters, but if you can, mark all the sisters, and then construct an electromagnetic network, as the highest The network that released the season is Misaka Misaka."

While talking, Ma Yuan found a blank paper and drew a picture for Misaka Misaka.

Misaka looked at the picture drawn by Ma Yuan and sighed.

"You really found a problem for me."

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