Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 6 Chapter 157: Back road

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Now that it is determined that the electrode itself is not harmful to Misaka Misaka's physical condition, Misaka Miqin naturally wants to remove the electrode.

But Ma Yuan stopped it.

"This electrode should be dedicated to sisters. After all, you can directly connect sisters to the computer and start monitoring their physical condition."

What Mihara said, Misaka Mitsuki agreed very much.

"So, if you only measure your physical condition, there is no need to keep it plugged in."


Ma Yuan said.

"Now Misaka Misaka's situation is not optimistic, that is to say, her brain is connected to this instrument is the correct choice, after all, only know the Misaka Misaka's physical condition before proceeding to the next plan."

Ma Yuan said this, Misaka Miqin let go of his hand, and then Ma Yuan continued to talk to the researchers.

"Why, is Misaka Misaka's situation bad?"

Ma Yuan asked.

"It's not terrible, but it's not much better. The virus analysis is almost the same. Even if you want the result, you can get it in the early morning of September 1... But the only thing that worries me is that the situation of Misaka Misaka seems to be It won't last that time."

"What if I can't support it?"

"If you can’t support it, Misaka Misaka’s brain will run wild, and then start to send seasons to the sisters, and Misaka Misaka’s command is the highest command in the sisters’ brain, no one can maintain it, if you only control the sisters It’s still a little time as a military weapon. I’m afraid it’s a conspiracy of the hostile forces, so that the sisters will be in trouble directly in the academy city.”

Researchers are fairly reserved, and the word "hostile forces" is used directly, but from this word, Ma Yuan can roughly guess four or five organizations that will do so.

It seems that those who want to destroy the academy city have given Yai Ai a loyal organization, and some money or something.

That's why Yasuo Tian betrayed the research institute that he had been selling, and used his knowledge of sisters to do such things now.

"Now the equipment...can it be detoxified?"

Ma Yuan looked at the computer in his hand.

Since there is a computer, and Misaka Misaka's brain is a virus, then it should be possible to start anti-virus now.

Ma Yuan still remembers the computer expert he knew before, as long as there is anything that can be connected to the Internet, he can hack into any place, so he feels that even if there is only one computer, it can still be anti-virus.

"No, the situation of sisters is very complicated. It can only be disinfected in special Petri dishes with special learning equipment, and you don't have the material to parse the virus, do you?"

When the researchers asked, Ma Yuan was immediately forced...

Now it is nowhere near?

"I'll be there soon, with petri dishes and learning devices for sisters, but...if in case, I hope you can do one thing, Mr. Amano."

The researchers said that the atmosphere suddenly became dignified.

"...Do you want me to deal with Misaka Misaka?"

Ma Yuan asked quietly.

Misaka Miqin is still checking the situation of Misaka Misaka, and most of them have not heard Ma Yuan's words.

"Yes... if it is Misaka Misaka, there is probably no way to deal with sisters, so I can only ask you. It is better than the virus spreading out and the sisters starting to run away."

The researcher's words are correct. If there is really no way, it is the best choice to directly deal with Misaka Misaka, but it is also a situation that Ma Yuan least wants to choose. He has no way to start with this little loli.

"what happened?"

Misaka noticed that Ma Yuan's vision was a little wrong, so he asked.

"It's nothing. Take the Misaka Misaka out for breath."

As Ma Yuan spoke, he took Misaka Misaka out of the car and placed it outside, hoping that the air convection would reduce Misaka Misaka's temperature.

However, this has no effect. The temperature of Misaka Misaka has been rising continuously, even Ma Yuan does not know what to do.

After a while, some strange red warnings began to appear on the computer, and soon the warnings spread across the entire computer screen. It is as if a virus warning is being carried out.


Misaka Misaka, who has been very uncomfortable, suddenly spoke.

What she said immediately surprised Ma Yuan and Misaka Miqin.

After all, what she said is basically not a normal sentence.

"Misaka... Misaka Misaka Misaka Misaka Misaka Misaka Misaka Misaka Misaka Misaka Misaka Misaka Misaka Misaka Misasa Misaka Misaka Misaka Misaka Misaka Misaka Sakasaka Sakasaka Sakasaka Sakasaka Sakasaka Sakasaka"

The situation is not good, very bad.

Not to mention whether the virus can be parsed in time, that is, whether the little girl from the research institute can arrive in time is a problem.

And now...

If Ma Yuan is right, the virus of Misaka Misaka seems to be on the way.

Ma Yuan put his hand in his pocket, and there was a blade in it, just in case Ma Yuan would take it on his body. As for his Taiji, it was not brought out this time for the sake of convenience.

Even if they are clones, the sisters are still ordinary little girls, not to mention sisters like Misaka Misaka.

Just lightly cut the neck.

Ma Yuan thought so, after all, it was still a very convenient thing to deal with a small loli.

The only problem is that he couldn't stop watching Misaka Misaka.

"What the **** is going on? Has the virus hit?!"

At this time, Misaka found an anomaly and began to wonder if it was because of the virus intrusion.

And it was a sentence from Misaka Misaka that made Ma Yuan react, and he still seems to have a way to use it.

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