Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 6 Chapter 163: Different girls

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Misaka Misaka, as a member of the sisters, naturally also has the ability to power, but the ability level is probably not as high as Misaka Miqin.

Of course, of all the sisters, no one will have a higher level of superpower than Misaka Misaka.

Is it a different ability (lv3)?

After thinking for a while, Ma Yuan finally gave up thinking about this issue. After all, the ability to let people sneak into the school should not be too weak.


It was at this time that Stephane sold a cute piece to Feng Shuibinghua.

In an instant, let alone the wind slashing the ice, Ma Yuan is a little bit sprouted. This soft, cute creature, no one has resistance to it, let alone the wind slashing the ice. A girl like Hua.

"Speaking of it, your family gave you this name, should you want to be a tough girl?"

At this opportunity, Ma Yuan began to ask the question to the wind, and wanted to start a discussion.

After all, because Inticus "this is my friend", Ma Yuan and Feng Shuangbinghua met. If you don't find a topic, the whole atmosphere will become a bit awkward.

"So cute~"

However, Stephen's attractiveness is much stronger than Ma Yuan's, and he immediately embraced Stephen in the arms.

When Feng Shuibing hugged Stephen in his arms, Ma Yuan discovered that Feng Shuangbinghua's chest was really big. Even Ji Shenqiusha could only be ashamed?

Stephane chopped Binghua's chest in the wind, but had the same feeling of suffocating. Ma Yuan did not know whether to say sympathy or envy of the cat. I just wish I could become Stephen.

"Ma Yuan...Where are you looking?"

I found Inticus, whose sight was wrong, and shouted Ma Yuan's name uncomfortably.

"I'm watching Stephen."

Fortunately, Stephen and Binghua were together, so it became an excuse for Ma Yuan.

Of course, Inticus was not stupid enough to believe such an excuse. She looked at Ma Yuan with her teeth, and seemed to bite at any time.

But it was still Stephenk who finally eased the crisis, because after a while Stephenk was about to escape from Feng Shuibing, he ran out of Feng Shuibing's arms and then ran into Ma Yuan's arms.

Ma Yuan, who had almost never embraced Stephen, this time embraced Stephen.

"what happened?"

Inticus looked at Stephen, somewhat surprised. Stephen is not a person who is afraid of people, but this time it is a bit like a feeling of escape, and Feng Shuibing did not do anything special.

"Animals are more sensitive than humans."

Misaka Misaka said while drinking his own drink.

"Yes... animals will find things that humans can't normally find, so I probably found out what makes me different."

Feng Jianbing said with a smile.


Ma Yuan carefully looked at the wind and cut the ice, and did not find anything special. If you want to say something different, it might be something like "the real thing does not match the name".


It was at this time that a classmate who appeared suddenly interrupted the whole atmosphere.

Because I was temporarily transferred to my own class, but there are few people I know, but the male student in front of me has a different kind of enthusiasm, and soon became familiar with Ma Yuan. .

Or it is forced to be familiar with Ma Yuan.

Originally, Ma Yuan didn't really want to be too high-profile, so he followed the boy's words and said something, but made the other party mistakenly think that they were friends. Ma Yuan could only close one eye, After all, the man he licked himself had to finish his kneeling.

"Eh-I didn't expect Ma Yuan's popularity to be so high, does it exude any ATM force field that attracts the opposite sex? No matter what type of opposite **** is there~"

What the male student said, Ma Yuan didn't know how to answer, but Misaka Misaka couldn't understand it, but Inticus, it should be ignored directly.

As for the wind chopping ice-

Ma Yuan looked towards Feng Shuibing Binghua, and wanted to comfort this girl and tell her that her classmates were not malicious, and did not expect Feng Shuibing Binghua to disappear.

The person who was here just now suddenly didn't see this, like a horror story.

But what Ma Yuan cared about most was that he was not weak enough that a person suddenly disappeared or slipped away without discovering.

"It's gone."

Misaka Misaka said, swaying his legs again while drinking his own drink.

"Disappear... what disappears..."

At this time, the male student who just came to say hello to Ma Yuan also looked at him. He looked at the table. It seemed that there were indeed three girls, but the kung fu talking with Ma Yuan seemed to disappear in an instant. One.

Yes, it disappeared.

Not gone, but disappeared.

"Hello... do you know what?"

Ma Yuan looked at Misaka Misaka, Misaka Misaka said before, animals feel more sensitive than humans, that is to say Misaka Misaka actually knows what things look like.

"The big sister just disappeared."

Misaka Misaka repeated his words again.

At this time, Ma Yuan felt a little vaguely. Feng Shuibing said that he was different from other human beings. After all, this will suddenly disappear, it is indeed different.

However, Ma Yuan's intuition told Ma Yuan that it should have a deeper reason.

As for the male student who came to talk, he was already scared and stupid. Ma Yuan was only able to compose a little reason. By the way, he blamed Misaka Misaka for not talking about such scary local words and mischief. Let the male student feel relieved. .

But Ma Yuan's heart was more concerned about the girl Fengfeng Binghua.

How can the other party do it, suddenly disappearing out of thin air when he doesn't pay attention?

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