Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 6 Chapter 171: Not human

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Hearing what Yueyong Xiaomeng said, Ma Yuanzhong didn't know what to say.

I am really busy here, but Ji Shenqiu Sha is not the type who will find myself for no reason, so Ma Yuan still wants Yue Yong Xiaomeng to make a short story.

"It's about wind and ice."

Yueyong Xiaomeng said so, Ma Yuan had no way to let Yueyong Xiaomeng make a long story short.

My own thing here is related to the wind chopping Binghua. It would be great if Ji Shen Qiu Sha could get more favorable information.

"Ji Shen Qiusha went to investigate, and the matter about the wind chopping the ice... does not seem to be as simple as it seems. No matter which camera is found, the existence of this person is not found, but there is evidence of witness."

Yue Yong Xiaomeng said this, but Ma Yuan felt a bit like a horror movie.

"What do you mean by not being recorded by the camera anywhere?"

Ma Yuan cares more about this.

"You know this is the academy city. Although you don't have any superpowers, this is a city composed of superpowers."

"No matter what the superpowers of any ability, they will unconsciously begin to release an ATM force field. This ATM force field may not be special at first, but if all superpowers in the academy city What happens when the ATM force field is combined, have you ever thought about it?"

"In the final analysis, the only question at the beginning is what are the factors that make up human beings. If all the factors that can make up a human being, such as oxygen, carbon dioxide, etc., are brought together, it constitutes a human appearance. Although she doesn’t exist in essence, she still exists here, doesn’t she?”

Yue Yong Xiaomeng said many seemingly esoteric words in one breath, but Ma Yuan was only able to understand one of the meanings.

That is, the wind is not human.

Not the ordinary meaning of "not an ordinary person" or "is a monster".

Feng Shui Binghua didn't know how this happened, because after seeing the thing in her body, Feng Shui Binghua was also shocked.

"That means..."

Yue Yong Xiaomeng has too much information, Ma Yuan needs to sort it out.

"It's an ATM force field! The ATM force fields of superpowers are brought together to form the illusion of human being "Wind Slashing Ice Flower", so there is only evidence of sighting, and it has not been photographed by any camera."

Yue Yong Xiaomeng once again briefly talked about the situation.

The reason why Feng Shuibing's "formality is unknown" is also very clear.

Feng Shui Binghua itself is not a human being, which is why she is unidentified.

She was just a physical phenomenon that appeared in front of Ma Yuan. It was just that this physical phenomenon did not know that she was not a human at the beginning. She thought she was no different from ordinary people.

However, what Ma Yuan didn’t quite know was why Yueyong Xiaomeng had to call himself to tell him this?

"That means the other person is not human."

After Ma Yuan froze for a while, he replied Yue Yong Xiaomeng.

"So what? It's just that it's not just humans. In my opinion, she is also a crying girl!"

No matter how many complicated things, whether Feng Shui Binghua is a physical phenomenon or a real human being, for Ma Yuan, it is enough that Feng Shui Binghua is a crying girl.

Enough Mahara to help him, enough Mayuan to find her whereabouts.

"This is a good boy."

Yue Yong Xiaomeng answered Ma Yuan with a smile, and then hung up the phone.

For Yueyong Xiaomeng, all her reasons are simply because her lovely student asked her to call Ma Yuan to tell about this.

If there is any reason to say, then it is probably simply because Yue Yong Xiaomeng feels that if she does not tell Ma Yuan, then Ma Yuan will have no way to deal with anything if she encounters something.

It's just that Yueyong Xiaomeng's phone call was too late, so that Ma Yuan had already encountered the situation that Yueyong Xiaomeng felt that she would encounter, and passed the time of "shock". Now for him, the really important thing is that he must find the wind to cut the ice.

But knowing what happened to Feng Shui Binghua, Ma Yuan felt a lot more comfortable.

Of course, Ma Yuan also has a feeling that the whole thing is not that simple. The imaginary mathematics area and the five-element institution must have a more profound meaning.


Soon Ma Yuan felt the ground shaking, probably because Shirley Cromwell was using Alice in battle.

After all, it is a devil made of mud. Every action is like the earth is shaken by people.

This kind of shock let Ma Yuan know the location of Shirley Cromwell in an instant. Although it was said that the wind was not found, it was also a good choice to find Shirley Cromwell. After all, it was Shirley Cromwell who wanted to attack the wind.

Ma Yuan’s goal is to protect the wind from chopping ice, so as long as Shirley Cromwell can be prevented, the wind chopping ice can be protected. This is to allow Ma Yuan to fly in the direction of the earthquake immediately past.

Soon after, Ma Yuan saw Alice made by Shirley Cromwell, and was walking towards a force in front.

That's the security team!

After Ma Yuan walked two steps forward, he suddenly found the girl he was looking for, the girl who could only be regarded as a physical phenomenon in the strict sense-the wind cuts the ice, and it is right in the middle of the guard.

I still don't know what happened, and there is no way to accept the natural stupidity of everything I encountered. At this time, I was looking at Alice in front of me, and I was at a loss.

Shirley Cromwell waved the pen in her hand, controlling Alice to attack the wind and cut the ice.

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