Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 6 Chapter 179: collapse

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Seeing Inticus say this, Ma Yuan turned to look at her. After all, when Inticus said these words, Ma Yuan knew the determination of Inticus, he couldn’t help it. The girl's cold water, so she just looked at Inticus and then asked what she should do.

"This process is irreversible, but..."

Inticus looked at the puppet and hugged the railing next to it.

"You have to wait for him to reply. The real weakness after recovery, even if I don't say Ma Yuan, I know it. The weakness of this devil is on its head."

That's right, on the head.

I tried it once before, but I also found that on the head of this devil, there is a head that is very similar to humans, and among its round eyes, only the eyes are red.

Like a ruby, it can even shine.

That place was part of the devil, most likely the place where Shirley Cromwell’s companion, Alice’s soul, lived.

After all, Shirley Cromwell made a magic doll based on her best friend.

"Binghua, have you heard?"

Ma Yuan directly called Feng Shuangbing Binghua's name. Feng Shuangbing Huaren froze for a moment and nodded. Inticus' voice was not small, she still heard it.

It's just that Feng Shuibing didn't even notice it. It turned out Inticus wanted to help too. She was a little frustrated and looked at Alice.

Ma Yuan is a special person, he will not have other ideas about himself because he is not a human, but Inticus is different. Inticus is probably just because the crisis must be resolved in front of his eyes, so he has not paid attention to it at all. To the point that you are not human.

By the time the devil has been dealt with, it is probably Inticus who will directly abandon himself to death.

It was only a moment of frustration. Without anyone discovering it, Feng Shuibing returned to her original state. She stared at the stone statue, waiting for its subsequent actions.

After making up for the hole in her body, Alice directly punched Ma Yuan and Fengfeng Binghua and beat him.

Feng Shuibing did not know what Ma Yuan was going to do, but no matter what Ma Yuan was going to do, the time for this punch was still urgently needed.

So Feng Jianbinghua stepped forward and blocked the punch with both hands.

Even if it is because of the humanoid physical phenomenon created by the ATM force field, all the settings of Feng Shui Binghua are still indistinguishable from human beings. The blow of the stone statue is too much for the hands of a delicate girl Heavy.

But... Feng Shui Binghua concentrated all his attention on his hands.

After confirming that he is a monster and knowing his identity, Feng Shui Binghua still has some control over his physical recovery ability.

Only by concentrating on energy, the recovery effort has far caught up with the destruction of the stone statue. After a while, Feng Jianbinghua restrained the stone statue's blow.

"Whatever you want to do! This is the best opportunity!"

Feng Jianbing screamed at Ma Yuan.

Ma Yuan knew that he quickly controlled his illusion incarnation and directly attacked Alice. Although the behavior of Feng Cingbinghua was nothing more than an act for him, but since the other party has made up his mind, he will not Being able to just waste the determination of the other side.

Ma Yuan's illusion is that even physical phenomena can't distinguish its true and false existence, let alone Alice.

Realizing that there were more and more dangerous existences near her, Alice quickly hurled herself back into the wind and cut her hands.

Then immediately attacked Ma Yuan's illusion.

Although it is an illusion, for Ma Yuan, this is also an incarnation of himself, but the three illusions are easy to reach almost the same level as Ma Yuan.

Sure enough, when Alice hit her fist against Illusion A—because there were three of them, let’s use ABC to distinguish it—Phantom A jumped up directly, evaded Alice’s attack, and stepped on In Alice's hands, he marched towards his head.

As a self-manipulating devil, Alice has enough IQ to know that her head is her weakness, and it is impossible for Ma Yuan to destroy it.

So he waved his fist, shaking his body, so that Illusion A could not stand on him.

Illusion B immediately grabbed the gap, ready to attack from his back.

The Tai knife was cut directly on Alice. The only regret is that this Tai knife was an illusion after all. It was not as powerful as it was. It was directly stuck in Alice’s hand. Alice was just a shot. , Directly illusion B onto the ground.

"Ma Yuan! Don't use illusion!"

At this time Inticus suddenly shouted at Ma Yuan.

After hearing Inticus's words, Ma Yuan froze for a moment. Illusion was the method he was most good at, but now it seemed a bit wrong not to let himself use it.

"I also think... using illusion... as if it were so called, after using that, Ma Yuan your attack becomes strange."

Feng Shuibing also added.

Since Feng Shuangbinghua said so, Ma Yuan didn't know where he was strange, but since both of them said that, Ma Yuan collected the illusion.

"Magic! Ma Yuan, you pay attention to the magic circuit, you should be able to see it!"

Inticus shouted at Ma Yuan.

After all, Ma Yuan is considered to have studied magic. In this world where science and magic are intertwined, Ma Yuan cannot understand the knowledge of magic at all.

After hearing Inticus say this, Ma Yuan looked at the puppet again, and then he immediately knew why Inticus and Fengshen Binghua would not allow him to use illusion.

Because he neglected something that he had always been able to see, illusion disturbed not only the other person's brain.

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