Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 7 Chapter 3: Ma Yuan's hesitation

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In general, Ma Yuan still has a lot to gain, at least he knows that the story has not started, and can save a lot of regrets when he was watching this story, such as the little girl named Ryoko.

According to the story, Dong Xiang will lose his father in the near future, but Ma Yuan didn't know where Dong Xiang's father went, was he arrested, or died? Ma Yuan didn't know, but he knew that Dong Xiang, who had lost his father, was extremely painful. Should he stop this from happening?

But if he stopped, the story could not start.

All of a sudden, Ma Yuan fell into a dilemma.

It stands to reason that Ma Yuan should not intervene in the development of the story. It was just that when watching the story, Dong Xiang in the story was honest, cute, but pitiful, and Ma Yuan was the least to such people, especially girls. Resistance, so he wanted to change Dong Xiang's fate. ,

However, Dong Xiang is not an insignificant person in this kind of world. On the contrary, she is the protagonist and her fate trajectory changes. Then the story is likely to develop in an unpredictable direction. By then, his advantage will not be. Too.

But for Ma Yuan, whether he knows the plot or not, there is no difference for him now. He believes in his ability, and he believes that even if he does not know the plot, he can surpass the family here.

It is not that Ma Yuan is arrogant, but that he has such capital.

But he can't take risks, he doesn't know the consequences of changing the whole story, so he can only make changes in some small places-without affecting the development of the overall situation.

Now that a decision has been made, things are much easier to handle.

So now, what are you doing?

Ma Yuan thought of one of the most important problems in the world-food.

The most fundamental reason why humans and other species cannot get along peacefully is that each species uses human flesh as food and can only eat human flesh and coffee.

If there is a kind of food that can overcome this difficulty, the contradiction between humans and other species will be largely eliminated, except for those species that maliciously consume humans, such as binge eaters and foodies.

In fact, most of the species are hoping to live in peace with humans, so they only eat the dead humans, but some other malicious species, maliciously eating humans who are still alive, causing humans to panic about the species, so there will be Only CCG will have a search officer, and there will be a war between humans and other species.

Unconsciously, Ma Yuan had come to a restaurant, only to find that he was already hungry, embarrassingly, he had no money.

This trip was a bit unreliable, first fell from high altitude, then encountered a bunch of non-eye-catching species, and now, hungry and have no money to eat-if there is the most unlucky award, the winner must be him !

Is it necessary for him to steal? Still grab it?

"Sir, can I invite you to dinner?"

A gentle voice suddenly reached his ears, Ma Yuan looked down subconsciously, but saw a young man pulling a little boy and smiling at him. The little boy's face was not malicious, and he grunted: "Say done I have to wait for my sister!"

The man smiled apologetically at Ma Yuan, and squatted down to coax the boy: "Xuandu, this uncle may not have any money. We just saw it. If we can help, we will help. Do you know how you will meet in the future? "

Xuandu nodded his head, his purple hair flicked up, and it looked like a Zhengtai.

And Ma Yuan is still in shock. He heard right, Xuandu? Isn’t it Dongwu’s brother Kirishima Xuandu?

What a coincidence? He saw Dong Xiang not long ago?

Is it really destined in the midst?

"Sir?" Kirishima reached out and shook his hand before Ma Yuan's eyes. When he saw him, he picked up Huandu and said to Ma Yuan: "Please come with me, please."

Ma Yuan touched his nose, then he was welcome.

As expected by Ma Yuan, Kirishima just paid him for the meal and said goodbye to him: "Mr. Chen, I have to pick up my daughter. I hope Mr. enjoy this dinner."

Ma Yuan didn't know that when Kirishima had just left this door, he would never see his daughter and son again, saying goodbye to this bustling city.

It had been a long time before Ma Yuan finally felt the time was right to prevent this from happening.

Therefore, some things are not known in advance and can be prevented if you want to stop them. This is of course a later story, not to mention for the time being.

Let's say that Ma Yuan is totally unaware that the story has begun to develop at this time, and is dealing with the food in the plate wholeheartedly.

"This restaurant is not bad." When he walked out of the restaurant, Ma Yuan deliberately wrote down the name of the restaurant. Then there was the problem of the residence. Before he could come up with a way, he suddenly smelled a **** smell in the air.

"What happened?" Ma Yuan asked the passerby beside him.

It was an old lady. The old lady looked at Ma Yuan, and then looked forward. For a long time, she said: "I just came to a pair of investigators. I heard it was Wu Xu, the real household..."

Before the words were finished, I saw Ma Yuan's shells rushing forward. In a trance, the old woman only saw Ma Yuan's anxious eyes.

Originally, he thought that since he couldn't stop things from happening, at least let this thing happen later, but before he was ready for psychological preparation, CCG was already here!

Moreover, Wu Xu, the real family, came to Kirishima with a lot of evil.

When Ma Yuan arrived, the two sides were facing each other, and Kirishima was clearly at a disadvantage!

Fang Cai still smiled at the gentle man, but at the moment he was covered in blood. Ma Yuan couldn't accept this contrast. He was shocked to see that a search officer had rushed up, and the goal was to protect Kirishima in his arms.

Xuandu's originally bright eyes were full of horror. He held his father's neck tightly and did not want to let go, for fear that as soon as he let go, his father would disappear.

A touch of anger surged in Ma Yuan's heart. He flew forward and raised his hand. The inspector's weapon shattered into powder. Ma Yuanhu stood in front of Kirishima and looked at the inspector headed by the real household Wu Xu. Hold tight and be ready to give the opponent a fatal blow at any time.

"Mr. Chen, please don't owe sin to me." At this moment, Kirishima was the gentle man again. "Please save Xuandu and his sister Dong Xiang."

Ma Yuan looked sideways at him, and instantly understood that this was just to relieve himself. In fact, he was not sure that he could save him. Suddenly something called moving touched Ma Yuan's chest. Such a consideration for others anytime, anywhere Man, why is CCG staring at him?

"You can rest assured that no one can hurt you again as long as I want!"

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