Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 7 Chapter 8: I only have you

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Ma Yuan's relationship network is gradually developing, and life is still proceeding in an orderly manner.

Xuan Du annoys her sister again. Dong Xiang didn't talk to Xuan for two days this time, and Xuan Du looked very proud, but she had to knock on Ma Yuan's door every night. The injured Ma Yuan didn't dare to sleep too much in the middle of the night.

Just when Ma Yuan thought that such a day would continue for a long time, Xuan didn't notify anyone to leave.

The first thing to discover that he was missing was Dong Xiang. Although Dong Xiang was angry with him, Xuandu was her brother in the end, and she always paid attention to Xuandu.

As usual, Xuan quarreled with her, and the door was locked from the inside. On this day, Dong Xiang turned his door handle as usual, but found that the door was unlocked. When he went in and looked, the room was clean and clean— This shows that no one had slept the night before.

Dong Xiang panicked. In the past, the two of them were arguing no more fiercely. Neither will Xuan never return overnight, but now Xuan are gone.

Dong Xiang hurriedly called Mr. Ma Yuan and Mr. Fangcun, neither of them saw Xuandu. Dong Xiang really believed that Xuandu had left and left, and would not accompany her in the future.

Dong Xiang, who has always been strong, could not help crying, and no one could accept the cruel fact that he lost his father and his brother in a short time.

"Look, Xuandu has left a note!" Ma Yuan found out sharply. According to his knowledge of Xuandu, he would not go silently like this, leaving everyone worried for him, so he went back and carefully checked the room. , Sure enough, let him find this note at the foot of the sofa [Don’t ask me why it is a sofa foot].

"Sister, Uncle Ma Yuan, Mr. Store Manager:

"Thank you for your care during this time. I'm gone. I want to leave this depressed place and go to my own world. You don't need to find me.

"Uncle Ma Yuan, please remember our agreement, I will also obey!

"Fangcun store manager, thank you for your care, I hope you can forgive me for the inconvenience caused by my departure.

"The other is my sister. I’m sorry these days, I didn’t mean to make you angry, but the way we live is different. I treat humans as food, but you treat humans as friends. We are not a class of people, so we still Separate!"

After reading the note, Dong Xiang did not say a word for three days. Mr. Fangcun has sent someone out to look for it, but after three days there is no news, and gradually he will give up. The principle of Ma is to wait for Dong Xiang to calm himself down. He understands that with Dong Xiang's character and painstaking efforts to comfort, the effect is just the opposite of what he wants.

So Ma Yuan didn't care about Dong Xiang, he was just waiting, waiting for Dong Xiang to reach a critical point, so as to be Dong Xiang's vent object, let her vent all her grievances, as long as the vent came out, just fine.

But it has been three days, which is somewhat beyond Ma Yuan's expectations. He is a little worried. In this way, he has not received the news of Xuandu, and Dong Xiang was overwhelmed by the news that he was scared to leave.

Fortunately, things often have a turnaround, and this turnaround appears on the third night.

This is the news that Ma Yuan is worried about Xuandu, because according to what he said to Ma Yuan before, within three days of leaving, he will certainly find a way to get in touch with Ma Yuan, which is only two hours from three days. Can you really wait?

During these three days, Ma Yuan stared at the sky every night. Xuan told him that he would light a separate firework to prove his safety, but Ma Yuan didn't see it the previous two days.

If you can’t see it tonight, Ma Yuan intends to find him. Ma Yuan believes that with his ability, Ma Yuan can find him the first time no matter where he goes, and he also knows that Xuandu has everything Life trajectory, so he dared to go away with confidence.

At this moment, a splendid firework suddenly rose in the sky, almost instantaneously, and there was no follow-up, Ma Yuan was surprised-this is Huandu!

Ma Yuan can finally rest assured that no matter what Xuan will do in the future, at least his first step is well. Ma Yuan smiled at the night sky and could finally get a good night's sleep!

And at this time, Dong Xiang was standing at the door, enjoying the same fireworks as Ma Yuan. She was still hesitating, whether she should find Uncle Ma Yuan or not. After seeing this bunch of fireworks, Dong Xiang nodded to herself-no matter what , Uncle Ma Yuan will never hurt her.

"Buckle!!" Ma Yuan's door was knocked.

Before opening the door, Ma Yuan was still guessing, so late, who would find him?

"Dong Xiang?"

"Uncle Ma Yuan, I only have you!" As soon as the door opened, Dong Xiang rushed to grab Ma Yuan's clothes, his face buried in Ma Yuan's chest, and he didn't want Ma Yuan to see his expression.

But how could Ma Yuan not feel the wetness on his chest? He smiled deliberately and reached out to touch Dong Xiang's head, saying: "No, Mr. Kirishima and Xuan are both here, you have to believe them!"

"En En!!" Dong Xiang focused on her head and hugged Ma Yuan tighter, as if she let go of her, and Ma Yuan would disappear.

Ma Yuan stopped talking, just holding things like this, enjoying the night quietly.

The night at this time is like Ma Yuan's mood, peaceful, calm and full of joy.

Xuandu was gone, Dong Xiang also calmed down, Ma Yuan finally laid back and started to do his own thing.

, Food is a problem for all kinds, so Ma Yuan must not wake up alone, so he first found Mr. Fangcun, hoping to get his help.

"Mr. Fangcun, do you think this plan is feasible?" After Ma Yuan finished speaking, he looked sideways at Mr. Fangcun but hesitated to see Mr. Fangcun. "Have you all tried it?"

Mr. Fangcun nodded: "Do not hide Mr. Ma Yuan. At first, we didn't believe that we could only eat human flesh. We also tried various methods, but... none of them succeeded..."

The atmosphere became a little heavy for a while. It turned out that there was no such thing as wanting to get rid of this identity, but there was no success.

"What about mixed food?" Ma Yuan's brain suddenly flashed, "Mix two, three or more foods together, maybe this problem can be solved!"

According to his previous thinking, he just wanted to replace human flesh with a kind of food. He didn't expect to mix it with other times to replace it, so this is a new way of thinking. ,

Sure enough, Mr. Fangcun's eyes brightened: "Maybe! We haven't tried it! Maybe it can really succeed!"

The two began to discuss at the moment, but after all, the discussion was on paper, and they could not come up with a real and feasible method. The two agreed that the horse should be responsible for collecting the ingredients, and the stable area headed by Mr. Fangcun should be the experiment.

After all, a person's collection of a large amount of ingredients in a short time will attract official attention, and this is a taboo for when it comes.

But Ma Yuan is different. Although Ma Yuan is not a human being, he is not a kind of species. Even if he gets attention, it won't cause most unnecessary troubles.

In addition to collecting ingredients, Ma Yuan often goes to unmanned places to determine whether his skill has declined, but Ma Yuan’s fears are superfluous. After he became a Saiyan and his skills have become great, his skills have not declined again!

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