Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 7 Chapter 15: Recognize Ma Yuan as the eldest brother

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Xuan Du smiled, and was grateful to Ma Yuan. If Ma Yuan arrived in time, he would be really dead.

But his little friends didn't think so. Ma Yuan was like a god. He fell from the sky and rescued them from embarrassment. They now worship Ma Yuan in addition to worship.

"Uncle, you are so powerful that you defeated them without using Hezi! Can we see what your Hezi is?" These people and Xuan have been born and died these days, and Ma Yuan's uncle is naturally theirs. uncle.

"I'm not a seed, can't you see it?" Ma Yuan smiled and healed several people's injuries.

They only saw Ma Yuan moving, and then all their wounds were gone. The worship of Ma Yuan in their hearts has reached an incomparable level. When they heard Ma Yuan saying that he was not a seed, they were even more surprised and went carefully. Look, I found out what Ma Yuan said was true, and exclaimed: "It's really not a kind! How can it be?! Not a kind can be so powerful, and no weapons are used!"

"Of course, this is my uncle!" Xuan Jou don't need to be too happy, just before the despair that enveloped them is long gone.

"It's your uncle, and of course our uncle! Are you right? Uncle?" These are only half-old children. Seeing Ma Yuan is like looking at their idols. They are carefully consulting Ma Yuan himself.

"Yeah, you are all brothers who have been born and died. For me, you are already the same as Xuan." Of course, Ma Yuan was happy to see Xuan Du and his brothers, and of course followed their words.

"My name is Guanyu! Uncle, you have to remember Ha!" a child who looked not much bigger than Xuan shouted, with a beaming smile on his face, and Liang Jingjing's eyes were all Ma Yuan.

Ma Yuan was a little embarrassed by him and nodded, "Well, I remember, Xiao Guanyu. What about you?"

"I am holding a cup!" This is a tall boy. Ma Yuan noticed that this was the child who had just shouted with his uncle, who had his chest as high.

"My name is Zhao Yun!" This is the oldest child, smiling happily, but looking very comfortable.

"I am Zhang Fei!" The last boy looks best with Xuan Du, and the two people look similar.

[If there is any coincidence in the above names... Well, it is not an accident. Don’t spray me, I’m incompetent.]

Ma Yuan looked at them with a smile, raised his hand to remove the mask on his face, and accidentally saw the body of their companion, saying: "He... Do you want to deal with it?"

In this way, the atmosphere was dull again.

"He just died just to block me from the other party's attack, I..." It was Guan Yu who was talking, he looked very blamed, and the bun had a sad face.

"Guan Yu, don't be sad, he is usually not good to you, but he didn't think of it..." The comforting thing is to stay in the cup. Intuitively, Ma Yuan didn't like this child at all. It is estimated that because of his thoughts, they can be safe all the way? |

From a few words, Ma Yuan can deduce that the deceased dear is not very good. It is estimated that it will be a death sooner or later. Now that he is dead, Guan Yu is also saved. It is probably his best way to die. Right?

Are they all arranged?

Ma Yuan unconsciously reached out to touch Guan Yu's soft hair and comforted: "Don't be sad, if he didn't want to save you, it is estimated that you all died together, so the loss is the smallest for you, you should join him The hard work."

It seems that these couples did not intend to collect corpses for their companions. Of course, they were also incapable. Ma Yuan lightly pressed the body, and the body turned into ashes. The strange thing is that they did not see the flame.

Ma Yuan didn't know where to take a jar, put the ashes into Guanyu, and said, "It's much easier now, I can only help you get here, and the rest, you throw him Well, just bury him, it’s up to you."

The remaining few people have no objections, this is the best solution.

Guan Yu carefully collected his companion's ashes and said, "When we get to the next place, I will find a place to bury him and let him enjoy the life after death quietly."

"Well, good, Guanyu is doing well, Xuandu, you know, don't leave your companion at any time, because the companion is your biggest backing!" Ma Yuan took the opportunity to teach Xuandu.

Xuandu nodded and said, "I remember, uncle, are you going with us?"

The other children also put away their sadness and stared at Ma Yuan together, almost shouting "Uncle go with us" without dancing.

"Of course not, but if you are in danger, I will come to rescue you." Ma Yuan turned his head, joking, if there was a chaos with them, how much panic in this world?

"Oh--" Several people turned their heads in disappointment, especially Guan Yu, who could hang the oiler with a small mouth raised.

"Should we worship uncle as our elder brother?" Suddenly, I don't know who proposed it, and everyone immediately recognized it, except Ma Yuan, who was crying and laughing.

Uncle is the eldest brother, why is this wrong?

But they are all children, where can they manage so much? And the children are all activists, and they immediately do whatever they think of in their heads.

I saw a few children bowing at Ma Yuan, and said in unison: "Uncle and Uncle are worshipped by us! From now on, you are our big brother!"

Uncle Brother...

"It's done, since you worship me and be the eldest brother, just follow Xuandu to call my uncle, you are in trouble, I will come over as soon as I know, but next time don't stay in the all-metal room again, I I can't find you." Ma Yuan couldn't help but a few children, not to mention that these little brothers had no effect on Ma Yuan at all, mainly for Xuan Du to receive some respect.

In this way, Ma Yuan was confused with a few more younger brothers. Several younger brothers waved reluctantly with Ma Yuan. It is now too late. Ma Yuan must go back to the stable area...

When he thought of the Anding District, Ma Yuan thought of a young man who was more difficult to fight than his opponent. He sighed, but had to rush back quickly.

After all, he had seen the power of crying, and he was afraid that the entire stable area would be disturbed.

What's the matter, how can I feel that I'm a babysitter?

Ma Yuan promised to make a few teleportation back to the stable area, I hope he is lucky!

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