Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 7 Chapter 26: Good mood ruined

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But things are often unsuccessful, no matter how much Dong Xiang likes this lively tranquility, there are always people who want to destroy it.

"They!" Ma Yuan was about to take Dong Xiang down the mountain, and suddenly saw a few people who did not behave properly also entered Sakura Town.

Ma Yuan, who wanted to walk slowly with Dong Xiang, changed her mind instantly, held Dong Xiang firmly, and appeared in Sakura Town next moment.

"What's wrong?" Asked by frowning, Ma Yuan was also nervous.

"Miss Ryoko, they may be in danger." Ma Yuan kept walking, and quickly walked to the place where Ms. Ryoko and the chick were, "I saw the search officer!"

If he is not mistaken, it is the search officer, although not one of the seven top grades, but has been able to prove that CCG is really killing the doctor and Miss Ryoko.

"Where are they?" Upon hearing this, Dong Xiang was really anxious. In her view, the search officer is very abhorrent.

Ma Yuan did not speak, because he had already seen the young, and asked, "Young, what about your parents?"

The young man cried out, "Wow--", and cried and said: "My father and mother don't want me anymore, tell me to find Uncle Ma Yuan!"

Ma Yuan frowned as soon as he heard it. According to what they said before, Chushi would never leave them at this time. What is happening now must be because of something else, or they perceive What happened, so it was called Hina.

"They went to that place?" Ma Yuan asked, hugging the young.

Chin sniffed his nose and pointed in one direction: "They went over there!"

When Ma Yuan looked at that place, he had already observed it. Of course, he had known the whole picture of Sakura Town. Of course, he knew where he was going. Now, Ma Yuan was more sure that Miss Ryoko and the doctor had an accident.

Dong Xiang also saw it, frowned secretly, and said, "Let's go quickly, they will probably be in trouble if it gets late!"

Ma Yuan shook his head and said, "Dong Xiang, you will stay here with the young, and I will bring them back safely!"

"No, I want to follow you!"

| "No, I want to follow Uncle Ma Yuan!"

As soon as the words fell, Ma Yuan immediately met with strong opposition. Ma Yuan looked at Dong Xiang and then at Chu Shi. There was really no way to refuse. He compromised and said, "Well, you follow me!"

Three people along the way ran like flying.

If there are not so many people around here, Ma Yuan actually wants to use teleport, but there are too many people here, he doesn’t want to disappear and appear suddenly, lest he make the headline of the newspaper tomorrow morning.

In fact, such a thing has indeed happened, which has always been a nightmare in Ma Yuan's heart.

So he chose to walk.

At the same time let go of the consciousness, searching for the specific location of Miss Ryoko and the doctor.

"They are there!" Seeing that the crowd was getting less and less, Ma Yuan finally determined the specific location of Miss Ryoko under a dark cliff, which made him somewhat strange that Miss Ryoko and the doctor were not there together.

Miss Ryoko is moving east, and the doctor is moving west, and everyone is chasing them.

There seem to be many search officers.

Of course, Ma Yuan will not be afraid, but only a little worried.

Who is going to save first?

Their main goal is actually a doctor, so people who chase Miss Ryoko are no match for chasing doctors. ,

But Miss Ryoko doesn’t have this ability. First, because she doesn’t have this ability, she doesn’t want to kill. Second, because her husband, like her husband, whether it’s a human or a kind, is in their eyes. life.

So they can't bear to kill, even if they can't bear the human search officer who wants to kill them.

But things are sometimes so cruel, they have to face such cruelty.

After thinking about it, Ma Yuan decided to save Miss Ryoko first.

After all, Miss Ryoko has always been unable to forage, so she will always come to the stable area to eat.

In the past few years, in fact, Ma Yuan’s ingredients have been very successful. At least they can eat other things instead of eating humans all the time.

This time there are very few people, after all, no one likes shady. So Ma Yuan used a teleport and immediately appeared in front of Miss Ryoko.

Miss Ryoko was still being hunted down, and she had no hope anymore, but Ma Yuan appeared at once, just like an angel descended from the sky, giving her hope of life, but the first excitement passed, she thought of herself s husband. Anxiously asked: "He?"

Everyone who knows who he is is naturally aware of this. But they will not laugh at Miss Ryoko, this is the performance of Miss Ryoko's love for her husband, and should be blessed.

"It's okay for the time being. Let's solve it for the time being, and then go to the doctor when it's done." Ma Yuan has made a decision with a smile. ,

Miss Ryoko is still a little worried, but she also knows that this is an urgent time, and she can't do anything in case of anxiety.

They stopped here. Soon, the search officer caught up and saw that a person suddenly became four people, all a little stunned. But as a search officer, they certainly won’t just flinch just because there are more people. .

Four people, three women, and a child. Even if they were told that they might not be able to beat this child, they would definitely think it was a joke.

This is of course not a joke. The young breed inherited the father and mother, so her hero is a combination of the advantages of both the doctor and the young lady.

Miss Ryoko’s Hiroshi focuses on defense, while the doctor’s Hiroko is about offense, so the young Hiroshi’s offense and defense are particularly strong.

"Now that you know that we are here, you should know that you can't escape!" Search Officer Jia looked at these people with cold eyes, frowning slightly. These few kinds of seeds, even when they saw them, they didn't show their own. Hezi, are you looking down on them?

Although they are not special search officers, the worst are the third-class search officers. Compared with other search officers who have no actual combat experience, they are already tough.

But at this moment they felt they were despised.

"No, hurry up if you want to do it, otherwise you won't have the chance to do it again when I do it!"

Ma Yuan's words are very pertinent, but this is an insult to these arrogant searchers!

"Kill them!"

Search Officer A is obviously the leader of this action team. As soon as he spoke, everyone started to move.

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