Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 7 Chapter 56: Meeting of seven special search officers

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It's just that seven special agents are sitting at a white desk.

Heporite said ascended his identity. Now the species are becoming more and more rampant, and they dared to collectively attack the distribution. Thank you for remembering a lot of losses. Must be cruel

Black and white is right. Tanaka Maru Motomoto holding the report in one hand. Continue to add. The 49-year-old distribution is almost completely destroyed. This will be detrimental to future savings. Bronze trees have become more and more active during these periods. Thank you very much, remember the meaning.

The mortality rate of civilians is now increasing. The blow to the bronze tree of the Crowd Group is urgent.

But if you remember correctly, it's a group. There seems to be a Xiao in the bronze tree. So it is still very dangerous to just use. Therefore, careful planning is necessary. Qingpu Anpu, who was sitting beside him, put his hands around his chest and emphasized.

Well, it’s unclear that Maruezhai agreed, and gave each team member a certain vacation time to prepare for it before the action.

Ok, it’s so decided. The specific combat plan will wait for each division to submit a combat report. Comprehensive formulation. The meeting ended here and ended.

There is also such a meeting in the antique cafe in Anding District. Ma Yuan and others lived together. Discuss the recent situation.

A few days ago the bronze tree attacked the distribution of Thank you in the nine districts. It caused the death of all the white pigeons in 1997. And the activity of coming in bronze trees is getting bigger and bigger. I think thank you will not let go of the bronze trees.

Yes, that's right. It is now a random estimate that the plan has been drunk and ready to encircle the bronze tree.

This event, although aimed at bronze trees, does not mean it will not pose a threat to other warehouses. In order to protect the personnel in Anding District, I think Ms. Ryoko and the youngsters should be moved to a safe place. After all, they are non-combat type.

Well, agree. Everyone agreed.

Ma Yuan, how about you? Your ability is more convenient, then you have to find a safe place, responsible for transferring the lady once or twice and the young. The kind manager turned around and said to Ma Yuan.

Well, I am responsible for the survey work. At the same time I will go, thank you g for exploring the terrain of the headquarters. After all, it is an airplane, and the bronze tree is encircled and the next one may be us. Moreover, we must also be prepared to rescue Jinmu.

Have you seen the wall calendar? Fate thought about a number silently in his heart, and there are still 40 days left.

Others may not know, but the full staff is very aware of his e-abilities. Can only temporarily trap the replica. In a few days he will escape imprisonment. Someone knows that he must also be prepared for this.

Ma Yuan clenched his fists secretly, so he must protect the person he cares about anyway

In a neat home. Long Ze couldn't help but sigh. too delicious.

Mom rejoices on the side and knows you will like it. It’s so rare, you guys have time

Is there anything to come back suddenly? Mom asked with concern.

It’s nothing, but I just want to come back and have a look. Long Ze looked at the puppy who was sticking his tongue and waving his tail at him. The joy on his face faded away. A sorrow hung over the entire face.

He reached into his pocket and touched the white envelope in his pocket. I suddenly remembered what my chief said to myself. The dirty coffin, while crafting white fresh air to himself, said that he should know how to write it?

late at night. Long Ze sat under the lamp and looked crazy. I saw him scratching the white envelope with a pen. A few large characters can be seen vaguely. I don't want to die.

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