Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 7 Chapter 63: Critical situation

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Ma Yuan didn't know where he should start. First, Dong Xiang was followed. After he went, he didn't find any useful clues. Then someone pretended to go to the 20th district to make trouble, and still killed people there. Let him become a dead ghost, be scolded by everyone, despise, his image is like that, how can he still sit back and watch, after all, it is about his reputation and the safety of his friends, he must find out the real murderer, to give himself , Give Dong Xiang, an account.

These days he has been so confused about this matter that he has been completely messed up, because that person is too unpredictable, he is almost crazy, and there is no clue anywhere, that person is really clever, all may be left The place of the trace is either to avoid or to remove his trace, just like a cunning fox, so Ma Yuan will only feel more chaotic.

And he didn't even ask others to help, saying that he was afraid of trouble, actually he was afraid of being troubled by others, but he was notoriously afraid of trouble. Once he had more people, he would continue to think about how to allocate tasks. What to do if there are fewer people, what will happen in the end will be a mess, and nothing will be solved.

He must first return to the scene to study whether the same person did the two things from the clues, and then try to find a clue to recognize who he is. In this way, he cannot take full care of it. The person he should take care of, Miss Gu Liangzi and Chushi.

Miss Gu Liangzi understands the matter very well, so she has always been quiet, never disturbing him, and sometimes even preventing Hina from disturbing him.

But Chushi is different. She has been entangled with Ma Yuan and wants Ma Yuan to play with her. She has not listened to Miss Gu Liangzi's words, just entangled Ma Yuan, only listened to Ma Yuan.

"Hinshi." Ma Yuan finally decided to educate her when she was dragged by Nishin for the Nth time, in order to prevent him from being disturbed again, so he squatted down, held the shoulders of Hunshi, and said with a serious heart Said to her, "I have very important things to do. With regard to all of our lives, once we are interrupted, maybe our lives will be gone, so when you wait for me to finish, I will definitely play with you , Sure, sure. And honest, it’s rude to disturb others while they are working, so you have to..."

He didn't finish talking, he pouted, glanced at him with dissatisfaction, then went back to his room very unhappy.

He smiled apologetically at the lonely back of the young, got up and went back to the work table to sit down, picked up the pen again, painted on paper, and calculated. He believes that after his education, Chushi will not come to him again at one and a half times, understand the truth or birthday, there will always be a buffer period.

But he was wrong.

After a while, he suddenly found that his work had made some progress and was planning to continue thinking, but was interrupted by a cry of grief.

"Ma Yuan, accompany me, accompany me, accompany me, accompany me..." He turned back, and it was indeed a young man standing behind him, holding a book that turned on a certain page , Has been repeating the same sentence.

"What's this?" Ma Yuan struggled a bit, and still took the book, intending to take a look, as a compensation for the education, so he carefully looked at the opened page.

In fact, Chushi has long cared about this kind of thing.

"Tokyo's well-known horror novelist Gao Guiquan's signing meeting..." He read the above words, it was not about clues, but yes, what clues can Hunshi find, "The date is... tomorrow?"

"That's right." Hina really blinked his eyes wide and looked at him expectantly, "Come with me."

Gao Jiquan is one of the ten best people who wrote horror novels in Tokyo. He basically did not hold a signing sale. This time it seems to be the second time. It is said that there are many activities at the meeting.

"Hinshi..." Ma Yuan looked away from the book page and looked at Hungshi. I just wanted to say that I was too busy to talk about it next time, but when he saw the hope in Hunshi's eyes, he suddenly He didn't want to say what he just said, he smiled and raised his hand to rub the young hair.

"Okay, I'll take you."

"Really!" Chushi shouted excitedly, then ran out with the book, "Sister Gu Liangzi! Ma Yuan promised me to go to the signing meeting!"

Although Ma Yuan was somewhat helpless in accepting the request of Hun Shi, he was happy that he had not accompanied Hun Shi for a long time. At such an urgent juncture, he could not guarantee that there would be another time, and he had just He was said to have a meal, so this time, he really couldn't open his mouth to refuse.

However, the effect is still quite good. Hina has been preparing to sign what will be needed for the sale, so in the remaining time, she has not come to disturb Ma Yuan, and Ma Yuan has only a quiet time.

The next day, they had just arrived at the Convention and Exhibition Center. Young Shi dragged Ma Yuan and ran around excitedly, especially crowded into crowded places.

"Hurry up, hurry up! Ah, sir! I'm sorry!" Ma Yuan had only a few words to go along the way.

Hunshi finally ran tired, found a bench, sat on her ass, dangling her two legs, humming an unknown song in her mouth.

Ma Yuan also sat beside her, listening carefully to her humming songs.

After Chu Shi had just finished singing, he wanted to applaud, but an unexpected hunch suddenly appeared in his heart. He looked around but found no suspicious characters.

"Ma Yuan Ma Yuan." Hyo Shi's cry pulled him back to reality again, "Isn't the song that Hyo Shi sang bad?"

"It's nice," Ma Yuan said obviously absent-mindedly.

Chushi looked at him with a lot of thoughts, and he didn't speak in an interesting way.

Gao Guiquan walked gracefully onto the stage, and then sat behind a table. As he took out a pen, the table in front of him, the pen in his hand, and the sitting stool suddenly shattered into ash.

When everyone hadn't responded, everything around them was shattered.

Fortunately, it was just that things were smashed, and no one was injured, except for the high gauge spring that was not well balanced so he sat on the ground and fell.

"Quickly leave here," Ma Yuan shouted and dragged the youngsters to leave the signing fair first.

The others froze for a moment, and then you rushed to the outside of the convention center.

First things are smashed, what happens next, what if people are smashed, so they have to run, and they have to run desperately.

But their worries are superfluous. After those things break down, nothing else happens.

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