Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 8 Chapter 1: Strong debut

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Tokyo, Japan, at this time is the season of cherry blossoms, full of flowers, filled in this beautiful island country.

"Hoo! I have been looking for a whole day, but I still haven't found a job. It's really difficult to find a job now. Alas... I have to pay the rent after two days, and the utility bill is still owed. What should I do next?"

On the streets of Tokyo at night, Saitama walked alone on the street, no matter the traffic, the traffic lights, and the green lights, he walked so purposelessly, only to see him drop his spine, his face looked depressed, and sighed.

After looking for a day's work, the streets have been walked everywhere, and all the companies have stepped over, still clueless. This kind of day lasted for more than a month, and Saitama gradually began to lose hope.


At this moment, a howl suddenly appeared on the south side of the street, which seemed to be the roar and hoarseness of the beast. The sound was loud and resounded throughout the streets of Tokyo.

"Huh!? What's this voice? Really strange?"

Saitama was awakened by this loud roar, and she stood upright all at once, feeling a little surprised when she recovered.

"Ah! Help!"

Just after that roar, a screaming call followed, and the sound seemed to be close to Saitama. After Saitama heard this, he was a little scared, but driven by curiosity, he moved towards the grotesque. Walk slowly to the sound source.


Saitama walked into a small alley, and the huge roar sounded again around the corner, like a fierce beast. This time, Saitama was frightened, patting her chest again and again, forcing her inner fear.

Saitama raised her head curiously and looked carefully at the scene in front of the alley, making Saitama stunned. There is a monster in the alley!

Even more shocking is that the monster's blood basin was chewing and swallowing the human body! The body in the mouth was just swallowed, and the monster's two large pliers held two humans apart. Next, I only heard a "flutter", and the two big living people were clipped into two sections! Fall to the ground! ! !

Scarlet blood was flooding Saitama's eyes, looking at the dragged half body and outflowing intestines, Saitama stunned the gods and was mad! crazy! This is too fierce, it is **** on earth!

Under this great fear, Saitama's curiosity had long disappeared, so he didn't want to think, panicked, and turned directly out of the alley.


Just when Saitama did not walk a few steps, there was a burst of crying sounds in the alley, and it can be heard that the owner of this voice needed help very much at this time.

"Huh, Saitama, how can you be like this?!"

As soon as the words fell, Saitama gritted her teeth and immediately turned and ran deep into the alley.

In the alley, stood like a behemoth, a wild beast spreading its teeth and claws. At first glance, Saitama was stunned by this monster, an incredible look.

The monster in front of me is a strange big crab. It has a crab's head and two huge pliers. It also has a pair of strong legs similar to humans. It is strange and ugly!


Seeing the sudden appearance of Saitama, the mutated crab man burst into a roar, and the bucket-sized arms waved in the air, seemingly provoking Saitama.

Saitama was surprised for a while, but when he saw the crying child beside the mutant crab man, he began to calm down, his eyes became very fierce, and he looked straight at the crab man without fear.

"Come on, you beast! No matter what you are, as long as there is my Saitama, you never want to hurt anyone!"

Saitama was awe-inspiring and screamed.

Unexpectedly, the crab man roared upward in the next moment, and he gave up the food that was prepared to his mouth, that is, the crying child in front of him, and then ran towards Saitama, waving his arms violently, killing Saitama!


Saitama was spiked and instantly knocked over to the ground, but at the next moment, he was seen as a carp, and jumped from the ground, his eyes were still fierce, the fighting in his heart was full, and the most powerful anger in history broke out, The cry rushed towards the Crabman.


It goes without saying that the normal body of Saitama is inferior to that of the crab man, and he was toppled to the ground many times, causing pain.

"Damn guy..."

Saitama resented that he was really touched and aggrieved at his current strength. At this time, he had an unprecedented desire for strength. He did not want to be a weak person, and he wanted to protect what he wanted to protect.

But at this time, all he felt was helplessness...


At the next moment, the Crabman ran towards Saitama, and it seemed that he wanted to solve the trouble of Gong Saitama in one fell swoop.


At the next moment, Saitama stared at the crab man flying out in mid-air, shocked.

After the crab man fell to the ground, he quickly got up, because there was a huge ball of fire waiting for it. This monster seemed to hate the flame, and even gave up the goal of Saitama, and flicked it. Claws, want to throw the flames out, after three or two, the crab man was anxious, and directly waved the flames in front of his eyes with double pliers.

Ao! ! !

With a terrible howl, the Crabman actually abandoned Saitama as the attack target and turned to run towards the unknown darkness, and saw a bright fireball pull out a ray of light and shadow in the dark night, like a erratic fluorescence, It gradually becomes smaller until it disappears.

"Hah, so amazing..."

Saitama admired.

When the words fell, Saitama found that the starlight was shining again, igniting a bright blue ghost fire, which was very hot and bright. When the flame appeared, the surrounding temperature dropped suddenly, and a trace of frost fell, which was very strange.

"Beast, go to hell!"

At the next moment, a man descended from the sky and waved his fist at the Crab Man, even with a slight ice cold, instantly frozen the poor Crab Man into an ice sculpture!

Saitama was startled when she saw it, thinking, "Is this the power of that faint blue flame?" At this moment, Saitama began to look forward to, eager, if this power is his own, then how good. In addition to envy, Saitama looked at the mysterious man who had fallen from the sky with hot eyes, and was very moved.

"Who are you?" Saitama asked the mysterious man.

"Ma Yuan!"

The mysterious man answered.

"Hello, this is Saitama."

"What?! Saitama!!"

Ma Yuan was shocked.

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