Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 8 Chapter 5: Black Wolf and Tiger

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"Hello everyone, here is a live TV broadcast from Osaka. Now a humanoid lizard appears in the eastern district of Osaka, which disrupts the local security and causes panic. The police used a large number of people to forcibly disperse the rioters. This riot caused One person died and more than 30 people were injured. The situation is still being understood..."

Saitama watched the live broadcast on the TV quietly, watching the buildings ruined by alien monsters, rolling thick smoke, almost scorched, his eyes sluggish and lost in thought.


Above the sky on the streets of Tokyo, Ma Yuan was rushing away after asking for information, and ran away in the direction of Fang Cai’s roar. Soon, Ma Yuan stopped and looked down, and in the middle of the commercial street, a behemoth stood in awe.

"What monster is this time?"

Ma Yuan frowned, looking closely at the monster below the city. It can be clearly seen that this creature seems to be a wolf, but it is different from the ordinary wolf. This black wolf is very huge, almost two meters high, with strong limbs, and black and turbid gas is constantly emitting from his body. The black gas rose slowly, almost covering the black wolf, very strange.


The black wolf stood in the middle of the street and screamed in the sky. The commotion of the crowd around him made the black wolf very irritable. With a howling, the crowd became more uneasy and fled, and there was no sense of direction at all. It's just running around randomly.


At this moment, the black wolf was rushing towards a woman, and the woman shouted in fright, she would never expect that she was so unlucky, among so many people, this one The monster will stare at itself, but at this time it is unable to resist, only to scream in excitement, in order to vent the fear in his heart, stunned and waiting for the arrival of death.

"Sinner! Hugh is rampant!!"

While the black wolf was rushing towards the woman, Ma Yuan was swooping down at the fastest speed. At the moment when the blood of the black wolf was about to approach the woman, at the very moment of the attack, Ma Yuan turned towards the woman. The black wolf kicked fiercely, and the powerful force directly kicked the black wolf upside down.


It's also awesome to say, the moment the black wolf rose up at the fastest speed in the end, stabilized his body, bowed his spine, and looked straight at Ma Yuan in front of him, for the sudden attack of Ma Yuan, black Langte was indignant, staring at Ma Yuan with full of wildness and anger.

Ma Yuan disagrees with the sword-like hatred of the black wolf, and if it is replaced by other people, it may cause fear and some fear, but Ma Yuan is not comparable, and he can be said to have no fear of his own strength. capital.

Nearing the black wolf, Ma Yuan clearly saw the true face of the monster at this time. There was a startling blood on the forehead of this black wolf, and the smelly blood was still flowing.

"It is estimated that it was injured by some kind of sharp weapon, so it caused this black wolf to go crazy."

Ma Yuan thought to himself that even the black wolf with full fighting power was not afraid, not to mention the wounded residual wolf, but he did not dare to neglect it. To say Ma Yuan’s attention, the black wolf’s blood basin has a big mouth, and the green saliva flows down the corner of the mouth. After the green liquid flows to the ground, it starts to hissing white smoke and is immediately A large hole was corroded. It seems that the saliva of the black wolf is strongly corrosive. If it is stained a little, it may be very tricky.


At this moment, the sound of a tiger roaring in vain resounded in vain, but Ma Yuan heard the words, and he "giggled" in his heart, and the secret was not good. He could clearly feel that the source of this voice came from behind him, and at this time, his keen sense also told him that there was danger behind him!

It was too late, but when Ma Yuan felt bad, he quickly turned around and saw a strong wind rushing towards him!


The other behemoth suddenly fell from the sky and crashed to the ground. The ground trembled and the road cracked in a moment. The horror of its power was visible. Even Ma Yuan was shocked.

This is a reddish beast with a full head. The beast is shaped like a tiger. Its long, white fangs are exposed outside, and at the tail is a wrist-sized flame monster snake as a tail.

It goes without saying that this is obviously a rather brutal beast!

"Oh? You have a partner in this beast?! But what about that? Come and kill me, and if you come, you will kill them!"

Ma Yuan's eyes suddenly became fierce, staring at the black wolf, and then looking at the tiger, and said indifferently, a strong murderous force filled the invisible.



At this moment, the two beasts roared together, as if they were playing the horn before the battle. At the next moment, both of them bent their bodies, bowed their front paws, crawled their bodies, and kicked their hind limbs violently, leaping high, all rushing towards Mayuan!

"Beast, let's fight!"

These two beasts have completely inspired Ma Yuan's fighting intentions. When the two beasts jumped to the sky together, Ma Yuan has already secretly accumulated wind and thunder, ready to go.

But the next scene made Ma Yuan stunned. When the black wolf and the tiger jumped into the air together, they did not dive down towards Ma Yuan, took the opportunity to kill Ma Yuan, but the two collided. At the same time, the sharp claws flapped towards each other! ! !

After a while, both of them fell down, transferred the battlefield to the ground, and continued to struggle. The black wolf used the speed as a skill to continually pounce on the tiger, but the tiger is not a general generation, relying on strength to fight with the black wolf. Defense.

Ma Yuan looked at the suddenly changing style of painting in front of her, and immediately looked ashamed. The goal of these two beasts was not Ma Yuan. It seems that these two beasts are competitors! The scars on the black wolf's head are self-evident at this time.

"You two beasts, what the hell... Actually, I didn't take the young man in my eyes."

Ma Yuan was angry at the disregard of these two beasts, so he shot in vain and ran towards the two beasts, trying to give them a little color!


Ma Yuan rushed forward, his fists and feet struck together, and he saw that one figure and one figure both flew upside down. The black wolf was breaking a telephone pole, and the ground fell, the corner of his mouth was bleeding, and the tiger The situation is not much better, just being overturned to the ground and rolling continuously, the same embarrassment.


The tiger was so embarrassed by the sudden attack that it made him angry, so he quickly got up and roared at Mayuan, and then he ran towards Mayuan with a big mouth of blood, and seemed to want to swallow Mayuan. ! ! !

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