Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 8 Chapter 10: Surrender to Hell Devil Dog

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Ma Yuan's body crossed the sky and swooped down from high altitude. The punch was like a star falling. It contained a huge force that hit the head of the **** devil dog. The power was so great that it directly exploded the hell. The dog's head was flying with flesh and blood, and scattered around.


Hell Devil Dog was hit hard and screamed again and again. It was really unexpected that Ma Yuan's punch contained such a terrifying power. It is very clear about its own physical strength. It can be said that it is harder than steel. The existence of dozens of times above, in addition to the ghost fire, the physical strength is the most proud existence of the Hell Devil Dog, but now...

With just one punch, the three **** demon dogs became two dog heads, which looked weird. Compared to the previous ferocity and arrogance, only the endless terror was replaced at this moment.

"Finished, this mankind is not something I can cause! Hurry up and escape!!"

Hell Devil Dog secretly said that although Hell Devil Dog was hit with a head, its life was tenacious and did not threaten its life at all, but it was very afraid of Ma Yuan's strength.


At this point, the Hell Devil Dog screamed in the sky, and at that moment, the earth resonated with it and issued a violent vibration. The surface cracked instantly, just between the interest, and the surface cracked a big crack, just like the abyss of the canyon. , Bottomless. In the abyss of the canyon, endless flames are burning. This is the flames from the depths of hell. Hell Devil Dogs directly summoned the gate of **** and wanted to escape.

Soon, the Hellhound jumped down the flame canyon, covered by the flame, disappeared, and the huge crack was closed instantly, gradually restoring the flat surface.

But would Ma Yuan let it go as he pleased? He only heard Ma Yuan sip, and punched the fist, hitting the ground with one punch. The great power directly smashed a large surface, and a big pit suddenly appeared in front of him. The big craters from space crashes are terrifying.

boom! boom! boom!

After a series of punches, the ground under Ma Yuan's feet was disfigured, cracked everywhere, and ruined. But he still couldn't make the Hellhound appear, which made Ma Yuan a little helpless. If he goes on like this, this area will be crushed and destroyed by himself and he can't catch the Hellhound.

You know, **** is not really deep in the ground, but a mysterious space opened up. It is useless to smash it with brute force like Ma Yuan.

"Ji Jie...Human beings are stupid, do you think they can be shown by this king? It's really naive."

At this time, in the depths of hell, in a place where flames were burning, the **** devil was smiling with pride, hiding safely in the **** space, quietly peering at the horse on the ground, making fun of his stupid way.

"However, this human power is really not to be humbled. Such a power is simply terrifying."

At the same time, the Hellhound was very afraid of Ma Yuan's brute force.

"Humph, do you think I won't catch you if you hide in hell? Today I will show you how great your uncle is! Drink!"

With Ma Yuan's scream, he saw his legs kick, jump to the sky, his hands were raised high, at this time a bright light burst out, and then his hands yanked in the opposite direction. In front of him, a long star mark appeared in vain, a very deep and mysterious star mark.

"What?! This... this human being... actually tearing the space with bare hands!!!"

When the Hellhound saw this scene, he couldn't calm down anymore. He was shocked and stunned. His mouth was so big that he could drop a meteorite.

Space is a rather mysterious place. Space connects the beginning of this end to the end of that end. It is a law of its own that cannot be surpassed. There are few creatures in the world who can break this taboo law.

Before the **** devil entered the **** space, only by using its own blood power to connect with this space and resonate, can he summon the gate of hell, and use the gate of **** as the medium to carry him into hell.

But now, the human in front of him is ignoring the law of space, and directly tearing a space crack apart with his bare hands, how can this not make the Hell Devil Dog moved.

"I'm playing! I'm rushing the street!! I can't think of the name of the King Wang I, which is actually planted in the hands of humans. It's unlucky. How can this King provoke such a monster?!

After Ma Yuanshi exhibited his ability to defy the sky, **** scared the Hell Devil Dog almost to cry, shrinking in the corner of the side, uneasy.

The so-called law of space is not in vain. At this time, Ma Yuan's consumption is very large. The white forehead is covered with bean-sized sweat beads. The whole clothes have been soaked. It can be seen that the tearing space consumes him. How big is it.

"Tear the space...broken!"

As Ma Yuan drank low, the star mark was opened in vain, enough to accommodate a person into it. Ma Yuan was willing to stop, and then stepped into the star mark and disappeared, but the star The mark is still there, hanging in mid-air, very mysterious.

"Little beast, get out of Uncle Ben!"

Soon, Ma Yuan came to a fire field full of blazing flames. Presumably this is the old nest where the Hell Devil Dog stooped. With Ma Yuan's screams, the Hell Devil Dog hiding in the corner gave a shock. With a "chuck" in his heart, he began to tremble and dared not show up.

For Ma Yuan, the Hell Devil Dog can no longer be viewed by ordinary human eyes. In its eyes, Ma Yuan at this time is like a **** of killing, unstoppable! Just ask, who is so stupid to go out and die?

"Dirty beast, uncle, let me say it one last time, if you are not going to roll out, wait for me to catch you... Directly pickled skin cramps, chopped off your two dog heads... and sold them on the street!"

Ma Yuan frightened, pretending to be a vicious look, trying to deter the **** devil dog and force it to appear.

"No! No! No! I'm here!"

At this time, the Hell Devil Dog crawled and came forward to Ma Yuan, prostrate, posing as a beggar, two dog heads, four pairs of eyes, looking at Ma Yuan aggrievedly, wanting to ask Ma Yuan to release It's a way of life.

"Sir, please spare me! The next time I see you, I will definitely detour and beg you to let me go!"

The Hellhound pleaded.

"Let you go? Want to be beautiful! How many lives are killed in the world, enough to kill you hundreds of times!"

Ma Yuan shouted angrily, killing intently in his eyes, and chilling.

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