Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 8 Chapter 13: parting

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The location of this practice is a small villa on the outskirts. Inside the villa, there is a piece of fitness equipment, a variety of barbells, and dumbbells of different sizes, all standing in this small house. Not only that, there is also a treadmill and sit-up machine, a variety of physical training equipment, dazzling, full of


"Wow, Brother Ma Yuan, there are a lot of fitness equipment here, eh? We haven't come to the wrong place? This is where I do special training? Just rely on these fitness equipment?"

When Saitama entered this house, she was shocked first, and then full of doubts. These simple fitness equipment can be seen in the gyms of the human world. It’s hard to rely on these things to become strong. ?

"Well, yes, these equipment are provided for your special training. You have to conduct special training here for three years before you can get out of this room."

Ma Yuan patted the treadmill beside him and said lightly.

"What?! No! I'm going to rely on these things to become stronger?! And I have to stay in this room for three years!! Isn't it wrong?!"

Saitama was suddenly surprised that he was very surprised by Ma Yuan's approach. What effect can these simple fitness equipments become on him? What's more puzzling for Saitama is that he has to stay here for three years. How can he be able to bear it!

Ma Yuan heard the words and immediately pulled his face down and said seriously: "Don’t underestimate these fitness equipments. Although they look ordinary, they are meticulously built, and in terms of your current physique, you may not be able to do it within three years. Completely conquer these fitness equipment!"

Saitama heard the words, bowed her head, did not say a word, and grunted slightly, as if resentful.

This subtle movement was seen by Ma Yuan, knowing that Saitama was not convinced, and Xuanjie said, "Why? Don't believe you to try it out?"

As Ma Yuan said, he patted the treadmill beside him and motioned Saitama to step forward.

Saitama heard that he also stepped forward obediently, but he wanted to see how powerful this treadmill was. Ma Yuan even said that he had to spend three years on special training with these things, so Saitama was so special Not convinced, quickly set foot on the treadmill.

"Are you ready for curiosity? Am I going to start the device? You can be careful."

Ma Yuan smiled at this moment, but Saitama heard it, but she shrugged her shoulders and looked very disdainful. This time Ma Yuan smiled more brilliantly, a hint of cunning appeared faintly in his smile, and he even pressed the switch of the treadmill.


When the power was pressed, the sound rang, and I saw that the runner's wheel was slowly spinning, so Saitama ran with it. At the beginning, Saitama was running with a smile, a relaxed look, and a little bit of smugness. Seeing Ma Yuan, she was silent, and the smile on her face became more intense.

Uh, uh, uh!

At this moment, Saitama suddenly felt that the speed belt of the treadmill was much faster, and the smile on his face stopped. Instead, the dignified color of his face, because the speed belt became faster and faster, with Qi Jade's footsteps accelerated, but within a few seconds, Saitama quickly defeated and fell to the ground, very embarrassed.

"Hey, do you know how powerful these equipments are now? I tell you, the speed you just suffered was just one thousandth of the full speed of this treadmill."

Ma Yuan explained, but Saitama heard that it immediately opened her eyes, like an incredible look.

"One-thousandth?! This treadmill wants to go against the sky!!!"

Saitama screamed in shock. If he really conquered this treadmill, wouldn't his own speed be even more against the sky? ! When I think of his amazing speed when the dragon looks at the end, I feel excited when I think about it, but at the next moment, Saitama grimaced. The speed of this treadmill is so fast, how easy is it to conquer and control? Saitama can't stand at a speed of one-thousandth. If the horsepower is full, who can withstand it?

"I only give you three years, you must become very powerful during this time, otherwise the world will be in chaos in the future, and if there is no life-saving, you will be dead!"

At this moment, Ma Yuan said seriously that his eyes became very deep. At that moment, he could peep into his eyes. A flash flood broke out, the tsunami raged, and the city buildings collapsed, just like a pair. The picture of the end.

" this the future world change?! Close to the end?"

This horrifying picture was also reflected in Saitama's eyes, and he was shocked and unbelievable.

"With the turbulent world situation, I am afraid that there are not many days of peace, so your time is very urgent, and... and I have to leave for a while, so the three years of practice depends on yourself."

There was a hint of frustration in Ma Yuan's tone, a little helpless.

"What?! Brother Ma Yuan, where are you going? Without your guidance, I'm afraid..."

Before Saitama finished speaking, Ma Yuan interrupted and said, "What are you afraid of? The practice is personal, no one can help you! You must remember that the strong are always lonely. Listen to **** The dog said that the Earth’s magnetic field is now much weaker than before, so it is only because of the weakening of the space boundary, and the monsters of various planes have taken the opportunity to enter the human world to make trouble. Now the urgent matter is to find the broken space and Its restoration is strengthened, so I don’t have much time to spend on you now, and you need to be considerate.”

The tone was heavy, and the task was difficult. Saitama didn’t say anything after hearing that. Although he really wanted Ma Yuan to accompany him to guide him during his practice, he knew he could not be so selfish. Now the world will be chaotic. It needs the maintenance of the strong, just when Ma Yuan is needed, so Saitama cannot be selfish.

After a long time, Saitama was relieved and said: "Well, I understand, Brother Ma Yuan, go for it! Go to maintain world peace! I will become stronger! I will definitely fight alongside you! !"

Saitama was awe-inspiring, and her ambition spun out thinly. At this time, Ma Yuan said that she gently nodded her head, and she felt very relieved.


Later, the two talked about the world in this small villa, which may be a parting time, so the two cherished this short time very much, during which Ma Yuan taught him his cultivation experience and told them to Saitama. , Benefited the hearers greatly, and when they finally parted, both of them sighed and waved, looking at each other...

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