Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 8 Chapter 25: Time and Space Beast

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For this kind of discourse, Saitama felt very angry after hearing it. His eyes were flushed, but he couldn't help moving, and he was very suffocated. Only his fists were clenched, glaring at the time-space beast, and he wanted to take it apart The bones are skinny and hateful.

Not only Saitama, but also Ma Yuan, staring at the Space-Time Beast with a sullen face, and said coldly: "Beast, you too look down on people, do you really think that you are the only one in this universe? Really ridiculous! "

Ma Yuan put on a very disdainful look, making fun of each other, but he did not dare to boo the giant beast in front of him, but the space-time beast controls the power of space, and its power should not be underestimated, but it is daunting.

"Human, the deity still wants to beat you into disability and then get out of this time and space, but now... the deity has changed its mind, and leave your life!"

The space-time beast said coldly, with a terrible look, and roared upward.

However, Ma Yuan did not reply. For this old monster that existed before the ages, it must be extremely powerful. For its cold words, Ma Yuan only has one action, that is, to suppress the opponent with his fists!

Now it is useless to say anything. It is better to beat it and step on your feet, it is more powerful than anything! When his fingers were held together. Let the surrounding voids be twisted, five fingers closed, violently waving his arms, a punch, a wave of thunder with strong destruction, screaming out, hitting the space-time beast fiercely!


This punch is astonishing, and the power can be shattered! With a bang, all the stars in the four quarters were trembling, and the trajectory of the movement was deviated. The stars that were slightly closer to Ma Yuan were directly shattered!

However, it only ends here. Although Ma Yuan's fist was extremely powerful and fierce, he punched out the star in front of him, but when the fist was about to touch the space-time beast, it hit the air. !

Just at that moment, the time-space beast disappeared from the spot, silently, fleetingly, and unable to pursue. Although the time-space beast is huge, hundreds of feet tall, like a hill, but the action is not procrastinating at all. In a blink of an eye, he disappeared, no muddy water, simply neat.

Around Ma Yuan's fists, thunder and light intertwined and throbbed, "crackling" sounded, as if the thunder **** was alive, the divine power was unstoppable! There is no doubt that Ma Yuan's punch is amazing, no matter who gets such a punch, it is not a dead injury! However, he was unable to hit the other party, and ultimately it was in vain.

"Huh, humans, you are too naive, the deity is the king of time and space, the **** of the void, the king of time, transcendence, control of the power of space, arbitrarily breaking the void, shuttle to and from, and even you, a little human, dare to kill Me? Delusion!"

The voice of the space-time beast floats out of the void, the words are indifferent, and there is a mental attitude that looks down on the world. It seems that nothing in the world is in its eyes, very proud.

"Bah! You beast, you just live longer. If I weren't old, I would have chopped you up and fed Xiao Hei! How can you be arrogant!"

Ma Yuan shouted out loud.

"Little Black?" A voice came from the space-time beast, expressing doubt.

"Hey, you don't even know Xiaohei, it seems that you have never died."

After all, a little black dog jumped out from behind Ma Yuan and barked fiercely into the void. This was the little brother Ma Yuan had subdued before-Hell Devil Dog!

"Hahaha... It's hilarious, isn't this little beast your human puppy?! Just by it? Really laughed at the deity, hahaha..."

The laughter of the space-time beast spread through the interstellar galaxy, very loud.

"Xiaohei, this old beast looks down on you, give it a color!"

As soon as the words fell, the Hell Demon Dog became exposed and turned into a behemoth. Although it was no larger than the mountain of the Time and Space Beast, the Hell Devil Dog was ridiculed by the other party at this time.


Only the Hell Devil Dog roared and threw forward. Between the sharp claws, the surrounding void was marked with a crack. However, the moment the Hell Devil Dog rushed out, Ma Yuan also shot together and launched a thunder blow. , Boom towards the position where **** demon dog!

At this time, the space-time beast hiding in the void was frightened. It was unexpected that Ma Yuan was able to find its hiding place. This really surprised him. Under this sudden and fierce attack, the space-time beast had to fight daringly. 'S horns cut through the void and slammed toward Mayuan.


This punch directly knocked back the space-time beast. The space-time beast only has the ability to control time and space, and it is also extremely powerful in strength. However, in the face of Ma Yuan, who has cultivated the flesh to the extreme, it is inevitable. Suffer.

"This human being is so powerful, the body can send out a strong and strong wave, and the power is terrible!"

After the time and space beast was shocked, he was suddenly shocked and completely moved. He began to have a trace of fear for Ma Yuan, a human being, and became vigilant, because Ma Yuanqiang is too outrageous and too much. As a human being, he can still practice. This is not easy.

"Huh, do you know how good we are? Hurry up if you know you, don't stop me from repairing the cracks in time and space!"

Between the talks, Ma Yuan's thunder and lightning flashed around him, intertwined, surrounded by thunder, standing there, wrapped in countless beams of thunder and lightning, like a thunder **** bathing in thunder!

"Don't be ashamed!" Time-Space Beast disobeyed.

"You can try it if you don't believe it."

Ma Yuan's face was black, coldly, and murderous opportunities emerged, while the Hell Devil Dog on the side was also bowed, and two heads exposed with two white fangs, ready to go.

The space-time beast has cold eyes, stands there, and no longer hides. This time, it took the initiative to attack, pounced forward, and said fiercely: "Human, I will kill you!"

Ma Yuan saw the space-time beast rushing face to face, his face could not help but dignified a little bit, for this kind of beast with special abilities, he was very afraid, before such a powerful punch did not hurt the opponent, it can be seen that the space-time beast's defensive ability is What a horror, now angering this beast, I am afraid that there will be a fierce battle next.

At the next moment, Ma Yuan could not be hesitated, the enemy came, and Ma Yuan jumped up in the sky, driving the power of the thundering sky, dive down, and slay towards the beast of time and space!


The huge figure of the space-time beast is black and heavy, and it is heavy like a mountain. It raises its head and yells, and a beam of light is sprayed from its mouth. This is the blade of space. It can easily cut the void and cut off the time. Once it is touched, it will be sealed by space. It is painful to kill time.

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