Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 8 Chapter 30: Monster to commit

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"Teacher Saitama, I am serious, and I beg you to teach me how to become as powerful as you."

Janos gave a big blow to Saitama with a sincere attitude.

"Well..." Saitama still didn't know what to do, and even turned his gaze to Ma Yuan to see what he meant.

"Saitama, I think this Genos is pretty good. He is a good seedling. It's just that we are in desperate need of staff now. If he is willing to join, that's not bad.

Ma Yuan suggested.

Saitama heard the expression, and his expression became firm, and he nodded slightly, with a serious look, and said to Janos: "I'll correct what you just said, in fact, I'm not strong yet. It's just that there are people outside and people outside. There are people who are stronger than me, so you can’t stay where you are, you have to keep getting stronger!"

Janos didn't answer this time, but bowed his head in silence, as if thinking about something.

"Jenos!" Saitama shouted loudly.

"Ah! Yes!!"

Janos recovered and responded loudly, now he became firm and no longer hesitated.

"How old are you?"


"It's so young, I should be able to surpass me with special training for a few years..."

Saitama thought.

"Really?!" Janos cheered up immediately and responded.

"That is of course. I am twenty-five years old, but I started special training three years ago, when I was twenty-two years old, so you still have a chance, and I will teach you to succeed, but it may be very hard during the period. Can you keep it?" Saitama said seriously.

"Yes!!!" Janos answered without thinking, without hesitation.


At the next moment, Janos frowned suddenly, bowed his body, and put on a vigilant look, his eyes filled with a scarlet light, staring outside, like a wild wolf, cautious.

"There are living beings approaching here! The danger alarm is activated and it is coming..." Genos said solemnly.

"Why, this guy..." Saitama was disdainful and felt inexplicable.


At this moment, on the roof of Saitama suddenly collapsed and collapsed, a steel humanoid praying mantis wielded two scimitar blades with fierce faces, staring at Saitama and Janos in the room, because Ma was a soul body, So it did not notice the existence of Ma Yuan.

"Jin Jie... I am..."

Before waiting for the monster to go out of the house, Saitama hit his head with a punch, and Bai Huahua's brain and eyeballs exploded together. The scene was very bloody, even disgusting.

"Bugs, pay me the ceiling!"

Saitama said seriously, kicking again at the monster's body. Then he wondered: "Huh? Why is there no black beads in this monster?"

"These monsters are transformed machines, and their behavior constitutes an intelligent system, controlled by someone, so there are no beads of dark elements hidden in the body."

Ma Yuan picked up the tea on the table and explained it.

"Oh, it turned out to be just a little bit." Saitama said.

"Teacher be careful, there seems to be outside!"

Janos reminded him that he was fully alert at this time and was ready to wait.


"Huh?! My telepathy with the mantis man disappeared, did this guy get killed?"

A two-meter tall frog stood upright and said.

"What?! Isn't that guy strong? How could..."

Next to the giant frog, a big worm that could stand said, it seems that his associate who could not believe himself would easily die like this.

"Teacher, they are here!"

Janos found the two monsters and reported.


Just after Janos's voice fell, a loud noise came out, and at a glance, he saw that Saitama had reached downstairs, subdued the two monsters, and in a blink of an eye, smashed the giant frog with the big bug On the ground, half of the body was covered with cement and could not move.

"Uh... so fast, when I didn't say it..."

Janos was surprised by Saitama's thunder means. As long as Saitama was there, he had no use.

"Saitama, be careful of your feet." At this moment, Ma Yuan's voice suddenly came upstairs, reminding him.

"Huh?! Ah!"

When Saitama realized, her body had fallen into the ground, only showing a bald head like a big light bulb on the ground, and the rest could not move.


When Janos saw that Saitama was in trouble, he jumped directly downstairs and landed with a bang, and he ran toward Saitama, hoping to rescue Saitama.


It turned out to be counterproductive. Before waiting for Janos to run a few steps, a big man suddenly fell from the sky and stopped Janos.

"There is a high-pressure load in your body, and the energy response is very strong. It is estimated that you are also a robot?"

This monster is huge, about three meters in length, and is covered with heavy steel armor. However, the monster's breath is very strong.

"My goal is not you, hurry up!"

The armored warrior rushed towards Janos, and lifted its heavy iron fist down, and at this time, Janos did not react, but stunned, as if he had fallen into contemplation.

"Robot, don't you say... that thing has something to do with this guy?!"

Janos thought that the crazy robot that invaded his town and destroyed his family four years ago was suddenly stunned, but when he realized that the danger was approaching, it was too late.


At this moment, Ma Yuan upstairs had a bad way, and he even put down the teacup. With a "slap", the whole body had floated in front of the steel warrior, and punched him out with a punch.


The steel warrior was heavily dropped to the ground, and a sound of steel symphony sounded. Even the ground could not bear this huge collision, and it was directly cracked and sunken.

"How is this going?!"

Janos saw the iron fist that was about to disappear suddenly disappear, and the steel warrior was inexplicably shocked, and then fell to the ground. This scene shocked Janoston, making him feel strange, even strange.


Saitama, who can't move in the ground not far away, is very clear how this happened, but he was still a little surprised by Ma Yuan's speed.

boom! boom! boom!

After waves of waves have risen again, a humanoid lion is taking a big step towards Saitama. His body is burly, and every step he takes makes the ground shock.

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