Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 8 Chapter 45: Dangerous person

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"Ji Jie... what's the matter? It turned out to be just a guy who can only die."

Ashura's armor confirmed once again that Saitama was indeed comatose, and when he thought of Saitama's pretentious appearance, he was suddenly furious, even if he kicked Feiqiyu with one kick, Saitama's body seemed to be broken. The kite is in general, and it quickly falls down after falling into the ground and falls to the ground.


Seeing this, Janos was very annoyed and shouted, twirling about to get up and running towards the direction of Saitama's fall, but he was helpless and had not waited for him to take a few steps. No matter how hard Jenos struggled, he couldn't move half a step, he was very anxious about it.

"Ji Jie... I'll say it, but I modified the Ashura armor, and no one can beat it!" After the glasses guy also knew the truth, he was calm.


At the same time, outside the basement of Evolution House, Ma Yuan and Hell Devil Dog are silently watching the scenes in the underground.

"Brother, is that okay? You see it all..." Hell Devil Dog persuaded beside Ma Yuan, looking very anxious.

"..." Ma Yuan didn't answer, the silence remained, but just looked quietly.


I saw that Saitama's body was lifted off again, and then fell to the ground. At this time, Saitama was beaten very tragically, but in spite of this, the Ashura armor continued, seemingly addicted, tyrannical Saitama, To vent your hatred.

"Ah! Let's die!!" After all, Ashura's armor raised his foot again, kicked towards Saitama, and kicked Saitama into the air in an instant. I saw Ashura's armor said fiercely: "Let you tease me!" said He just jumped into the air and kicked at Saitama's abdomen!


Saitama was smashed to the ground, and the hard and thick ground was directly sunken. At this time, Saitama's body was stained with blood, his nose and face were swollen, and his eyes were swollen into a slit. Under the repeated attacks of Asura's armor, Qi Jade is on the verge of extinction.

"Cough cough..."

Unexpectedly, at this time, Saitama was awakened by a severe pain, coughing up blood repeatedly, squinting at the Asura armor, a hook in the corner of his mouth, it seemed to be despising.

"Damn fellow! Dare to despise me even now!!! Go to hell!!!"

Ashura's armor became angry and angered. After the roar, he rushed towards Saitama again. He tried his best to do everything, and his legs were exerted. The heavy body jumped into the sky like a spring. He came to Saitama and glared at Saitama. Clenched your teeth and stomped your feet, wanting to give Saitama a final blow!

"No! Teacher!"

Janos growled, so he didn't know what to do, his legs were working in vain, but he rushed to Saitama, using his back as a shield against the foot of Ashura's armor.


When the big feet of Ashura's armor touched Janos's back, a metal symphony sounded suddenly, and Janos's back was directly sunken, but Janos still grinned, the whole The body still protects Saitama.

"Want to die, right?! I will fulfill you!"

Asura's armor's killing trick was interrupted by someone, and he was very annoyed. He even lifted his foot again and kicked against Janos' back!

Qiang Qiang!

The sound of metal symphony resounded in this empty room. Saitama's vague consciousness also heard a harsh sound, which was hurting his heart bit by bit, very uncomfortable.


I saw Ashura's armor roared up in the sky, grabbing one of Janos's arms with a big hand, and pulled it off.


A sound of electric sparks rubbing suddenly sounded, and Janos's other manipulator was also pulled down. Immediately afterwards, the Ashura armor did not give up the rampage of Janos, grabbing Genos with one hand like crazy. His head was picked up, and the other big hand grabbed Janos' feet and tore apart again cruelly.


After a burst of electro-optical Mars emerged from Janos, the Asura armor directly threw Janos out!


Janos was smashed on the iron wall, printing a deep shape, and then fell down and fell to the ground, unable to move. At this time, Janos had been damaged and looked like he was beating his eyes. The undulating lines continue to dim even though they lose their light.

This time Janos is completely abolished...

"Jenos..." Saitama shouted hoarsely, reaching out to grab Genos's stump, but soon his hands fell down.

"Huh, do you know how powerful I am now?! I am the strongest transformation robot in the evolution house! Hahaha..."

Ashura's armor laughed in the sky, very proud, and continued: "So... weak things don't have to remain in this world!"

After all, Ashura's armor raised his big hand, aiming at Saitama, he shot the past, and wanted to completely finish Saitama!

Seeing this, Saitama couldn't bear to look directly, and simply closed her eyes, waiting for the advent of death.

Outside the House of Evolution.

"Brother, this..."

call out!

The words of Hell Devil Dog were not finished, but Ma Yuan's body suddenly turned into a ray of light, fleeting and disappeared.

"Humph, I know..."

The Hellhound froze for a moment, and then suddenly laughed.



At the moment when Asura's armor fell, a light suddenly appeared in front of Saitama, very dazzling light! When Ashura's armor touched that light, its body was directly overturned and rolled down to the ground.

"Huh?" Saitama didn't wait for the moment he thought, so he opened his eyes in confusion, and as a result saw the tall Wei An body in front of him, he smiled inexplicably.

"Brother Ma Yuan..." Saitama was very pleased with Ma Yuan's appearance. He smiled and didn't blame Ma Yuan for being late, but he was very happy. At least he knew that Ma Yuan had been paying attention to him. Moments always appear.

"Aren't you dead?" Ma Yuan said lightly, turning the corners of her mouth slightly, turning her head to look at Saitama, caring: "If you aren't dead, squeak!"

"Well!" Saitama smiled and replied, Ma Yuan saw it, and smiled.

"who are you?!"

Asura's armor was very surprised, staring at Ma Yuan in panic. It could clearly feel from Ma Yuan that a strong danger was reminding it, so it was very afraid of Ma Yuan's sudden appearance. Suddenly appeared when the Asura armor did not notice, this has shocked the Asura armor!

The first feeling of Ashura's armor at this time is that the person in front of him is very dangerous!

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