Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 8 Chapter 47: A group of exotic bald heads

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Ashura's armor was very annoyed, got up and rushed to Mayuan, came to Mayuan at the fastest speed, with a sharp horn on his head, stab at Mayuan!


The horns of Ashura’s armor directly pierced Ma Yuan’s body, and the speed was shocking. The Saitama and the glasses man hiding in the door were quite surprised to see this scene. The original Ma Yuan was so powerful. The tough characters who contend that Ashura's armor has the upper hand, but now the situation is reversed and they just hang up.

How does this make them not shocked?

"Ji Jie... I thought how strong you were, it turned out to be so"

As soon as Ashura's armor became proud, it suddenly felt a trace of improperness, and the extremely dangerous feeling before it appeared again! Asura's armor lifted his head subconsciously, staring at Ma Yuan's disintegration into starlight, and his face was stunned.

"Huh, I know, how about you little...maybe Brother Ma Yuan...the opponent?"

Saitama's mouth twitched up a curved arc. Although his tone was weak, he was very confident.

"How can this be?!"

Asura's armor and glasses men said in unison at this time, very surprised.

"Okay, all this... it's time to end!"

Behind Ashura's armor, a figure floated out of thin air. There is no doubt that he can have such a heavenly ability than Ma Yuan!

At the next moment, I saw his face suddenly gloomy. He slowly raised his palm and gently drawn a curve from the middle of his chest. The movement was very elegant, the curve was drawn out, and a light flickered out, which was gradually enlarged and dazzling. The bright light enveloped the room in an instant, and everyone was blinded by the glare.


The ray of light is like a laser blade. It cuts directly into the Asura armor. It is as simple as cutting green vegetables and radishes. It is easy to split the Asura armor in half and the blood is dripping, which completely ends the life of the Asura armor.

As he was dying, Ashura's armor was still in disbelief. It was really unexpected. There are really such powerful characters in this world.

"This this……"

After a long time, the glare gradually disappeared, and the spectacled man who had been standing quietly at the door watching the corpse separated on the ground was very shocked. He was dumb and surprised.

"Really great..."

Saitama looked at the corpse on the ground and exclaimed from the heart, stunned.

"Well, I'm not going to do anything. The chaos inside this guy was very rich before!"

Ma Yuan disapproved of Saitama's shock and admiration, walked straight to the body of Ashura's armor, picked up a black fist-sized bead from the ground, and squinted and smiled. At this time, he was really affable.

When Saitama saw it, she also recovered and smiled.

"It seems that all this is a foregone conclusion..."

The spectacled man was completely paralyzed and murmured to himself. Only then did he really understand that his previous hard work for nearly a hundred years was lost in vain. Those so-called studies are just a few tricks, meaningless. .

In today's World War I, the glasses man's worldview was completely subverted. Only then did he know how stupid and ignorant he is. In this world, there are still more powerful forces.


The next day, Saitama took Ma Yuan and Janos, who had been repaired, to the restaurant for breakfast, because today this restaurant is engaged in a big bargain, and it happens that Saitama has a coupon here, so one They pulled Ma Yuan early in the morning and came here.

In order to be able to eat back, Saitama also specifically asked Ma Yuan to summon the Hell Devil Dog and go together.

"Ah! The big crab here is really delicious! Xiao Hei, you try it! And Brother Ma Yuan, you eat it too! Hey! Janos, don't grab my steak!"

On a table in the far corner, a large pile of dishes and food piled up. Saitama was waving his hands with his teeth open, gorging on the food that was as high as a hill in front of him, Ma Yuan and Hell Devil Dog heard, Very speechless.

"Hey, hello! Why pay for meals?! This world is not fair! Why do we have to pay if we want to eat?! Why do we have to work hard if we need money?! Why?"

In the middle of the restaurant, a group of people gathered. They were dressed in uniforms and black tights. They were very cool. The only feature was that they were all bald guys.

This group of people overturned the table and yelled, "Why are some people in this world who are born with food and clothing without worrying about anything, and we don't have to worry about anything, and those of us? We can only work hard to make money. When you get late, you can't even eat enough food! Why? This world is unfair!!!"

The middle-aged man headed by the bald man in black shouted, very angry, and carried on the awe-inspiring remarks in the huge restaurant.

When the guests in the restaurant heard the movement, they quickly stopped the chopsticks in their hands, and all of them cast their eyes in the direction of the group of people in black. The face was inexplicable, but the table at Mayuan was still so calm, Qi Jade is also immersed in the ecstasy of eating, while Ma Yuan and others are savoring the fragrant tea in their hands, ignoring the suddenly mad bald man.

When everyone saw that Ma Yuan's table was so calm, he naturally reassured himself, immediately recovered, continued to eat and drink, and ignored the bald man again. The quiet restaurant was once again plunged into a noisy bustle.

"Do you know?! In this world..."

"Boss, they don't seem to be listening to you..."

The headed bald man was suddenly interrupted by the people behind him. The bald man was very annoyed when he heard this. He was so attentive that the speech was not appreciated by the audience, so he shouted again: "Nima! You stupid and ignorant the masses!"

"Boss, let's just go and make some big events that they can't wait to see! If so, they will pay attention to us!"

Another bald man in black suggested.

"Huh, great idea! Since that's the case, let's pick the richest building in the city and destroy it. In that case, should someone pay attention to us?"

The headed bald man grinned and smiled, then he waved his hand and hit the ground with a punch, making the whole restaurant shake for it, so the group of bald men in black ran towards the outside go with.


A piece of wood accidentally hit Saitama's head, making him have to stop eating so crazy, so he was very annoyed, looking at the bright bald heads, clenching his teeth and staring, very angry.

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