Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 8 Chapter 50: Combat clothing broken

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"Driving without a license? What the **** is this?"

The hammer hammered his mouth flat and said, very disdainful.

"It's an undocumented knight!" The man who claimed to be an undocumented knight corrected his opponent's typos and shouted loudly, without fear of the other.

"Brother, this kid is the hero of City B, the undocumented knight, I heard that he is a nosy guy."

The man under the hammer said.

"Cut! Isn't it a boring hero? It's nothing remarkable." The hammerhead still disdains, and it seems that the undocumented knight is not taken into consideration.

"Damn fellow! Dare to look down on my undocumented knight, then let you see my strength!"

The other party's contempt angered the undocumented knight, and he saw that he rushed toward the hammer head with great force.


Suddenly, in front of him, the undocumented knight fell like this, his head was hit hard, and a pool of scarlet blood slowly flowed out. At this time, the undocumented knight lay motionless, lying in the pool of blood.

"Ji Jie... Is this a so-called hero? Isn't it so!"

The hammerhead was arrogant, very proud, stepping on the head of an undocumented knight with his feet, and stomping hard.

"Damn... guy..." The eyes of the undocumented knight were covered in blood, scarlet and unconscious, but he could still feel the tingling sensation from his face.

"Brother, let's get rid of this trouble, the Gold Building is waiting for us to destroy it!"

A member of the Peach Blossom Society said this. As soon as the words came out, a group of Peach Blossom Society members also coaxed, all shouting: "Destroy! Destroy!"

"Ji Jie...You also heard that destruction is the greatest pleasure of our Peach Blossom Club, so... you too **** it!"

The hammerhead said fiercely, and even raised his fist like a stone mill, and hit the head of the undocumented knight!


At this moment, a voice stopped the hammer head, and the hammer head was stunned for a moment. Even looking up, he saw a bald head wearing a tight yellow suit and staring at him, and the hammer head frowned. Look carefully at the comer.

"You **** bald heads, even daring to wrong me, hurry up and surrender to the police station, otherwise, you will be pretty!"

The visitor was Saitama. Undoubtedly, under the tracking of Hell Devil Dog, he quickly found a group of hammerheads. When he saw that the gang of bald heads were still murdering, he was very annoyed.

"Injustice to you? When did this happen? Also, aren't you also bald? Fortunately saying others..."

The hammer head cast a disdainful glance at Saitama.

"Ah... I almost forgot!" After being reminded by the hammer head, Saitama was only awakened.

"Uh... The person has already found it for you, then I will withdraw first!"

The Hellhound was so speechless to Saitama that it simply disappeared.

"Okay, thank you, Xiaohei, next time you can eat bones!"

Before leaving, Saitama thanked and said, causing the Hell Devil Dog to stumble and fall to the ground quickly, again speechless.

"I don't care who you are, as long as they dare to interfere with my hammerhead's destruction plan, then kill them all!"

The hammerhead said fiercely, waved his hand, and the men behind him turned up and rushed towards Saitama.

"It just happened, let me bring you to justice!"

Saitama rubbed his hands and fought aggressively, and greeted the peach blossom club with a punch.


Saitama's fist collided with the fist of a member of the Peach Blossom Society, and suddenly there was a sound of metal symphony. Saitama was startled. Unexpectedly, at the moment when Saitama became enchanted, the members of the Peach Blossom Society attacked Qi. Jade, after all, fists are invincible with four hands, Saitama can't be caught flying, and after a few revolutions in the air, he stumbled.

"This bunch of guys have strange clothes! They were careless just now, so hard, they hurt me..."

Saitama shook the red and swollen palm, and said with a grin.

"Huh, ignorant guy, this is the latest combat suit developed. It's extremely hard. Your kid would dare to block it with bare hands, even if his bones aren't broken, you're good!"

Seeing Saitama deflated at the hammerhead, he was very proud, and continued: "Brothers, this kid is handed over to me, you go and destroy that golden building!"

"Yes, boss!"

The rest of the members of the Peach Blossom Association quickly agreed, and they swept away towards the grove in front.

And their goal is the golden building behind the grove, which is the tallest building in city B. The building is magnificent and tall. If they are destroyed, the collapsed building may affect the innocent people.

At the thought of this, Saitama couldn't help but take it seriously, clenched his fists again, and said coldly: "You are too arrogant? Do you think you can beat me alone?"

"Well, it's more than enough to deal with you a little!"

The hammerhead said that he was throwing punches at Saitama.

Saitama saw it, and a curved arc came up at the corner of her mouth, her face cold and calm, fixed on the spot, seemingly waiting for the enemy to arrive.


The hammer hit the Saitama with a punch, but strangely, the fist fell to the ground, hitting a big pit on the ground, and the figure of Saitama didn't know when he came behind the hammer, smiling. Stared at the hammer head.

"Damn fellow, where to hide?!"

The hammerhead just felt a sudden chill coming behind him, even if he was throwing his fist again, and then he wanted to hit Saitama.


The fist of the hammerhead is very heavy. At the moment of waving, there was a gust of wind that swept through the wind, and the sound of the wind breaking "Woo", the speed is amazing, the power is fast, and it hits the target!


This time, the fist of the hammerhead fell into the ground again, hitting the ground, revealing a big pit. Saitama also disappeared from the place, and moved to a short distance instantly, still looking at the hammerhead with a smile.

"Damn..." The hammerhead didn't hit Saitama twice, but he was very annoyed, glaring at Saitama, screaming and rushing towards Saitama again!

"It's time to end!" At the next moment, I saw that Saitama stopped her smile and looked cold, and even shot in vain, directly hitting the head of the nearby hammer with a punch.


The hammer head draws an arc at high altitude, and the spin falls to the ground, and the whole body sinks into the ground.

"Impossible... Your kid can't beat me! I'm a hammerhead!"

The hammerhead stood up with difficulty, quite hard. At this time, the hammerhead was covered with dust and very embarrassed, but he was still not convinced, and he continued to march towards Saitama.


I hadn't waited for the hammerhead to take a few steps, only to hear a faint sound, which seemed to be the cracking of the glaze, and then I saw that the dark combat suit on the hammerhead quickly cracked and turned into pieces. , Scattered scattered.

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