Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 8 Chapter 64: Under the strange area

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"How is this possible?! My shape memory gold bullet can easily penetrate five millimeters of steel plate! Now why can't I help him?! What a monster is this..."

The golden ball was shocked again and again, stunned in place, not even aware that a thick layer of kelp had been quietly wrapped under his feet.


At the next moment, the freak covered with green kelp was shocked, and then saw that a foot wrapped around the golden ball was suddenly picked up by a long kelp, so that the entire body of the golden ball was suspended in the air at a fast speed, Even the Golden Ball didn't react.

"Golden Ball!" Spring Beard exclaimed.


Then, I saw the kelp bound by the golden ball wave in vain, swept the golden ball in a circle, crashed into the surrounding buildings, and the rubble flew. This swept down the round, and the golden ball fell directly to the ground. Suffered heavy damage, unable to move, and completely lost combat capability.

This scene was clearly seen by the spring beard on the side, the speed is fast, the strength is strong, and the K-level gold ball is easily knocked down in a blink of an eye. This really surprised the spring beard.

call out!

Although the Golden Ball has lost its fighting power, the weirdo didn’t seem to intend to stop there. I saw that the kelp on the weirdo was still creeping, and the kelp that was originally lying on the ground suddenly became straight under the control of the weirdo. Up, stab toward the golden ball, like a sharp blade out of the sheath, very sharp.

"Golden Ball!"

How did the spring beard make the weird man succeed? After screaming, he saw that the spring beard reached into his waist. After touching it, he immediately pulled out a sword, and then he slashed to the kelp that attacked the golden ball to protect the golden ball. .

With the sound of "qiang", when the spring-bearded sword slashed towards that kelp, a metal symphony sounded, and Mars splashed, and then the kelp was cut off the waist. After the first confrontation between the spring-bearded and the weirdo, I couldn't help but The weird weapon was surprised.

"I was able to cut my hair, but I was a bit patient."

The weird man said coldly that he would drive the kelp around him, and hundreds of kelp squirmed together. At that moment, they all shot out at the same time and attacked the spring beard!

"Come on, let me see how powerful you monster is!"

Spring Beard was also agitated for war. He didn't dare to neglect it and quickly raised his sword to fight.


Qiang Qiang!

When the kelp touched the spring beard, it was all broken by the spring beard. With the number of kelp still increasing, the speed of the spring beard was also faster and faster. The shot was decisive and decisive. Close-up kelp landed one after another.

"It's over! Look at the sword!!! Drink!!!"

Spring Beard swept away the kelp tentacles in front of him, and he saw that he placed the sword on his chest. Under a scream, the sword on the chest of Spring Beard suddenly became longer and shot at the kelp monster. , Extending all the way to the distance, approaching the head of the enemy!


The spring-bearded sword stretched forward, rushing all the way, unstoppable, directly penetrated the kelp's tentacles, and then pierced the side pole.

Unfortunately, it did not cause any damage to the kelp freak, because when the long sword pierced the kelp freak, he chose to avoid it sideways.

"The monster's tentacles are so hard, like iron plates, even my sword is difficult to pierce..."

Spring Beard can no longer calm down at this time, but this blow is the most powerful blow he is most proud of. The power is powerful and he can kill the enemy by surprise, but now... it is empty!

How does this calm him?

"It's not bad to be able to pierce my hair..."

The kelp weird man looked at a kelp tentacle suspended in front of himself and had been pierced by a spring beard, quite surprised.

"Those kelp were manipulated like a whip. This kind of attack is very fierce. I can't solve him alone. It seems that I have to call the association for help..."

The spring beard secretly slandered, and at this time, he had reached a hand to the back and quietly dialed the rescue call of the hero association.

"Hey, can I ask you a question?" Spring Beard tried to distract the kelp freak, saying.

"..." The kelp freak did not answer the spring beard, just staring silently.

"Are you a monster in this no man's land? Are you the monster that appeared before?"

"What are you talking about? I came in from outside the city. I just heard that there are powerful monsters here. Who knows that when I met you two little guys, I was so disappointed."

The kelp freak said, the kelp on his body was constantly wriggling, a posture about to move.


"According to the news, the golden ball of the 33rd-ranked hero of the A-level heroes can no longer fight, and the spring beard with the 29th rank of the A-level heroes is now in a bitter battle."

"Now quickly call for heroes above level A to rescue, the location is no man's land!"

"hurry up!!!"


At the headquarters of the League of Legends, I have received a call for help from Springbeard.


The situation on the spring beard is still very serious.

"You must have sent a rescue to your headquarters?"

At this moment, the kelp freak seemed to be aware of the clue and said coldly to the spring beard.

"..." This sentence scared Spring Beard out of a cold sweat and dared not respond.

"Exactly, when those powerful human heroes come, I will kill them together, let me be the strongest monster in this no man's land!"

The kelp freak shouted, very arrogant, let alone, the kelp around him was already out of the nest, like a sharp blade, rushing towards the spring beard.


Hearing the screams of the spring beard, he was immediately wrapped in countless kelp. When the kelp tentacles returned to the kelp freak, the spring beard was already a ragged wolf, and he was like a blood bath, and then fell to the ground. , Also lost combat capability.


Heroes Association headquarters.

"The news just came back, the hero Spring Beard was defeated too!"

The remarks shocked the audience.



At this time, in a room in the no man's land, a light curtain was suddenly projected in front of Janos, showing some text on it. This was a notice from the League of Heroes, which transmitted the location and situation of the kelp monster. come.

"There are monsters in no man's land? Good opportunity! Teacher Saitama, I just received a notice from the association that there are monsters in no man's land!"

After receiving the notice, Janos ran out of the bathroom in excitement and immediately went to the living room to inform Saitama.

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