Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 8 Chapter 81: True and false heroes

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Looking at Saiyu's disdainful face, the deep sea king suddenly stunned.

"If you want to fight, hurry up. It's raining now. It's not good to catch a cold..." Saitama continued.

As soon as this word came out, the Deep Sea King could no longer stand it, and his teeth were shot.

"Arrogant guy, die!" The Deep Sea King waved its huge fist and smashed it toward Saitama.

When Saitama saw it, she raised her eyebrows, squinted her eyes, and the spin was an instant shot, a punch, and the shot was faster than the Deep Sea King, before the Deep Sea King's fist touched Saitama. , Saitama's fist has been hit **** the deep sea king's chest.


At the next moment, I only heard a dull sound, so the scene in front of me completely shocked the audience. I saw Saitama punching, and a boxing wind was whizzing out. When I did not really touch the deep sea king, it was just fierce. His fist style has already shattered the deep sea king's chest, and then penetrated directly.


The boxing wind was like a sharp blade, swept out, and after quickly piercing the chest of the deep sea king, he continued to roar and raged behind his back!

The gusts of wind were sweeping like a hurricane. A powerful and violent wave was raging across the sky. The range was extremely wide. The gusty winds overturned the car. The trees and fences on the roadside were in refuge. All the people clearly felt a gust of wind flapping on their faces, making their hair dance against the wind, and their eyes were almost unable to open.

And Janos felt the breeze Xu Lai, and showed a smile, the gust of wind was very kind and gentle, he was very familiar.

Saitama raised his fist and looked at the prostrating deep sea king in front of him, his expression remained unchanged. On the other hand, the King of the Deep Sea was shocked. A blood flowed slowly through the seven holes. A big hole had been broken in the chest, and the blood flow continued.

It looked dumbfounded, looking at Saitama.

"What happened just could this king..." Until now, the King of the Sea did not know what happened before, and clearly remembered that it launched the offensive first, but now it has become like this.

All of this came too suddenly. Except for Janos and Saitama who understood it, the rest were all confused, unclear.

"Oh! That monster was killed!!"

"Look! The monster was beaten down on his knees!!"

"What happened just now? Why did you kill the monster in a blink of an eye?"

"is that a lie……"


The masses saw the big hole in the body of the Deep Sea King, the blood of a place, and after knowing that the monster was about to die, it suddenly boiled and cheered, looking very excited and excited.

"How is it possible?! It's just a punch, and it's over..."

"It's incredible!"

"This is too powerful? Hahaha!"

"But this guy is only C-level, how is it possible..."

In addition to the excitement of everyone, I was also puzzled. They were all surprised by the powerful power of Saitama. Obviously it was only a C-level hero. How could there be such a powerful power?

"Cut, I see, it's not how bad this guy is, it just happens to be good luck."

At this time, a man with a watermelon hair type in the refuge said disdainfully.

As soon as this remark came out, controversy continued.

Someone said, "Luck? No, so many heroes have lost..."

"Puff!" the man with watermelon head couldn't help but smile, said: "That's because there were those heroes who took turns in battle, consuming the monster's physical strength, making it weaker, and then losing to that C-level guy. Yes, you think about it, don’t you think?"

"Hey, don't say that, anyway, people saved us!"

Someone couldn't hear it, so they stopped drinking.

But the man with the watermelon head seemed unwilling to give up, and his mouth twitched, saying, "Everyone can do anything desperately, these so-called heroes are so weak, and they also take so much money from our taxpayers to protect us. Say not?"

"Hey! Have you said enough?! Don't go too far!"

At this time, someone stood up and grabbed the collar of the man with a watermelon head, warning.

"Why?! What kind of fire is blaming me?! How can I not see you to fight the monster just now with such a skill! Now what kind of temper...

Although some people came out to warn the watermelon head man, the watermelon head man was still straightforward, he did not repent, and continued to speak badly.

"You..." The strong man grabbed the collar of the man with the watermelon head and raised his fist to hit it.

"Everyone stops, there is no point in what this person says."

At this time, someone said.

"Yeah, if it hadn't been for a few heroes to delay the time and consume the monster's physical strength, this C-level hero would not have knocked down the monster so easily!"

Someone in the crowd misinterpreted this way. Everyone heard the words and fell silent, thinking for a moment.

"If you think about it, it really looks like this..."

The strong man who was holding the watermelon head man suddenly thought clearly, and slowly let go of the watermelon head man.

"Yeah, I think so!"

"How can you do this! Others saved our lives!"

Some of them were not angry and indignant about Saitama.

There was a lot of controversy among the masses, and there was a quarrel, and the refuge was suddenly full of voices and noisy.

"Hahaha!" At this moment, Saiyu's laughter suddenly came from the rain. Everyone heard the words and stopped the noise. They all cast their eyes on Saitama with doubts.

"Oh, it's really lucky. I lost the strength of other monsters due to the battles of other heroes. I have the chance to defeat them so easily. It's really wise to come later!"

Saitama stood in the rain, feeling the coldness of the rain, and deliberately raised the sound and shouted loudly.

Everyone heard it, they were all startled, staring blankly at Saitama, and the man with the watermelon head smiled smugly.

"This is all right, the credit goes to me alone, hee hee!"

Saitama continued to add oil and vinegar, and said: "Hey! Don't talk nonsense when you go back! No matter I'm late, but I was the one who knocked down the monster in the end! Do you know?"

As soon as this remark came out, the crowd showed a one-sided situation, and they all murmured.

"Is it really like this?"

"It seems that the truth is really what it is. That guy is right. He really just sits and collects profits..."

"If this is the case, this guy is really abominable! How could such a person be a hero?"


Every sentence of the masses was heard by Saitama, but Saitama didn't refute it. The corner of his mouth raised slightly, and a bit of bitterness came from his heart.

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