Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 8 Chapter 91: Grotesque weakness

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On the huge spaceship, Saitama wandered around, and all the places he passed by were smashed by him.

Saitama walked to a seemingly heavy steel door, knocked tentatively, reached for the door handle, and gently pulled it down. Seeing that the steel door could not open, Saitama tried to push it in again. , But still nothing happened.


At the next moment, I saw Saitama violently pull up the iron gate, and the whole gate was taken down for him.

"Huh, it's broken..." Saitama looked at his hands blankly and said.

However, in the control room at the deepest part of the spaceship, the octopus looked astonished, looking at Saitama on the screen, and every move of Saitama was seen by him, from Saitama just entered the ship. From the moment of the moment, Saitama's actions all shocked it.

"Is this guy... a monster?" said Octopus, ashamed.


Beneath the spaceship, the undead monster Meluzaruduo still entangles with many heroes.


After the metal baseball exploded the little head that had been differentiated by the weirdos, a pool of flesh squirmed on the ground quickly. Pieces of flesh and blood were attracted into the air, glued together, and finally quickly merged, an ugly The head appeared in front of everyone.

"This **** has recovered again!"

Seeing the metal baseball, I was shocked. I couldn't help but squeeze the baseball bat in my hand. It seems that this strange person is not so easy to deal with, at least for a while.

"Damn human, I will tear your hands and feet, then put them in a jar and put them on the spaceship as pets!"

The independent little head and the body said in unison, gruesome, very fierce, and cruel.

"Oops! It was recovered by it!!"

The silver fang Fanggu has only recovered now, looking at the weird man who has formed, surprised.

"Huh, the big-mouthed guy, I want to catch you as my free sandbag!"

The metal baseball brandished a baseball bat and rushed to the little head. The stick was flattened again with a stick, and the entire brain was sunken, but nevertheless, the little head smiled and let the metal baseball abuse Fighting, and he is healing quickly, unaffected.

"Metal baseball, this physical attack does not work for this monster, I suggest using flames to burn, it may be effective."

Atomic samurai on the side saw the endless profligate energy of metal baseball, so he put forward what he thought.

"Where can I get some flames now?! I will not accept this proposal, I will only use a baseball bat!!! Drink!!!"

The metal baseball was very stubborn, ignoring the suggestions of others, and tossing about it. During the conversation, the little head was shot again and the blood spattered.

"The old man believes that his running water and crushing rock fist can defeat this guy!"

The silver fang Banggu pierced his horse and said coldly.

"Me too, my angel form won't lose to this ugly one." The **** prisoner made a fancy ballet movement in a circle, looking distorted.

"Ah, since this is the case, the Laozi knife will not drag you back!"

The Atomic Warrior said nothing but rushed towards the weirdo, leapt forward, turned over the weirdo's head, and slashed his back with a knife.

When everyone saw this, they were unwilling to fall behind. They rushed towards the weirdo together, and even the metal baseball hurriedly waved the iron rod, where they exploded the little head and joined their battle.

The next moment, four S-level heroes joined forces to attack the weirdo.

The **** prisoner punches fiercely and destructively. When he punches a punch, he leaves a blood hole on the weirdo, and the silver fangs are also young swords, and he shoots fiercely. Waving the iron rod in his hand constantly, bursting the weirdo again and again, even the atomic warrior with only one hand was very brave. Wherever the knife flashes, a pool of blood splashes, Pieces of skin of the weirdo kept being cut off by him.

"It's really a group of tough guys, or hurry to find a way out of their attack, there are more powerful enemies on the spaceship waiting for me!"

The weirdo was attacked by turns, and he was still able to cope with it with ease. Fortunately, its own regeneration ability was very powerful. Otherwise, in the face of this gang of killing gods, he did not know how many times to die.

"That's right! Grugansup, you can control all the shells on the spacecraft to concentrate the firepower and attack me!"

The weirdo was distracted, and was directly retreated by the metal baseball bat, but this attack did not play any role at all. Instead, the weirdo looked excited, shouting at the spaceship in the sky: "Concentrate firepower ! Shoot at me!!"

"Eh! Yeah! But... you will also be blown up together."

There was such a voice above the sky.

"Don't be afraid! My regeneration ability is very strong, you can fire the gun! Blow me to death..."


Before the weirdo had finished speaking, his head had been cut by the blade of the Atomic Warrior, and it was cut away from the side of the eyeball. The dark eyeball also fell together with a trace of flesh and blood.

"It's useless! It's useless! You just use your energy in vain, it won't hurt me at all!"

The weirdo said triumphantly. I saw that the flesh and blood that had fallen apart were quickly brought together, with the black eyeballs as the center, attracting the rest of the flesh, and healed quickly.

"Huh, what is this?" Metal Baseball saw a pair of eyes on the freak's head, couldn't bear to be curious, so he quickly shot and grabbed the eyeball on the freak's head.

"Hurry down for me!"

A head of the weirdo had already formed at this time. When he saw the metal baseball holding his eyeball, it looked very annoyed. The whole head rushed to the metal baseball.

"Get away from me!"


The metal baseball bat swung and burst the head, so he looked at the eyeball in the palm of his hand. Looking at it carefully, it felt that the eyeball was not the same as the eyeball of the average person. Instead, it was like a glass ball.

After watching the metal baseball for a while, it felt boring, so he squeezed it out, and the sound of "poo" turned into a powder that resembled a glass ball.


At the next moment, as the glass ball shattered, the weirdo's head made a scream, screaming heart and soul, and then saw the head suddenly explode, turning into a pool of flesh and blood. Ground, motionless.

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