Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 9 Chapter 4: Ito Jiro

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Holding Yingteng Jing's hand, walking on the street under the rain, at this time there are not many people on the street, because Ma Yuan's blood chakra eyes Yingteng Jing also forgot what happened just now, but blushed and bowed his head. Beside Ma Yuan. From time to time secretly glanced at Ma Yuan holding his hand.

"Let's eat here," Ma Yuan walked to the door of a restaurant and Ma Yuan said to her with a smile.

"I, let's go to the snack market, okay." Ying Tengjing whispered a little shyly, this time not as sure as before. The intensity of the resistance is also much smaller, I don't know if it was because Ma Yuan was holding his hand.

Ma Yuan was suddenly speechless, just coming from there, you want to go back? Without speaking, she took her hand and walked in.

"Hello, welcome."

The waitress standing on either side of the door stooped and shouted. Suddenly the Sakura Vine on the side was startled. Ma Yuan ignored it and directly dragged Sakuraruto into the room.

The interior decoration will not be very luxurious, but it is very neat, there are not many people, and the atmosphere is very quiet. Ma Yuan casually found a seat by the window and pulled Sakurato to sit down. Ordered a few sushi and sashimi at will.

After this meal, the two didn't say anything, just lowered their heads and ate their food quietly.

In this season, the weather darkened quickly, and coupled with the rain, the street lights on the streets all lit up in a few moments.

"Me, I've eaten." Ying Teng said softly with a small head on her face and whispered.

"I'll take you home," Ma Yuan looked at the sky outside and said casually.

"No, I'll just go home without it." Jing Tengjing was excited, and raised his head and said to Ma Yuan.

Suddenly a hint of understanding flashed in Ma Yuan's eyes. Then he smiled and said, okay, but be careful on the road at night. Speaking, I stood up first and went to the front desk to pay the bill.

"Let Ma Yuan spend the money." Jing Tingjing, who stood at the door of the shop, replied to his previous shy look and said to Ma Yuan with his head down.

"It's nothing. I haven't thanked you for lunch these days." Ma Yuan showed a bit of laziness when he inserted his hands in his pockets casually.

"Then, I'll go back first." Although I have forgotten the protection of Ma Yuan when I was a little bastard, I don't know why Ying Tengjing had a semi-dependent feeling about Ma Yuan unconsciously. , So that she always unconsciously red ears in front of Ma Yuan face.

Ma Yuan sighed deeply as he watched the sakura vines who turned around and left completely dark with scattered raindrops.

Ying Teng Jing walked on the way back, but all of them were Ma Yuan's shadows, and the blush on his face did not recede in the slightest.

It can be said that Ma Yuan is uncomfortable to eat after a meal, but L's side is in chaos because of Ma Yuan. In the afternoon, when L received news of another former criminal who died of cardiac anesthesia in the market, he immediately mobilized a large number of police and security personnel to the scene.

But the police and security personnel who returned last time said that there was no one at the scene, and even the police who called the police and said that Kile was at the scene said no one was there.

This moment made L enter into a highly nervous thinking. Does Kile have the ability to tamper with others' memories? Although his direction was right, he did not expect that besides Kile Moon Night, there is also a Ma Yuan classmate who is many times more powerful than Kile.

But who can think that this thing was indeed done by Kile, but it was Ma Yuan's ass. It's not just L who is distressed, Luna Shenye is also caught in deep thought.

"Liuke, are you sure there is no one else in the world who can tamper with people's memories except for the **** of death?" Ye Shenyue asked Liuke seriously.

"Absolutely impossible, but is it another death?" Hearing the words of Ye Shenyue police chief's father when he came back, Liu Ke also doubted whether other deaths were involved.

"There are other gods of death? You haven't told me about this matter." Luna Shenye frowned slightly, but she quickly straightened her mind and did not continue to struggle with this kind of problem.

"Of course, Bleach Realm won't be the only one, but other Blinds will never run into the world as boringly as I do." Liu Ke squatted on the table and said casually.

"It seems that this game is getting more and more interesting actinium," thought Ruckle.

While everyone was troubled by the handwriting of classmate Ma Yuan, he sat quietly behind the sakura vine in the air, knowing that it was so late, and in such an unsafe world, a gentleman again How can a girl go home alone.

Ying Tengjing walked to the door of the house, but stopped again. The wine bottle at the door and the pungent smell of alcohol in the air all declared that the "head of the family" had returned.

Ying Tengjing's small, ruddy face suddenly turned pale and pale. At this moment, she seemed to fall from heaven to **** at once.

He came back only a few days ago, why is he back again? The only thing left in Sakura Fuji's meditation was panic, and the joints in his hands became pale as a result of excessive force.

And Ma Yuan, who had seen Sakura Fujita already in the air and was planning to flash people, also found her abnormal and stopped.

In the end, Ying Tengjing still gritted his teeth and pushed open the courtyard door and went in.

A burst of scolding suddenly came from the house. There was also a miserable cry of women. There are Jingyingjing and others.

Ma Yuan, who has blood chakra eyes and reincarnation eyes, naturally knew what was happening inside. After the stun, there was a little bit of course. No wonder Sakuratoko was always so timid. No wonder I said to send her home, she would have such a big reaction.

Under the consternation, Ma Yuan was a little angry. If someone else Ma Yuan was naturally just a lively event, the pitiful people in this large world would naturally be gone too. The sakura vines, Ma Yuan could not bear it. He didn't have any other problems, just to protect short.

Without any hesitation, Ma Yuan directly broke into the door, and at the moment he rushed in, no matter whether the violent Ito Jiro or the crying pear flower with the face of Sakuraru was stunned.

The responding Ito Jiro suddenly pointed at Ma Yuan and screamed, even looking for something to clean up the guy who broke into the door in front of him.

After a while I don’t know where to take out a samurai sword, Ito Jiro cut it towards Mayuan. At this time, Jingying Jing who saw this scene changed his cowardice, as if he had become a different person, embraced Ito Jiro's leg, and shouted to let Mahara leave.

This time, Ma Yuan who just wanted to shoot did not know where to go.

However, Ito Jiro didn't feel the slightest softness, kicked the foot and swiftly kicked away the cherry tree vine holding his leg, and ran towards Ma Yuan, cursing loudly in his mouth. He did not know that his kick was his only hope.

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