Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 9 Chapter 8: The Wonderful King of Bleach Realm

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The next place to go is naturally Bleach Realm, although it can be said that there is no threat to Ma Yuan. Will not easily provoke humans. But Ma Yuan thought about it, and it was better to go out of respect for others.

Moreover, sooner or later, when he and Liuke will face each other, it is better to get to know the **** of death in this world as soon as possible.

In fact, Ma Yuan is only curious about the function of the death note. Such things as taking life can be achieved through such a simple thing. I have to admit that this is the real reason why Ma Yuan wanted to go to the world of Death God.

Here Ma Yuan is quickly flying towards the Death Realm in the sky, while Night God Moon is studying all the materials from the appearance of Ma Yuan to the present.

Night God Moon is still not willing to be threatened by others. Although he wanted to come, his ultimate goal was to save this world and change the whole world. But his self-proclaimed ambition is enough to prove his arrogance and arrogance.

Ma Yuan did not know that the threat of not using any force was not so convinced in the eyes of others. After all, not everyone has amazing intuitive judgment like L.

And Ma Yuan did not think that although he could already say that he was no longer afraid of anything, he did not think that some people were different from him.

Finally, Ma arrived at the connection between the human world and the world of death,

Although the human world and the world of death are two worlds, they are only separated by a thin boundary film. This is the first time that the thing was carefully observed so close. Although there is only a thin layer, its toughness and bearing capacity are unparalleled.

Ma Yuan tried to poke the boundary wall with his hand, and the terrifying space that overflowed above surprised Ma Yuan. It is indeed something that can divide a world. Ma Yuan sighed.

Without hesitation, Ma Yuan turned and flew into the passage.

Ma Yuan returned to the Blind Realm with some emotions. No wonder Liu Ke would not be able to bear loneliness and ran to the world. If you switch to yourself, I am afraid that you will never come back when you run out.

It is still very empty, like a desert desolate, except for skeleton bones. It is completely in the ocean of bones.

There are many deaths in the world of death, just like human beings, even if the death is a god, it still has its own seven emotions and six desires. The evil character of Liu Ke is an example. In addition, like Rem, the death is full of responsibility and love. someone here.

"I seem to see a person?" As Ma Yuan flew over the Skeletal Desert, a thin skeleton without clothes and a big white skeleton next to him said.

"How could anyone, you stayed here for too long to get out of illusion." Unlike the other thin voice of the thin skeleton, the voice of the big fat skeleton answered very coarsely and loudly. He also patted the thin skeleton with its big skeleton hand with the skull next to it.

"Slap." There was a thunderous noise, and the thin skull was scattered on the ground.

The only thing left on the ground is the skull.

"Regardless of whether there are human beings or not, you are responsible for putting me together this time!" I saw the skeleton of the skull on the ground yelling at the big fat skeleton one by one.

"Don't worry, I don't know how many times you have been fighting with your old bones." The big fat skull sat on the spot and began to stitch together skillfully. I don’t know how many times the two have experienced such things.

Ma Yuan's flight speed is not very fast, and he moves slowly in the air that is not very high from the ground. When he first entered the space of death, he forgot to be invisible, except for the two fat and thin skeletons just now. The **** of death saw him passing by in the air, but fortunately Ma Yuan's immediate invisibility was free from the exposed danger.

But even in this case, his trail has been almost known by most of the gods of death in the world of death.

"I said I saw human beings. Look," the thin skinny skeleton still stitched shouted toward the fat skeleton after hearing the news of the arrival of humans from the world of death.

Ma Yuan did not stay any longer, looked around in the air to find his death, and flew toward the deepest part of the bone.

Following the breath from the King of Death in the air, Ma Yuan finally found him deep in the bones, still sitting on the huge bone seat, but feeling that the breath was much stronger than when he saw it last time.

Although the distance is not very far away, Ma Yuan has been able to clearly feel the thick breath of death on the King of Death. This is not possessed by any of the gods of death just encountered on the road.

The huge body does not allow Ma Yuan to retreat, but the match-up of the Death King's body makes Ma Yuan a little tolerant.

The black skull bracelet, as well as the non-mainstream nose ring like Liu Ke, exude a thick rustic flavor, which has made Ma Yuan ignore the thick death on his body.

Of course, this is Ma Yuan. If it is changed to someone else, I am afraid that it will be scared to death on the spot with just a hint of breath.

At this time, the king of death seems to be in a peculiar state. Even if Ma Yuan has shown his body in the air, the king of death still sits motionless on the bone chair. If it is not a strong breath of death, tell Ma Yuan He is just a handicraft that Ma Yuan believes.

However, from a distance, it really looks a bit like the anime surroundings, but such a rural anime surroundings may have to be sold to the boss to vomit blood. Ma Yuan looked at the King of Death while standing in the air, touching his chin, and thought a bit maliciously.

"Come on, that man is here." Suddenly a cry of death came from behind Ma Yuan, and it turned out that the deaths of Ma Yuan had found here.

This time the fun is bigger, but this big guy should wake up too. Ma Yuan thought and flew to the big head.

"You, what do you want to do!" After seeing the scene, the death in white fur suit who was very proud of having found Ma Yuan suddenly screamed.

"No, I just want to help you wake up this big guy." Ma Yuan, who flew behind the head of the king of death, kicked out with a fierce kick. I saw a huge noise from the huge death king "Peng" fell from the seat to the front of the seat.

The strange thing is that the King of Reaper did not wake up, but kept his head on the ground, his legs kneeled on the ground, and his **** poked high. Even more curious is that he even snored.

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