Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 9 Chapter 10: World beads

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The dazzling light emanated from the door, and I saw the inside of the large Bone Palace, which turned out to be alive, which was too weird. Obviously, there was still a dead white-bone building, but when he entered, he looked like a king's back garden.

"This," immediately Ma Yuan was speechless.

"Hey, lord, don't be surprised, the more miraculous is still behind." The King of Reaper seemed to understand Ma Yuan's stunned expression and stepped forward to show off.

Sure enough, as the king of death said, the more he went on, the more surprised Ma Yuan was. This is obviously a completely different space from the Bleach Realm, with two suns above it. The more you walk in, you can see more and more creatures, rabbits, deer, and even two giant tigers.

And these animals don't seem to be afraid of the king of death and Ma Yuan. There is even a rabbit leaping around Ma Yuan. Even a tiger bit the bone on the leg of the king of death, he just didn't say anything.

But the King of Reaper did not hurt the tiger, but he patted it gently on his forehead, and saw that the tiger loosened his mouth and ran away with a cry toward the King of Reaper.

"Hey, sir. I laughed. These animals have been with me for a long time, and I haven't seen strangers, so I'm more courageous." The king of death looked at Ma Yuan and smiled embarrassedly.

The two crossed the stream and flew over the hillside and finally came to the center of this world. The world bead mentioned by the king of death is here.

I saw here that there was a beam of light throughout the world. The world bead mentioned by the king of death is in the middle of this huge beam of light.

"Actually, when you first came to Bleach Realm, World Pearl reflected it, but it was not an early warning, but a very joyful reaction, but at the same time, I, who passed the World Pearl, also felt the strength of adults It’s far more than I don’t know how many times. From the beginning of death to the present, you are the first existence that makes World Pearl happy, so according to the guidance of World Pearl, I dare to tell you so many things."

The King of Reaper saw Ma Yuan staring at the World Pearl and was a little distracted. He stood beside him and explained why he would bring the horse to the place.

In fact, to put it bluntly, the world bead is a conscious thing. He instructed the king of death to bring it down. Although the King of Death knew that Ma Yuan was not too malicious, but because he was afraid of Ma Yuan's strength, he had to pretend to sleep, and after being seen through Ma Yuan, he obeyed the will of the world pearl and brought Ma Yuan down.

"Then, how can it help me?" Ma Yuan finally understood and asked with some hesitation. He also felt a friendly power from this beam of light. He knew that this power would never hurt him.

"You should just walk into the beam of light." King of Reaper said with some uncertainty.

"What is supposed to be? Ma Yuan suddenly felt a little speechless when he heard the death king say. Nima, I know Lao Tzu is taking the risk of his life to help. Although I have to take advantage of it by the way!

Without paying attention to the King of Reaper who was desperately explaining aside, Ma Yuan walked towards the pillar of light. When he was about to enter the beam of light, Ma Yuan stopped again. And when Ma Yuan stopped, the world beads in the beam of light seemed to shake.

Thinking of what Ma Yuan gritted his teeth, he finally resolutely walked in.

I just felt a warm warmth surrounding myself, as if I had returned to my mother's womb. The comfortable Ma Yuan suddenly had a drowsiness.

The unknown liquid quickly scoured Ma Yuan's body. At this time, all the comfortable feelings disappeared again, and it seemed that he was stabbing and brushing his bones.

Ma Yuan knew that this was to help him repair his body and wash away impurities. He gritted his teeth no matter how hard it was, he didn't call it.

Soon, the feeling of pain disappeared, and the same feeling of comfort that followed was followed.

After repeating this for five times, Ma Yuan felt that the scouring of the surrounding liquid gradually became smaller. After five tortures like that, even Ma Yuan felt exhausted and sleepy.

At this time, there seems to be such a gentle voice in Ma Yuan's mind, sleep, sleep. Get a good night's sleep. Everything will be better when you wake up.

Ma Yuan, who was about to fall asleep, seemed to think of something. Suddenly opened his eyes. If it weren’t for Lao Tzu to have been a grim reaper, maybe it’s really taken you!

Ma Yuan opened his eyes and saw a pearl-sized bead floating less than ten centimeters from his forehead. Crystal clear, the beads seem to contain infinite starlight. People can't open their eyes at a glance.

This is the bead, sneaking into Ma Yuan's head.

You can also drill your head. Thinking of Ma Yuan's unreasonable smile, he reached for the bead. However, Ma Yuan saw a little girl in the beads in a trance, and turned her eyes disdainfully at him. Huh, my aunt and grandma, if you want to drill, do you still want to stop me?

Then a bead searched out of Ma Yuan's hand and got into Ma Yuan's head.

This sudden change made Ma Yuan want to cry without tears. Why don't you fly out directly, and reach out to catch it.

After inspecting his body up and down in the light column N times, Ma Yuan found that in addition to having a better body, the eight abdominal muscles on his body were also obvious, and there were no bad changes in the rest, so he temporarily rested. Flew out.

Ma Yuan flew out without saying that grabbing the King of Death is a beating. The King of Reaper could no longer make any sound except for the miserable begging and shouting.

After a while, Ma Yuan looked at the Death King, who was almost broken by himself, and asked, "Is there really nothing to hide from me?"

"Really not, how dare I," replied the mourning face of the king of death.

"Huh, if I find that you lied to me, you'll wait for it." Ma Yuan still seemed to disbelieve, staring at the Death King threateningly.

Hearing Ma Yuan say this, the look of Death King is a bit tangled. But as soon as he thought of something, he immediately said firmly: He absolutely did not hide anything from Ma Yuan.

Seeing this, Ma Yuan had no choice but to turn around and flew away with a few casual notes from Death King.

The death king who saw Ma Yuan had gone away suddenly exhaled.

"Hahaha, finally sent that little aunt and grandmother away again!" The speech never saw the grievances and sadness just now. The happy-looking man sent firecrackers to celebrate.

And Ma Yuan flew towards the exit of Bleach Realm without knowing it.

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