Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 9 Chapter 14: The death of Luna Night and a story

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Ma Yuan, who went back to the hotel alone, was very gloomy. It seemed that his own method was not heavy enough, Ye Shenyue.

In the end, when Ying Ting Jing was coming home, she said something that made Ma Yuan feel despised. Ye Shenyue took the initiative to approach Ying Teng Jing while she was away, even several times. Help from Ying Jing's home.

If it is other people, Ma Yuan absolutely does not care, but it is Night God Moon. He knew that this gloomy guy was playing Sakura Tengjing's idea.

Ma Yuan, who has seen the manga, knows exactly what Ye Shenyue looks like. To achieve the goal, no matter what means, even the sea sand that loves you can be abandoned at will. In the eyes of this guy, there is only one person, there is a difference between useful and useless.

It seems that there is no need to continue to play any games with you. Ye Shenyue, who had some chances of winning, was completely sentenced to death by Ma Yuan at the moment.

Ye Shenyue never knows that there are so many comic readers in this world who are more familiar with him than he is with himself. Nor will he understand how terrifying Ma Yuan's methods would be.

"Why?! Why? We need a reason!" At the headquarters of the police station, all police officers investigating the incident of Kellogg appeared extremely angry at the moment.

"Yes, we need a reason. We left our life and death behind us, just to find out Kelly. But why stop when you say stop." A slightly weaker policeman beside him also asked how to ask L. The mood is not much better than the one who questioned L just now.

"I know you will have doubts, but if Kellogg is about to die." L spoke amazingly, although the tone of the speech was very light, but it brought shock to everyone as much as the magnitude 8 earthquake. .

"Killer will die? How do you know!" asked the unwilling person.

"Time will tell." L said and hung up.

Kellogg, I've been waiting for you to make mistakes, but I didn't expect you to lose your life if you make a mistake. L is sitting in the slightly darkened living room, drawing the curtains, playing with puzzles. It was the image of a clown, only the part of the last nose in his hand was complete.

This world is so boring. Regardless of life or death.

Ye Shenyue's eyes were thick and unwilling. But even so, it can only continue to be unwilling. He never had another chance to make a comeback.

"No! What you said will not participate in the war between me and L! You promised!" The grim night **** moon is like a wounded beast. Struggling in vain.

"Yes, I said that. But I regret it. If you want to complain, you will touch the person you shouldn't touch." Ma Yuan just sat in the air and drank Erlang with red wine. Did not glance at him.

"Yes, flow, flow, flow, you help me," as in the comic, the same embarrassment, the same unsightly.

",,,," At the moment, Liu Ke was like a quiet pupil, standing straight aside, and was speechless to the idiot Liu Ke of Ye Shenyue. On the day he returned, he had warned him not to provoke the adult. But he still annoyed the adults. Did the pre-existing wisdom come out of it, and the **** one took himself in.

At this moment, Rick had never regretted it. It’s better to give someone a notebook than to give it to him!

"Liuke, this is the person you chose, or you solved it yourself. How to sit without me teaching you." Tall above Umahara, it was like a **** at the moment. Ye Shenyue raised her head and looked at Ma Yuan high above him, only then did he understand what a real **** was.

All of his previous strategies and efforts seemed to be a joke at this moment. In the eyes of the person in front of him, he is a clown.

Liu Ke understood the meaning of Ma Yuan and quickly took out his notes and wrote the name of Ye Shenyue in his notebook. At this moment, Night God Moon disappeared from the hysterics in the comics, but instead showed a smile as before.

"I lost, but if I try again, I will never touch you again, classmate Ma Yuan. There will be a lot of accidents in this world," he said, and he slowly fell to the ground without a word.

Suddenly Ma Yuan suddenly felt a little boring. He took Ye Shenyue's notebook and said to Liu Ke:

"I took this extra death note. I have your opinion to see your king." After that, he turned and flew away.

"Huh," suddenly Rook exhaled. Finally gone. For Ma Yuan, except for fear, Rucker had no other feelings. On Ma Yuan, Liu Ke even felt a greater sense of oppression than his own king.

Liu Ke made up his mind and never provoke this guy again. As for the notebook, he has to give it to him.

Taking away the densely packed death note full of names, Ma Yuan just went smoothly.

He flew to the place where L lived, without knocking, and flew in directly from the open window. I saw L was lying on the bed watching TV. There are still a lot of snacks and sweets on the bed.

"Nuo, give you." Ma Yuan directly threw the dense death note full of names to L. Then sit on the bed innocently and start snacking.

"This is Kellogg's murderous tool?" L asked with **** between his fingers.

"Well, there are instructions for use. I'm relieved of all the side effects." Ma Yuan, who was eating, leaned against the wall and didn't know what she was thinking. Answered casually.

"Will writing your name on it work?" L asked curiously.

"Speaking of you, there are really many problems. Do you want me to take you to the Blind Realm for a turn?" Ma Yuan turned his head and looked at L seriously

"Forget it. I've collected the things, even the Bleach Realm. It should be the same as boring."

"Oh, you guessed everything so accurately." Ma Yuan said a little boringly.

"Eat, go away after eating, I'm afraid I can't help but grab you." L looked at Ma Yuan seriously, as if someone would come up and take him away next moment.

"If you want to grab it, I won't resist." Ma Yuan put down the snacks in his hands and lay on the bed as you handled them.

"I almost believed it." Difficult, cold noodles even learned to joke.

"Can you tell me your story?" L stared closely at Ma Yuan, as if expecting something.

"Do you want to hear?" Ma Yuan was a little surprised. He didn't expect L to ask his origins like this. But it seems that it is more to listen to the story.

"Well, I want to hear it." I saw L quickly looked at Ma Yuan seriously in a good posture.

"Cough, then listen carefully." Clearing his throat and sitting upright, Ma Yuan actually told L that he had entered the comic book world to the present, and he was very serious.

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