Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 9 Chapter 41: Some people

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"Sima Zhu is here!" I don't know who yelled, and the somewhat frozen atmosphere suddenly became active again. Sima Zhu was the only bald man who survived in the space created by Ma Yuan.

Originally, after being seriously injured by Ma Yuan, Sima Zhu retired, but within three days after the retreat, he broke through the existing state under the pressure and stimulation of that night, and he was injured immediately. For the most part, the remaining minor injuries will be fine as long as you pay attention.

Originally, it has the strength close to the S-class strongman. This breakthrough suddenly increased in strength. The general S-class strongman is basically not his opponent.

At this time, the people in the ball were frightened by Ma Yuan's strength and did not dare to act rashly, but Sima Zhu was different when he came. I believe that under the palm of Sima Zhu, this kid could not figure out any tricks.

"Well, wasn't someone very powerful just now? Let's take a closer look at it. Even if you are a power person, this is not a place where you can arbitrarily, nor will you look in the mirror to see what you are doing! "As if he were an S-class strongman, Chen Yuanyuan's nostrils were skyward, as if he suddenly found a chance to vent, he said proudly.

Everyone present for a while was stunned at the scene. How silly this woman is. You know that even if someone is not as good as Sima Zhu, it will not necessarily be sent there. The person who slapped in the past was an A-level ability. Or, who can slap A-level abilities all over, and where can their strength go?

And Chen Lanshan standing beside Chen Yuanyuan dragged the woman who jumped out suddenly back. I really want to kill this woman alive!

"Cousin, what are you doing, this guy is dead! Don't be afraid of him!" Chen Yuanyuan, who was dragged back, didn't even see Chen Lanshan's eyes about to burst into flames. I'm not afraid of enemies like God, but my teammates like pigs.

Ma originally didn't want to ignore Chen Yuanyuan, but could his dignity be provoked? A cold look swept away. When Chen Yuanyuan saw Ma Yuan's eyes, he shrank back towards the back, but his mouth had not stopped.

"Look, see, you killed me with the ability! Well, Dong, who will be thrown out sooner or later,"

Ma Yuan didn't wait for her to finish, her eyes glared, and she saw Chen Yuanyuan as if someone was stuck in her neck. Her hands squeezed her neck vigorously, her legs kicked in midair.

Ma Yuan was not soft-hearted, and her serial mouth was drawn directly on Chen Yuanyuan's face. After a while, Chen Yuanyuan's face became swollen. Originally, she was still somewhat beautiful, but at this time it looked worse than the village aunt.

Moreover, under the blessing of Ma Yuan, Chen Yuanyuan’s face can never change back to his original appearance, and sometimes killing a person is not the most terrible. Ma Yuan thought deeply.

And Chen Lanshan did not say a word, just watched all this happen coldly, which shows how disgusted Chen Yuanyuan felt in his heart.

When Sima Zhu entered the hall, he was also stunned. The scene on the field can be said to be terrible. There were three people lying on the ground, and the table where the drinks were placed was also toppled, and the drinks were scattered all over the place. a mess.

When he came in, Ma Yuan just threw the woman of Chen Yuanyuan to the ground.

Ma Yuan glanced at Sima Zhu who had just walked in, but Sima Zhu only felt that all his hair was standing up. This is only the case that night. But Ma Yuan was taken aback by taking a glance and was taken back.

"Why, when are you going to watch the drama." Ma Yuan also seemed bored. He casually leaned against the wall with his hands in his pants pockets and asked.

"No, just because you don't think the wine here is good. I just want to drink a few more glasses." The answering picture came out from the back of the crowd standing opposite Ma Yuan.

In fact, the picture did not expect that things would become such a situation. However, it was originally intended to get in touch with Ma Yuan more. If there is such an opportunity to get to know him, he will naturally not interfere.

On the other hand, everyone has probably talked about the matter with Sima Zhu who just came in. Sima Zhu frowned. I just felt that I was really unlucky recently, and it seems that if I go back today, I should take good care of my wounds!

"Well, this friend, aren't you doing too much!" Sima Zhu said sternly.

"Oh? It seems that you are recovering well, little guy." Ma Yuan replied speciously.

Hearing this sentence, Sima Zhu's face suddenly changed greatly! And the figure standing freely in the crowd showed such an expression.

"You! You, you are that person!" Sima Zhu shouted at once. Sima Zhu could not think of anyone other than the mysterious man who had not come out that night who could speak to him in such a tone.

Sima Zhu was also scared that night, and had a heartfelt fear and resistance to Ma Yuan and that night. Therefore, the moment I saw Ma Yuan again, the whole person's body was naturally reflexively alert.

"I'm going." Ma Yuan didn't say anything, just glanced at him. Said towards the picture. Then he ignored the rest and turned and left the hall.

At this moment, a girl with an open mouth flashed an inexplicable look. Quietly slipped out while everyone was not paying attention.

Sima Zhu saw Ma Yuan left, and he was relieved, but the moment the figure followed Ma Yuan walking past him, his entire face became very pale again.

He clearly saw a faint skull tattoo on the wrist of the picture. No one does not know this mark in the power world, and no one is not afraid.

For a time, Sima Zhu only felt that he would never go out again.

"I haven't thought about such a thing." The picture still had a smile on his face, only a little innocent at this time.

"I didn't say it has anything to do with you." Hands behind his back. Ma Yuan said lazily.

"Like the little girl in the back, you send her back, don't scare her." After a pause, Ma Yuan seemed to inadvertently glance towards the back, and then casually directed to the picture.

"Hey, I am not your little brother." Tu protested very dissatisfied at this time, but his face still smiled.

"Oh, then I suddenly want to beat you up." Ma Yuan didn't force him, just glanced at the picture at random, and then said at random.

"I'm going." I don't know if it was a curse or a compromise. Tu answered with a wry smile.

"Well, don't scare the children." Ma Yuan seemed to be satisfied with Tu's answer and said with a smile.

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