Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 9 Chapter 43: Dong Ran's death

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After staying in the eyebrow world for a while, when Ma Yuan withdrew from it, he realized that it was eleven o'clock the next morning. Ma Yuan was too lazy to go to school, simply lay in bed and began to rest. Waiting for the night to come.

At this time, Ma Yuan suddenly heard someone knocking on the door, letting the soul go, and saw a thin man in a black jacket and a peaked cap standing at the door and banging the doorbell constantly. Ma Yuan frowned, and ignored him.

It may be that there was no one in the house, and the thin man quickly left. After a short while, I saw the thin man with another man with a black backpack came to the door, and then he kept tinkering at the door with what he was holding. With just a click, less than five minutes later, I saw that the security door of the house where Ma Yuan lived was opened.

The two were excited, but they were shocked by the scene in the room. Where is this room, it is simply a small forest. The two were fascinated by the scenery in the house, but did not feel the danger coming behind them.

Sometimes, not everyone can go in some places. And if it is the most dangerous place in the world, then it is Ma Yuan’s family. At the same time, if there is any place in the world that is the safest, it is none other than Ma Yuan's family.

The two of them walked in the living room, forgetting the purpose of coming here. Take a look around, looking like a curious baby. At this time, the two adult arms with thick arms Fujiman suddenly from the back like a python prey, entangled the two to death.

"Ah! What the **** is this!" The two screamed in shock. But the sound disappeared after a while, including the black backpack and the deepest part of the ground that Tengman pulled down.

You know, none of the Fujiman in this room is a decoration. Even if the **** of death came, they could not escape the entanglement and attack of these Fujiman. Not to mention these mortals, their only possibility is that the plant is dragged into the root system under the house and absorbed by Fujiman as a nutrient.

Dong Ran was a little restless in the house. He knew that if he competed with his strength, maybe only his grandfather could clean up the guy who had kept Bai Jing, but how could he let his grandfather take action, It's not a big deal.

So it's just a means to make it obscure. The skinny man and the guy with the black backpack were the people hired by Dong Ran, and the backpack was the drug that Dong Ran borrowed from the black boss who had a good relationship with his father. Although not much, it was enough. The guy drank a pot.

Basically, it’s good to just put things in the other party’s home and hide them. But two hours have passed, but the two have not returned. What happened?

Not to mention the life and death of the two, that is the package of drugs. If something goes wrong, he has no way to explain to the black boss who lent him. You know, I owed a debt. If you can't get the goods for 10 million yuan tomorrow, you will have to pay back with cash!

Although Dong Ran's family is a little bit of money, for 10 million, it can't be taken out casually. At this time, Dong Ran suddenly regretted how he made such a stupid decision!

"Did they come out?" Dong Ran asked towards a tattooed younger brother.

"Brother Dong, not yet. Our people watched the two of them go in from behind, and then they never came out again." The tattooed brother quickly replied.

"If you continue to stare, you must stare to death. If Mader let me know that the two of them ran away with goods, neither of you could run!" Dong Ran scolded angrily.

And all the men, although they nodded on the surface, there was a look of contempt in their eyes.

It is also the sadness of Dong Ran to be the boss. But at this moment he didn't care about these things. Just thinking wholeheartedly, whether those two came out.

Dong Ran promised that if he did it again, he would never return to such a reckless start. But there is no if in this world.

Finally, after another hour, no one came out of the house. Suddenly Dong Ran was anxious and sent two more people to let them go in to see what was going on.

But as soon as the two went in, they were like the two in front. Once they entered, there was no more noise. This time Dong Ran was directly desperate.

Could it be that there were people in the room and then subdued them all? Dong Ran gritted his teeth and decided to take a look at it himself. He couldn't explain it to the black boss just like that. After all, many people borrowed it from him.

He didn't know that his decision made him no longer have to worry about the shipment of Hei Bo, and he never had to explain anything to Hei Bo.

This apartment is like a black hole, no matter whether it is a person or a thing, if it enters the house, it will be swallowed up. When Dong Ran took the first step in the house, he was completely frightened by the scene.

At this moment, because of absorbing the flesh and strength of four people, the space in the house has become much larger. And the house is not empty, but covered with various vegetation and tall trees. Basically, the area of ​​the football field is already so large. As soon as I entered, it was as if I had entered the Amazon jungle.

"Ah! What the **** is this!" No doubt, the four people who came in with Dong Ran were all hung by Fujiman in the space. With a knife in his hand, Dong Ran tried hard to split the Fujiman who was entangled with himself, but found that he could not cut at all.

Out of the eye, he looked at Fujiman getting closer and closer. There is no other way. Finally, Dong Ran glared at the corner of his mouth and died unwillingly. Then he was pulled deeper into the ground to serve as nourishment.

When Ma Yuan designed it, basically every plant in the house was aggressive, and those Fujimans were the skeleton of this small space. They are important plants for maintaining and protecting this space. Only they will absorb the nutrients and things sent by the outside world.

Other plants are grown on Mayuan's world origin. Of course, at this moment, they no longer need Mayuan's world origin to grow on their own. So Ma Yuan and others do not need to worry, the fruits here are the nutrients provided by human flesh.

Ma Yuan sat in the attic without opening his eyes. Knowing that it was more than six o'clock, Bai Jing returned. He walked down from the attic. And Bai Jing was also jumped by the changes in the family.

"Don't go out tonight, just stay in your room, no matter what happens outside, you shouldn't come out. Have you heard it?" Ma Yuan said, looking at Bai Jing.

"Well, I know." Although he didn't know what happened, Bai Jing agreed.

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