Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 9 Chapter 63: Clubhouse collapse

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At this moment, all the good friends who were present were frightened, and most of them ran out of the gate after competing. They love excitement and are also passionate about **** scenes, but if they are put on them, they don't like them so much.

"People, people, come and catch him!" The bald and black boss looked at Wang Da on the ring and smiled at him and lost his composure, yelling in the panicked crowd.

Wang Da didn't care about him any more, just tore the iron chain in front of him, and yes, it was torn open. Just like tearing the spider web, tear the thick chain of the thumb. Everyone saw Wang Da who broke out of the cage and ran faster, but the manager in a suit looked at Wang Da Wang Xiao very calmly.

Seeing this scene of the black heart bald head, it is wailing and wanting to run out. But Wang Xiao, who had long discussed it, would let him go, just in a blink of an eye, he caught the guy with the oily sausages next to Wang Da.

"I'm wrong, I'm wrong, don't kill me, don't kill me, I have money, yes, I will give you money!" Black Heart bald on the ground, screaming and begging constantly. Wang Da, who wanted to punch him to death, heard him say he was rich, and then stopped again.

Obviously thinking about whether to let this guy give them money before killing him, if people let him know that someone like him would be hungry because of lack of money, I don't know if he would shock his chin.

After all, he didn't wait for his consideration, and the boss of Blackheart was killed. He was not killed by someone else's formal supervisor in a straight suit.

"I haven't thought about it yet. Do you want to kill him?" Wang Da frowned at the supervisor. He frowned that he learned from Ma Yuan. Wang Da thought that this action would make him more masculine.

"So I killed you for you." There seemed to be no logical error in what the supervisor said. But Wang Da is not stupid, "but he said he would give me money. You will have no money if you kill him!" Frowning stared at the suit man.

"I have, you follow me, I will give you money." At this moment, Wang Da and Wang Xiao froze. When did I hear this sentence in this picture, the eyes of the two suddenly became red? Too.

A few years ago, a group of people said to them in the existence that gave birth to him, except that they did not have the strength at this time, and rejected them, and then it was a bloodbath. Except for the two of them, there is no one more mouth.

"Then, what if we don't follow you?" Wang Xiao's voice trembled, but not because of fear. He seemed to be back in the small village at this moment. That **** day.

"Don't go with me? Then you can't go either,..." Before the supervisor said this, the two of them started with red eyes. Suddenly under their attack, the entire underground club seemed to collapse.

It was just in a blink of an eye that the supervisor was beaten and even a little bit of bone was gone, as if it had never appeared in the whole world, and even then the two had not stopped and knew that the whole building collapsed.

The person who ran out had no idea what was going on inside, and saw a thunderous noise behind him. As if an earthquake had occurred, the clubhouse behind him turned into a ruin instantly.

The brothers of the Wang family who had eased out of the gods climbed out of the ruins. Although embarrassed, his body did not have any scars. The two sat on the floor stunned, as if thinking of something, and Bai Yang, who ran out long ago, saw that the two were okay and ran over to ask what happened.

But seeing the two people's red eyes, they couldn't ask for anything. The clubhouse is a site of great local power. If such a big event occurs, there will naturally be someone calling to respond to the situation above. Bai Yang saw that the two were sad and disturbed but had to wait in place.

Soon after, I saw a team of people who didn't know where to walk in front of the ruins of the clubhouse.

"Who are you!" The leader first looked at the crowd watching around, and then they saw the two sitting in the ruins and Bai Yang who was standing beside him and didn't know what to do.

The Wang brothers did not answer, just glanced at each other with red eyes, then ignored them and continued to bow their heads in contemplation. It is better to miss than to think.

The supervisor just a moment ago evoked the scene when the two were underpowered and watched the family slaughtered by outsiders.

The two of them did not try to find the murderer, but if Ma Yuan helped them, it was only a matter of moments, but if they depended on themselves, it would not necessarily be possible to find the true murderer in 800 years.

Since I can't find it, let someone help me find it! The two of them suddenly gritted their teeth and didn't want to say.

"Are you amazing?" Wang Da suddenly looked at the little leader of the leader who questioned them with red eyes. The little leader who asked this question was a little angry and didn't know how to answer it.

"Are you trying to find death! That's what you can ask!" The chief leader couldn't find any words other than a reprimand, but it was mainly because the Wang brothers were so strange.

"It looks pretty powerful. Then lead the way to find your master!" Wang Da said that he wanted to go and grab the little leader. Fortunately, there are dozens of children around. Full of confidence, he was not afraid of him at all.

But in a blink of an eye, everyone was stunned, and the dozens of people were swayed by Wang Daxian's hands, and they looked distorted. The little leader, at this moment, was sitting on the ground with his legs soft.

Wang Da frowned, but still picked him up and asked where their organization headquarters was, and then took Wang Xiao away.

Bai Yang and the people who remained in the same place were always a little confused about what was going on, and there seemed to be a mess in their mess. Bai Yang, who has seen the strength of the two, is also very self-knowledge and did not follow Wang Da Wang Xiao to join in the fun.

Qingjia is a large household in Binnan City. The large households here are not only powerful and powerful but also capable. There are more than a dozen people in the Zaiqing family who are only A-level abilities, and there are also two ancestors in the S-level. One of them is said to have the possibility of breaking through the S-level. But it's just passed on.

And the clubhouse that Wang Dawang and Xiao Xiao collapsed was the property of Qing Family. At this moment the two are also rushing towards the Qing family. They are not looking for trouble, they just want to help them find out the murderers of those years.

In Qing's family, at this moment, there was a person from the Ministry of National Security, Chen Yao, to speak of Chen Yuan and Ma Yuanyuan.

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