Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 9 Chapter 68: Star sea and charming city

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From the Bai Jing family, Ma Yuan was also somewhat lost, when could he taste the food prepared by his mother, some things are like this, even if you stand at the top of the world, you will never come back .

Ma Yuan slowly walked on the road of Hui'an Tang, saying that since Qingyan walked from Tang'an last time, he immediately ordered everyone in Tang'an to move away. The huge community suddenly became a paradise for plants. All kinds of trees, Fujiman began to skyrocket throughout Tang'an House.

And Ma Yuan did not let Qing Yan blockade anything, except for those who know these vines' powerful abilities, ordinary citizens who don’t know what happened here, but regard this as a new park built by the city government.

Ma Yuan is also happy to go with the flow, and sometimes living alone in such a big place is a bit boring. So it became the newest botanical paradise in Chaohai. The elderly, couples, couples, and even children from surrounding schools who like to walk here at night all like to come here.

In fact, in addition to the tall trees and fresh air, what attracts so many people is the inadvertent atmosphere of the world that the big trees inadvertently radiate.

So it has become a mortal playground, a forbidden place for abilities.

Walking on the road in Tang Anfu, Ma Yuan, who boredly scanned the passers-by on the street, saw an acquaintance, that is, the girl guinea pig who pulled her sleeves at the party that day. Of panic.

When Ma Yuan saw the porpoise, she also saw Ma Yuan, and she was stunned when she saw Ma Yuan, then bit her lip and didn't know what she was thinking.

"Ma Yuan!" Ma Yuan was naturally not interested in going about business, but was about to lift his legs. He heard Guinea Pig shouting his name and turned his head to look over. He saw innocent and pitiful looking at himself. .

Suddenly, Ma Yuan had some headaches. At the ball, he had already experienced the girl's troubles and headaches. But at this time, even if Ma Yuan didn't pass by, it is estimated that there was no way to ignore it. Because the young people who had surrounded her before, two of them walked towards Ma Yuan with a somber complexion.

"Who are you guinea pigs?" One of the seventeen or eighty-year-old boys with pale skin and dark eyes came over and pointed at Ma Yuan with a baseball bat.

Ma Yuan had no intention of talking to the children, and flew the two who were standing in front of him with a wave of his hand. The remaining three people around the porpoise felt a little timid when they saw Ma Yuan's hand, and the two who supported Fan Fei slipped away without any hesitation.

Ma Yuan didn't look at continuing to walk towards Tang'an House. Halfway through, a black line flashed across the forehead. I saw a man hanging on the sleeve of his arm, not who the guinea pig could be.

"What are you doing?" Ma Yuan said, staring at the porpoise with his head black.

"Why don't you, there are bad guys~" Guigua's eyes and tears were almost coming out, staring pitifully at Ma Yuan, it seemed that she would cry if she didn't agree.

"If you have a bad guy, you can go home." Ma Yuan reached out and tried to drag her off her body.

"No, there are bad guys on the way home!" Dolphins vowed to defend their territorial integrity, and firmly did not get off Ma Yuan's arm.

"Then I'll take you home for the head office." Sighing, Ma Yuan found that this porpoise was definitely his nemesis. But at that time, Ma Yuan was the least able to see the girl crying.

"Okay, I'm going home!" Guitou said firmly in the direction of Tang Anfu!

",,,,," Ma Yuan was suddenly speechless.

Although there are many more green plants and Fujiman in Tang'an, the original house still exists intact. It's just that whether it's the house or the previous community walls are covered with green Fujiman.

At the beginning, because no one was in charge, Tang Anfu also attracted many homeless people who had no place to live. Because Ma Yuan asked, the water and electricity equipment in these houses can still be used, even in some houses. Like Ma Yuan’s remodeled house, Fujiman and the equipment in the house are combined to make it more comfortable and comfortable

However, Ma Yuan naturally does not return to the plain and unprovoked for those who are lazy. Although he doesn't mind people treating it as a public place, he must know that it is his private territory.

So on the next day, there was a rumor about a monster in Tang Anfu. It is said that every night the trees here will come alive and absorb the essence of the moon to cultivate.

There are no monsters, but the trees that come alive do exist. Every night, Fujiman here will automatically clear the place and drive away all the people. Restore the tranquility here.

Naturally, Ma Yuan and others will not live in those houses anymore. The space in the giant wood alone is enough to accommodate tens of thousands of people, not to mention the space inside the giant wood. The cold in winter and the heat in summer. Although for everyone, the temperature does not affect them at all.

At this moment, I saw a girl sitting on the branch at the top of the giant wood, screaming and cheering. Looking at the excitement.

This girl is naturally a porpoise. Under the invincible eyes of the porpoise classmate, Ma Yuan only defeated.

Ma Yuan stood aside and watched the dolphins playing wantonly. A bit of smile and helplessness flashed in his eyes.

Although standing on the top branch, the porpoise did not feel the panic at all, and looked down on the entire Chaohai city in the sky of thousands of kilometers. It was really a different flavor. Even the former Ma Yuan did not find that there was such a good place to enjoy the scenery.

"Do you want to thank me, without me you can see such a beautiful scenery." Play tired porpoise lying on the branch pouting and said to Ma Yuan. The branches here will move with the feet of the dolphins, and they will always reach under the feet of the dolphins one second before.

"Oh, I have seen the most beautiful scenery." Ma Yuan didn't know why she was stubborn with her today, and she despised.

"The ghost only believes you." Guidou ignored him. Lie quietly in a tree branch with eyes closed.

Ma Yuan smiled and did not continue to refute. Also quietly looked at the tide sea market that looks particularly small below. From the star universe to the ocean floor, Ma Yuan has visited a lot of places, but he has never enjoyed the scenery as quietly as now. At this moment, Ma Yuan felt that the whole person was relaxed.

It was like returning to the mother's womb, warmth and a trace of sleepiness swept over Ma Yuan's heart. In an instant, he fell asleep so quietly.

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