Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 9 Chapter 71: Break legs

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Ma Yuan's playful smile immediately made the big beard feel upright and sweaty. What a tamar is this, even for the sake of resources, I can't jump into the fire!

"Then, that senior, the little one doesn't know it is your old man. This grandson has a problem with his head. Don't know him like him." The bearded man with cold sweats bowed his head and asked for mercy from Ma Yuan.

"You were kicked by a donkey. The resources that our Nangong family gave you all these years have fed the dogs?! Are you getting water in your head? Give you three minutes. If you don't take these people down, you will wait. Go back and be blamed by the second grandfather!" Nangong Tian froze for a moment, then immediately blushed again, shouting angrily at the beard.

Nangong Tian couldn't think of it, and the young man who looked two or three years older than him could have a better chance. So he pointed at the nose of the beard and scolded without any concern.

"You go to the side, and the rest will stand and watch." Although Nangong Tian and others disturbed their interest in shopping, Ma Yuan was not very angry. Watching the anxious sweaty beard, he said softly. He has always been generous to acquaintances.

"Yes, yes, thank you senior. Thank you senior." Hearing Ma Yuan's opening to let him stand aside, the beard was ecstatic. This means that he will not be held accountable. Moreover, getting this man's opening is the account of Nangong's family after the autumn, and we must consider whether to give this man a face.

He took a long breath and immediately stood aside, still relying on how Nangong Tian yelled and scolded for nothing, and occasionally whispered to dissuade Nangong Tian not to cause trouble to their Nangong family.

But at this time, I saw a group of people outside, headed by an old man with a short beard, and his Tang suit looked extra spirited.

"Hey, Duan Xing, don't think you'll be fine if you leave the battlefield. My second grandpa is here, and you'll be waiting for punishment." This Nangong Tian is not stupid. When he broke away, he secretly contacted him. grandfather. Only then did the Nangong family's second lord come.

"And you guys! Are you ridiculous, continue, continue. I'll let you crawl out of here in a moment. Believe it or not!" Nangongtian felt suddenly seeing the reinforcements in his home Without the anger and shame just now, he arrogantly threatened Ma Yuan with his finger.

Nangongtian's movement made Ma Yuan's eyes squint when she didn't feel anything. I originally thought I could put this kid once, but this time, Ma Yuan suddenly overturned the idea just now.

"Who is it, who bullied my Nangong family, and that Duan Xing! I want to see if our Nangong family is so bullied, saying that you can betrayed by defecting!" The voice shouted loudly.

At this time, the bearded Duan Xing, who stood on the side, also stood aside with a bitter face. Generally speaking, it is not uncommon to escape from the battle, but if it is defined as defection, it is a big problem.

No one can help him with this kind of interest. After all, the name of renegade comes along, that is, to be an enemy to the whole world. No one will have a good face for a traitor.

"Oh, the Nangong family is good." Ma Yuan also had to speak at this time. After all, he had basically promised to keep Duan Xing just now. Although this sentence did not say anything, it already meant to support Duan Xing.

"You, are you?" He didn't walk in just now. He asked hesitantly when the second man of the Nangong family walked in front of Ma Yuan.

"Me? What's wrong with me? Don't I have flowers on my face." Ma Yuanmi said, but asked a little jokingly.

"You are Ma Yuan!" The second man of the Nangong family did not care about Ma Yuan's cynicism and jokes. Just stared at Ma Yuan for a while, then suddenly shouted out Ma Yuan's name.

In Chaohai, no one knows the rookie Ma Yuan. Although it is a newcomer, it is the world's first person with faint strength. Whether it is from Chaohai University to block 100 abilities alone, or the spirit exchange will only split the mountain. In the end, Tang Anfu forced to retreat from the Ministry of National Security.

All are shocking achievements. At this time, his grandson was facing Ma Yuan, the pinnacle of the world. For a while, Erye also froze in place, and Zhiwuwuwu didn't know what to say.

"Slap!" You are a bitch! In the end, the second grandfather turned around and gave Nangongtian a slap. He can't fight it. He usually loves this grandson the most. Otherwise, I wouldn’t be back today so quickly. But the more you love, the harder you fight.

In the end, it can even be said to be punching and kicking, and slaps constantly. The fan's Nangong Tian was about to faint. But it was always a skin trauma.

"It's done." He looked at the scene impatiently. Pulling his ears, said a little boring.

"Have you been discouraged?" Nangong's second grandpa asked carefully, leaning on his waist.

"It was originally a little kid's play, it's nothing to beat. But just now someone said to let me crawl out, I didn't say much, broke two legs, and hurried away." Ma Yuan Yan could not see what the old man in front of him was protecting that Nangongtian.

If it's normal, let it go, but he is the most unthinkable. If you say it, then you have to be prepared to bear it!

"You can kill me if you have the ability, otherwise, ah!" Nangong Tian half lying on the ground hated Ma Yuan, and no one came and explained to him. His second grandfather naturally could not scold, so he Nangong Nian, who is relieved, will continue to play hard with Classmate Ma Yuan.

But before speaking, he was interrupted by the second slap. Clenching his teeth and looking at Nangong Tian who was lying on the ground, the second lord kicked directly towards Nangong Tian's calf, and the sound of cracking sounded loudly. Before Nangong Tian screamed, he clicked again and broke his other leg.

The pain in the heart-breaking lungs made Nangong cry too loudly. The physical abilities of ordinary abilities are not better than ordinary people. They are usually better, but at this time, the strong physical qualities are that Nangong Tian wants to faint.

"Look?" asked Nangong's second grandfather, his eyelids jumped and his head was lowered toward Ma Yuan. Originally, he planned to plead with Ma Yuan again, but as soon as Nangong Tian's scolding opened his mouth, he knew that whoever came these two legs could not be guaranteed today. If he didn't start decisively, he might not even die for a while. Too.

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