Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 10 Chapter 1: Legendary Dragon Tomb

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Deep in the Scaro Forest.

The sky seemed to be gloomy at midnight, the black pressure was like to fall down, the wind slowly whined in the air, and hidden under the dark extended trees, it was a frantic struggle between the elements under the call of death. This breath, which was not noticed by ordinary people, enveloped the entire forest in an instant, and the entire periphery was a fleeing monster.

"Sir, the defense of the outlying villages has been breached. Do you need to send additional manpower?" The silver armor wrapped the whole body, and the knight kneeling on one knee bowed his head and asked for instructions.

The saluted man was wrapped in a black cape, and his sharp eyes seemed to cut the black mist in front of him and locked a target deep in the forest. His right hand carried a silver-white long sword upside down. Covered with a layer of blue and white magic shield, it rolled around the sword body. With the passage of time, the blue and white light gradually became dark purple and deep red.

[Dual Protection-Penetration]

[Triple Protection-Strengthen]

The sword body was finally shrouded in black demon qi, exuding the spirit of the dead, rotting and smelling.

[Quadruple Protection-Darkness]

The man looked down at the knight who knelt beside him, and said indifferently: "Let the monsters run away let our imperial neighbors deal with it. Today's goal is the dragon tomb."

"Yes." The knight stepped back respectfully.

"Report, the magic chant is ready." Another person bowed to his body, and a faint blue rune appeared on the hem of the white mage robe. The protection of the wind made him look light.

Behind him, there is an army of 1,000 people, without any iconic flags and clothing, low-key like a simple trip. However, looking carefully, almost everyone’s enveloping protection is at least third-order magic. The swords and swords in the hands of the warriors are forged from some mysterious metal found in the Baha'i Empire. In the night, he can clearly and sharply pierce the enemy's armor.


The man's fingers rubbed against the hilt carved with complicated patterns, as if to determine something, looking straight at a certain point in the sky.

The people behind him watched as he moved.

At three o'clock, the dark sky seemed to be split by a sharp sword, revealing a very bright white light, under the hammer of thunder, like a wall that was knocked down, and a piece of darkness shrouded in front of him. The dark ancient wood turned into scorched earth, 200 meters in diameter.

Less than one meter from their team.

No one expressed panic, and of course looked at the situation in front of him. This is the range calculated by their magician after three months of continuous experiments.

"Oh... Sure enough, this is the legendary "Dragon Thunder". The man whispered in a low voice, a greedy light in his eyes.

As the dust of Long Lei fell, the undead elements gathered in the air became more and more frantic, like flying in search of an exit, and after the trees that became scorched earth, the behemoths hidden behind them were exposed. The black stretches of mountain range are bare on the surface, entrenched in the depths of the Scarborough Forest. It may be strange to say this, but the fact is that this mountain range is raised from the depths of the forest.

Where there is a dragon tomb, there is a dragon thunder.

This is like a legend in all textbooks.

As the most powerful race on this continent, the dragon has always maintained the so-called mystery. They have noble wings and minions, steel-like bodies, long tails like swords, and caves where legendary treasures are hidden. They are hidden somewhere in the mysterious space of the mainland, and they have not appeared for hundreds of years. Taming a dragon was once the most distant dream of all warriors and magicians.

Now this dream is close at hand. Because they discovered the dragon tomb three months ago. This mountain range rising from the ground lingers in the breath of death all day long. The summoned dragon and thunder burned countless villages and forests. Countless adventurers were attracted because of the falling dragon and thunder.

In the dragon tomb is not only the bones of the dragon but also the larvae of the dragon. The tomb of the dragon is death and rebirth.

Although it is not known why this dragon tomb suddenly appeared at the junction of the Baha'i Empire and the Kingdom of Slien, this does not hinder people's desire for it. Some people have used alchemy to make bone dragons that can fight, but unfortunately there is a limit to the number of uses. But the strength it shows is enough to drive countless people crazy.

——If it is a real dragon.

"Go forward!" The man waved his sword, and the team behind him followed him solemnly and orderly, with all kinds of magic and protection lingering around to resist the pressure from the dragon tomb. They used the gap between the landing of Dragon Thunder to advance quickly, and reached the bottom of the mountain within a quarter of an hour.

Without any plant cover, the entire mountain range is exposed on the ground, like an unarmed bare woman. Only when someone tries to attack with magic, the black runes will be revealed on the surface of the mountain and the elemental power emitted will be swallowed for a moment.

The gate of the Dragon Tomb is hidden under these runes.

The man made a gesture backwards.

The team's position was quickly and orderly arranged, and the white-robed wizard held the staff at a distance of seven feet from the mountain. Everyone started singing at the same time.

-"Anti-Evil Protection" (Anti-Evil Protection)

-"Lesser Mind Protection" (LesserMindProtection)

——"BlessofMagiccaster" (BlessofMagiccaster)

-"Magic Enchantment · Holy" (MagicWorldHoly)

——"Life Essence"

The sacred aperture was drawn from where they stood, the black mist was dispelled, the magic circle launched, and the runes formed by layers of effects were stacked one after another in the air. The changes of these runes are dazzling, and the shape of each second is different.

Magic chanters can only play real value at a long distance, and the aperture of these magic arrays almost penetrates into the mountain. The man does not intend to retreat, but just watches the effect gradually generate, and makes another gesture.

The soldiers in armour breathed together, and the right-handed swords were swept together, and the martial arts started.

According to the continuous experiments in the past few months, it doesn’t take much power to open the gate of the Dragon Tomb. After each Dragon Thunder landing, the rune protection of the mountain is relatively weak. At this time, it only needs to be as close as possible to the mountain, as long as The range of the cast spell is large enough. After the spell is swallowed by the mountain, it will not be completely melted, but will reach the hidden dragon tomb gate, and then assist the martial arts, it may be forced to break open.

This is also a big risk factor. If you can’t catch the dragon tomb or retreat before the next landing, it will be the end of the whole army.

But these sacrifices are nothing compared to dragons.

Dragon tomb means countless gold coins, magic scrolls, martial arts, props-and a dragon.

Maybe today they are indeed taken care of by the **** of luck. Under the bombing of continuous skills, the mountain revealed cracks visible to the naked eye. There was a hint of pride on everyone's nervous face.

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