Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 10 Chapter 10: Meet Anz

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Too late to inform Andre and others who are still in the village home, Lilith casts martial arts "weapon enhancement" and "penetration enhancement", sprints forward like a sharp arrow, and wields a speedy sword. The cut knight fell to the ground unguarded.

There were six or seven knights all around. He threw down the villagers under the sword and surrounded Lilith. The knight exerted force on the sword-bearing hand, and there was friction sound from the metal part of the handguard. They raised their short sword and rushed towards Lilith. It seemed that they wanted to quickly solve the force of Lilith.

Lilith's eyes narrowed, and she leaped forward in one direction. The blade reflected the dazzling light in the sunlight, and cut diagonally on the horse leg under the knight, causing him to fall down at the same time. Houge blocked the cut. Lilith stretched her left hand upwards, her thumb clasped in the palm of her hand, and pressed a thin metal wire, tied it to a half-handed flying knife. Using the gap between the two, the flying knife was quickly thrown onto the tree ten meters away. Lilith quickly backed away, and the two knights who rushed from the side directly hit the metal line, and the line was cut sharply. Knight's outer armor.

Lilith saw the opportunity to turn around a "strangle" and solved the two knights.

But she didn't want more knights to be attracted by her, and her four quarters retreat were blocked. Lilith is not a power fighter. She has always been looking for opportunities by lightness and speed advantage. The number advantage of the other party is too obvious. Lilith can no longer rely on skills to make moves, and the resistance is more difficult. When a knight took advantage of her short swords from the other two, Lilith struck quickly behind her, but her hair was cut off.

Before he could get up in the future, five brightly swaying knives pressed down from above her, avoiding inevitable. Lilith closed her eyes subconsciously, but what appeared in front of her was that night, the ring dyed with the bright white moonlight shone in the palm of the man's hand, really, dazzling...

There was no expected pain. She only opened her eyes with a knock on her ear, and a silver-white bone sword was lying in front of her eyes, holding the five short knives hard, and cutting them off together at the next moment.

Lilith looked at the bone sword master with surprise. Ma Yuan's concerned face enlarged in front of his eyes: "Are you all right?"

"What are you doing here?" Lilith said so, but her eyes were unconsciously floating, and she said for a long time, "They are a lot of people, be careful."

Ma Yuan smiled easily: "It doesn't matter."

Martial arts "Blasting Speed" "Air Slash"! Ma Yuan raised the sword to the upper section, the sword Qi wave cut through the air, and went straight to the three knights to the west. There was only one breathing room, and the three had fallen to the ground without a sound.

Lilith was dumb behind her. Although she knew that Ma Yuan was very strong, she didn't expect him to solve three people at the same time with only one move. Come to think of it this way, when Ma Yuan played against Andre that day, not all his strength was shot.

Ma Yuan didn't know when he had changed the plain black robe. The black short armor on the upper body was embedded with a hard metal piece. A thick two-finger iron chain around his waist was wrapped around his left leg. A pair of black leather boots Leave a shallow pit in the ground underfoot. He was holding a sword in his right hand, and the enemies kept falling in the slashes of the clouds and flowing water, as if he were chopping cucumbers and vegetables.

The piece of the sword will not be kept.

Lilith looked at the knight who was constantly falling to the ground, and there was no trace of pity in her heart. She looked up subconsciously to find Ma Yuan's direction, and her heartbeat gradually coincided with his movements.

For a long time, she removed her eyes and said in disguise: "I'll go find them."

Ma Yuan nodded, and there was no knight standing there anymore, and he was going to the village entrance alone. Unsurprisingly, Anz Ur Kung will come with his butler Yaerbeide.

——Dragon Liehtning

A white electric shock resembling a flying dragon appeared in mid-air, as if the thunder struck a dazzling light and flew towards a knight. The body of a knight hit by a dragon-shaped electric shock instantly glowed with dazzling white light. Although a bit ironic, it looked beautiful. The dazzling light was fleeting and the knight collapsed to the ground like a broken puppet. The body under the armor had been scorched and there was an odor.

Ma Yuan used invisible magic to stand in a tree and witnessed all this.

"Huh, this Dragon Thunder is really weak."

"Dragon Thunder" is used by others in this world to be only the fifth-order magic, which is far less than the tenth order of the heavenly dragon-thunder. It is a magic that can destroy a forest in a flash.

The originator of "Dragon Thunder" is naturally Anz Wuer Gong who Ma Yuan has been thinking about.

In the skull, which had been turned into white bones, two hollow eye sockets shone like a flame of red light, wearing a black robe embellished with exquisite decoration, holding the sacred and fearful staff in his bare bones ——The staff that imitated the scepter of Hermes was wrapped around seven snakes. In the mouth of the struggling snake, gems of different colors are attached. The material of the handle is like crystal clear crystal with blue light.

This is the great magician of death-Anz. Ur. Christine.

Ma Yuan recognized at a glance that one of the white gems was the moment when their guild snatched it from the Dragon Temple. It's really uncomfortable.

Ma Yuan did not appear anxiously and waited patiently.

Two girls were curled up behind Anz. The slightly older girl had long chest and chestnut hair tied into a braid. The healthy skin that was often exposed to the sun was not **** because of strong fear, and the black eye pupil was full. Tears. The young girl buried her face in her sister's waist, her whole body shivering in fear.

These are the two girls that Anz just rescued. The original intention was to repay his friend's kindness to save him. By the way, he will check his combat effectiveness in this world, and establish a friendly relationship with humanity, so that he can easily obtain information about this world. , Good to conquer the world in the future?

As Ma Yuan thought, there was a playful smile in the corner of his mouth.

Suddenly another person appeared in the air portal.

The spiked black armor covers the whole body, without revealing a little skin, wearing metal gloves with claws, holding a black shield in one hand and a green axe with a light in the other hand. The blood-red cloak spread with the wind.

Ma Yuan knew that this was the most defensive NPC in Nasarik-Yaerbed.

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