Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 10 Chapter 15: funeral

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The funeral took place in a common cemetery near the village. The cemetery is an open space surrounded by a dilapidated fence, in which there are several round stone tablets engraved with names.

The village chief read the sacrifices to soothe the dead in the cemetery, saying in his mouth the name of the **** who had not heard in the game, praying that the dead could rest in peace.

It seems that because of the lack of manpower, it is not possible to bury all the remains, so bury a part first. From Ma Yuan's point of view, it seems that there is a hurry to bury on the day of his death, but this world does not have a religion he knows. Perhaps it is normal to do so.

Among the villagers gathered in the cemetery, Ma Yuan also saw the two sisters rescued by Anz-An Li and Nim.

Ma Yuan looked around and saw Andz, who was standing not far from the villagers, looking at him. He was stroking a short stick about 30 cm long. The short stick wings were made of ivory. The front part was decorated with gold and the grip The place is engraved with runes, full of sacred breath.

Ma Yuan quietly opened the information detection. The short stick is called the resurrected short stick, and it is a prop with the magic of resurrection of the dead.

Do you want to use the staff to resurrect the villagers? Ma Yuan thought to himself, the magic chanter who can make people die and the magic chanter who can make people resurrected, which kind of person is more likely to be involved in trouble, it is not difficult to imagine at all, the ability to resist death should be everyone Long for the power you want.

Seeming to notice Ma Yuan's gaze, Anz slowly put the short rod into the prop box as if nothing had happened. Ma Yuan pretended to look at the forest behind Anz and did not take his gaze away.

Two figures suddenly appeared next to Anz. It's about the size of a human being, and it looks like a monster wearing a black spider in a ninja costume, with eight feet with sharp blades.

"Eight knives assassinated?" Anz looked at Yaerbei with some doubt, and looked around again. The villagers didn't seem to notice it, including the adventurer with short black hair.

Ma Yuan pretended to withdraw his gaze, and saw that Andre and the others around him did not respond, and immediately understood that the eight knife assassinations could be invisible. Ma Yuan called up the control panel and amplified the sound in the distance.

"Are you a backup force?" Anz asked it.

"Yes, besides me, four hundred servants have been prepared to attack this village at any time."

Attack? When Ma Yuan's ears were raised, he listened to Andz helplessly: "It doesn't need to attack, the problem has been solved."

Anz finally left eight sword assassins and the guardians of Yasula and Mare on the fifth floor of Nasarik on standby.

This is not good news for Ma Yuan. A Jared is already a headache, so there is no chance of contacting Anz in the future.

Feeling that the funeral did not seem to end so soon, he slowly walked towards the road leading to the village, followed by Jared.

"All the things to be done are done, Jared, retreat." Anz seemed tired.

"Got it." Jared's tone seemed very tense. In this village without danger, there should be no reason for Jared to be so alert.

"...Do you hate humans?" Anz asked in a low voice.

"I don't like it. Human beings are fragile and inferior creatures. If you step on like a bug, it will be very beautiful." Yale Bede's tone is as sweet as honey, but the content is very cruel.

"Really, I understand how you feel, but I hope you will calm down at this time, because acting is also important."

Jared nodded vigorously, then frowned: "The man named Ma Yuan... he seems to be strong."

Anz’s footsteps: "Ma Yuan? Is that the dark-haired black-eyed adventurer, how strong is he in your sense?"

Jared silenced for a moment as if he was organizing language: "I can't pinpoint his strength, or I can't say that he can't see through him, but I'm sure he is stronger than all humans present."

"How does that compare to you?" Anz's tone dropped.

Jared hesitated: "I don't know. The next time I have a chance, I will try again."

This time, Anz didn't say anything to stop, thinking a little bit, and nodded. The fighting power of this world is very important to his safety.

Ma Yuan was stunned for a moment. Was he considered... being stared at by Anz and Yaerbed? This news is really bad.

Anz stopped talking and began to look for the village chief, and wanted to say goodbye to the other party before leaving based on politeness.

The village chief is talking with several villagers in the corner of the square with a serious expression, but it seems a bit unusual. The village chief's expression was full of urgency.

Is there any trouble, Ma Yuan and Anz raised doubts at the same time.

"Master Village, what's wrong?" Ma Yuan took the lead and stepped up.

The head of the village brightened like a glimmer of hope.

"Adult Ma Yuan, in fact, seems to be riding a horse, and the person who looks like a soldier is approaching..." The village head looked at Ma Yuan with a worried expression, as did the other villagers present.

Anz hesitated for a moment or inserted in: "I hope I can help too, and gather all the surviving villagers in the village head's home, and I stay here with the head of the village."

The village head subconsciously looked at Ma Yuan and they seemed to have just been Ma Yuan and they had a higher level of favor and trust.

"You stay here with the village chief, meaning we are going to investigate?" Lilith snorted coldly, glancing at Yale Bed behind Anz.

Anz reached out to restrain Jared, who wanted to break up, and explained to Lilith: "I don't mean that, but I can use magic shields to protect the villagers here."

Lilith opened her mouth and wanted to say that Ma Yuan would be too, but she was quickly dragged behind by Ma Yuan's eyes, and signaled her not to speak for now. Ma Yuan set his sights on Andre who had not spoken: "Captain, what do you think?"

"Just do what he said." Andrea pointed to Anz, said to turn around and walked outside the village first.

The bell rang and the villagers began to gather. Ma Yuan didn't care anymore, and walked out with Andre.

This time it wasn't just Ma Yuan who was squatting on the tree. Andrea and Lilith accompanied him when he discovered that Ankar was hidden in the bushes.

Soon after, several cavalrymen were slowly walking on the road connecting the villages.

"The armed forces are not unified. Everyone is their own match, isn't it a regular army?" Andrey, who observed the cavalry, had some questions about their armed forces.

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