Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 10 Chapter 18: Fight hard

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Ma Yuan seemed to see through Ge Gefu's thoughts: "Soldier Warrior, let's try it first?"

"Is there any good solution for Your Maharama?" Ge Jeff asked for advice.

Ma Yuan turned around and whispered something to Ankar. Ankar nodded and began to sing magically. The plants around him seemed to have gained life, and they grew around. The vines spread their teeth and claws in the air. Suddenly they seemed to touch something. At two o'clock, a vine burst without warning, and pollen fell in midair.

Ma Yuan grabbed the long black bow from the void and aimed at the direction of the explosion to draw the bow and arrow. The bone arrow of the wind rushed straight into the direction of the explosion, as if it had inspired some magical effect, and the white light flashed in the air Silent.

Explosions sounded in sequence around him, Ma Yuan heard the sound, bone arrows shot one by one into the void, no one saw where those arrows finally fell, and disappeared out of thin air.

Everyone looked at dumbfounded, I do not know what this principle is.

When no more vines exploded in the air, Ma Yuan stopped and explained, "It's a "broken arrow", and the magic traps have been cleared. "

Ge Jeff looked at Ma Yuandao with admiration: "You must be born with abilities, are you two magicians?"

Ma Yuan touched his nose: "Ah... it is."

Andrea didn't give him a deep look. Ma Yuan was a little guilty. It was really a bad behavior to keep concealing his strength as a companion. Even so, Ma Yuan didn't intend to tell Andre that they were too much. s things.

Ge Jiefu shouted loudly in front of him: "rush! Break the enemy to pieces!"

"Oh oh oh oh oh!"

Zema drove forward, and his subordinates followed behind Ge Gefu. The fast horse running at full strength painted a trace on the grass like a bow and arrow.

Gu Gefu took the bow and took the arrow right away. Even if it kept shaking, he still pulled the bow calmly to shoot the arrow. The unbiased middle target of the arrow shot through the head of a magic chanter. It looks like this.

"Sure enough, it's useless." Ge Jeff frowned, the other party wearing magic with the effect of defensive shooting weapons.

Seeing this, Ankar magically applied to Ge Gefu's bow and arrow-"double protection-penetration". A faint blue light floated on the bow and arrow.

The magic chanter on the opposite side started to fight back, and the warhorse under Ge Jeff's crotch suddenly screamed, hissed, his front feet raised high, and he kicked his hoofs in the air.

Grasping the reins tightly, leaning forward to hug the horse's neck, leaning on the imminent and agile agility, only to prevent Ge Jeff from falling from the horse's back. There is only one reason for such an abnormal phenomenon, that is, the magic of spiritual manipulation.

Ankar hasn't learned the high-level magic of breaking the spiritual control, there is no way to do it. Unexpectedly, this natural attack made Ge Gefu angry at his missteps. He flew off, followed the men behind Ge Gefu to avoid Ge Gefu, and passed by from both sides of him.

An angel swooped down from the air, and Ge Gefu drew his sword to the angel. The sword light of the strongest man in the kingdom, sure enough to carry the momentum of the sword, but although the body of the angel was hit hard, it was not killed, the blood spewed out. The magic that turned into an angel in the air disappeared.

When I hit the sword, I felt a strange touch.

It turns out that those monsters have special abilities. As long as they are not hit by weapons of a specific material, the damage will be greatly reduced. Angels have this ability, so they have not fallen under the powerful blow of Ge Gefu.

Ma Yuan also understood through information detection. He looked at Anz in the helmet obscurely. In his warehouse, there is indeed a weapon that can restrain the angel, the Dragon Blade. Others may not know it. Full-level players must be able to see that the Dragon Blade belongs to the world-class artifact in YGGDRASIL. Hey, it's really troublesome.

Ma Yuan suffocated, but did not want to expose too early. There is no way but to change a stupid way.

The number of angels in the surrounding area continues to increase. Although the strength of the subordinates and the angels is the same, the subordinates are at an absolute disadvantage, with or without basic abilities and special abilities. Unsurprisingly, the subordinates were forced to a dead end by about half of the angels. Of course, the magic attack of the magic chanter is the main reason for such a disparate battle situation.

Andre on the side was more than enough to deal with, but it was a pity that he couldn't save too many men by himself. But looking at the current situation, if he withdraws now, he can still protect himself, and what he entrusts is not as important as his life.

The subordinates fell to the ground one after another, and Ge Jeff couldn't bear to see the results of his heart and moved forward. More than thirty angels stood in front of the assaulting Ge Jiefu, "Six Lights"! Ge Jiefu launched a hidden killing trick, spreading the heat from his hand to the whole body, like a flash of fast martial arts skills, fifteen angels were hit in one move, and it turned into a ball of light. Huh, Geoff's men cheered loudly.

In the cheers, Ge Jeff was slightly puzzled. His strength was not so strong, and he could kill up to six angels. He looked back at Ma Yuan.

Ma Yuan smiled placidly at him, and he suddenly understood that it must have been Ma Yuan's application of high-level enhancements on him. It was really surprising that no trace of magic wave was noticed.

Anz, who was watching the battle over the sky, thought to Yale Bede: "Did you see what Ma Yuan just did?"

Jared shook his head: "I can't feel it."

"He must be equipped with some hidden magic props, but I can't detect it." Anz was a bit distressed, but the people he had seen in this world were really too few to compare. Such props are in this world. It is very common or rare.

Geoff's attack did not end there.

"The running water accelerates."

Solve the attacking angels one by one with the action of moving clouds and flowing water. Such a state of magical power gave the stubborn resistance of Ge Gefu a glimmer of hope for victory.

"It's wonderful...but at this point, the priest once again summoned a new angel and tried his best to magical Ge Gefu."

The blood-boiling emotion instantly cooled.

Angels can be summoned indefinitely, and waiting for the other party's magic power to be exhausted is also a way, but I'm afraid that before that, Jeff was exhausted. These martial arts are really a heavy burden on the body, but if they are not used, there is no way out.

As long as you hit the commander, you can reverse the situation. Ge Jeff thought hard.

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