Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 10 Chapter 21: Ye Lantier

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Anz's room is full of noble and gorgeous furniture, and the floor is covered with bright red carpets. In this wide room, there is usually a layer of silent tulle, and today it is even quieter. Even the maid who was standing by in the house was missing.

Throne Room.

There are many people kneeling here, showing their loyalty.

No one at the scene was arbitrarily disturbed, so quiet that he could hear his breath, and the others only had the footsteps of the owner of the hall, Anz and the follower Sebas.

Anz sitting on the throne slowly said: "--I want to announce everyone's goals and objectives." Speaking of which, Anz paused and everyone's expression became serious, "Let Anz. Ur. Gong becomes an eternal legend."

With the right hand clenching the rod of Anz. Ur Gong, striking the ground, the crystal embedded in the rod glowed colorfully, and the surrounding rocked.

"If there are many heroes, replace them all, and let everyone who lives in this world know that Anz. Ur. Gong is the real hero! If there are stronger people in this world, use methods other than force. If you encounter a magician with many subordinates, you have to find another way to achieve it. At present, it is only the preparation stage. In order to let everyone know that Anz. Ur. Gong is the greatest, fight together for such a future!"

Whether it is land, sea, or air, let all intelligent life bodies know.

Anz's domineering voice is breathtaking and can be heard no matter where he is in the throne room. At this time everyone gathered in the throne room made a sound and bowed their heads, which was a noble voice that could be called prayer.

In addition to the people of Nasariq-Ma Yuan sat on the tree listening to the declaration and bored his ears.

Before Anz they said goodbye, they quietly set a magic weapon with a time limit of forty-eight hours on Yale Bed, adjusting the magic wave to a point where they were undetectable. The reason why it was placed on Yale Bed was not Because he has any special thoughts about her, but because Anz has a greater guard against him, it is difficult to have any artifact on his body to shield his magic weapon.

The role of this magic weapon is only to hear the voices of all people within 20 feet of Yale Bed. Ma originally wanted to confirm the current level of Nasariq's fighting. Unexpectedly, all he heard over the past two days was Yaerbed's chaotic expression of love for her family, Anz, and said to herself, It’s okay to talk to someone. Quante is nonsense.

It was easy for Anz to decide to have a meeting, and it was really boring. He was domineering, but Ma Yuan was really disdainful about it.

"Ma Yuan, are you okay?" Ankar shook his head up under the tree.

"Come." Ma Yuan took off the magic connector on his ear and jumped down with a basket of fruit. They had not supplied food in the village of Kahn before, and they were relying on this red along the way. The fruit is hungry, the taste and nutrition are very good, but it is not miserable.

"Is it still far?" Ma Yuan asked.

"Not far away." Andrea walked leisurely in front and hummed. "I arrived before night, don't worry."

Located on the important border of the neighboring Baha'i Empire and the Slyan State, the city of the Kingdom of Rijestije, Yerantil is heavily protected by three walls, so it is named the fortress city just like its appearance. The towns within each city wall have different characteristics.

The outermost city wall is used as a garrison base for the kingdom, so it has complete military facilities.

The innermost area is the urban central administrative district. This area is also a warehouse for the storage of soldiers' grains, which belongs to the area protected by heavy soldiers.

As for the middle area between the two areas, it is the living area of ​​the citizens. Hearing the name of the city, the scene that emerged in my mind was this area. Among the several plazas in the area, the largest one is called the Central Plaza. Many people set up stalls here to display various vegetables, prepared foods and other various commodities.

"What's the next plan?" Ma Yuan has been following Nasariq's development for the past two days, and then finally remembered to care about his team.

Andrei was a little speechless about Ma Yuan’s heart, and thought Ma Yuan was indifferent to this matter. It seems that he just forgot: “Ye. Lantier is a fortress city. Most of the commissions here are highly paid. You can pick it. . Another thing is that we are going to look for the strongest pharmacist in the city-Ligi Barreare, to buy some high-level healing potions."

Ma Yuan felt the name was familiar.

Because of the gathering of many mercenaries and adventurers specializing in the sale of weapons and props in the place of Ye Lantier, the trading of healing potions is also very prosperous, so Ya Lantier's pharmacists are much more than ordinary cities.

Under such competition, Ligi Barreaire is known as the strongest pharmacist in the world. Among all the pharmacists in the city, she can make the most complex potions. Only Andre can make the potion that Andre needs.

"Are you going to hunt for a very powerful Warcraft?" Ma Yuan guessed that with the strength of this team, you should rarely buy this high-level potion deliberately.

"Yes..." Ankar said, "I heard it was a 400-year-old Warcraft, but we didn't want to hunt it, we just wanted to find its nest and get some things inside."

"What is it?"

"Well... I don't know clearly now. I have to go before I know. Before that, let's go to the Adventurer's Union."

Ma Yuan had no objections.

As soon as I entered the door, I saw the counter in the room, where there were three union lady counters smiling at the adventurers. There are warriors wearing full body armor, light armor with sharp bows and arrows, clever suits, figures wearing holy seals, and magical chanters with robes and staffs.

There is a gate on the left, and a notice board on the right, with some parchment attached to it. There are a few adventurers who are whispering in front of the parchment. Most of the necklaces they hung around their necks were gold and silver medals, and André they are quite high-level here.

Andrea did not go to the bulletin board, but went directly to the counter, which looked quite familiar with the counter lady.

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