Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 10 Chapter 39: Conquer the Forest King

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As if the sound of metal collision sounded, Ma Yuan's arm felt heavy pressure. A weighty object hit the bone sword in Ma Yuan's hand at a very fast speed.

A long tail resembling a snake scale can be seen slowly retracting behind the tree. However, judging from the feeling and sound of the impact, the tail was hard enough to keep up with the metal.

"It's wonderful to completely block the first move of the contempt... It's wonderful to meet an opponent of this skill... Maybe it's the first time in the life of the contempt." A deep and steady voice came from behind the woods.

"Hey..." Ma Yuan narrowed his eyes.

"So, the invaders of the despised site. If Ru wants to escape now, for the sake of the wonderful defense before, the despised person will not be"

"...It's a stupid question. Of course it's about knocking you down to get benefits... Having said that, is hiding and hiding not confident in your appearance? Or is it shy?"

"...It's really what you want to say, intruder! Let Ru see the great looks of the contempt, and be amazed and horrified!"

The forest wise king slowly emerged from the trees and showed himself in front of Ma Yuan.

"Hahaha, you can feel the astonishment and fear you feel from your body."

Warcraft wrinkled his face with a smile, and his long tail curled up. The silver-white body hair has a pattern resembling strange text. It is about the size of a horse, but has a very low height and is a flat body with a horizontal development.

The forest wise king slowly pulled closer.

Ma Yuan rolled his eyes: "Why should I be afraid of a hamster?"

"...Forget it, forgive you. So the boring conversation is almost over, come to a life and death. Listen well... Invaders who violate the realm of the scumbag, become food in the scumbag. !"

"Don't regret it! You're going to be a scumbag!"

With a bang, the huge body kicked the ground with a violent momentum, and rushed towards Ma Yuan.

The king of the forest relies on the huge body to fly, if he does not use the martial arts to be hit, the average person will definitely be hit.

However, Ma Yuan used the bone sword as a shield, and directly received the flutter of the forest sage king.

Despite its terrible destructive power, Ma Yuan still easily blocked it.


The forest sage king who was surprised by Ma Yuan who did not retreat in one step, waved some unexpectedly sharp front claws. The dragon raised the bone sword in his right hand to block it, and the left hand summoned a sword to swing it out.

Although he didn't go all out, it was a powerful blow.

With a loud voice, Ma Yuan's blow was rebounded and his arm numb. It turned out that the forest sage king also waved his claws to block Anz's blow, and each other's attacks bounced off after a fierce collision in the air.

"There is a set! What about this trick! "To confuse the whole race.""

This trick has no effect on Ma Yuan, whose magic resistance is infinitely high, ignoring the other party's magical attack, Ma Yuan stabs the bone sword in both hands at the same time.

The high-pitched metallic sound rang again, and Ma Yuan's sword was bounced off again.


Unlike the "confuse the whole race" just now, it is not the blinding magic that affects the spirit that works for Ma Yuan. But Ma Yuan has racial special skills that can invalidate all low-level magic. Therefore, the magic effect disappears without being played.

When using magic just now, different patterns lit up on my body... It seems that the number of patterns on the body is the amount of magic it can use.

Ma Yuan didn't want to tease him again, Andrea and they should catch up soon.

Ma Yuan played a spirit of seven or eight points, his right hand bone sword broke through the defense of the forest king, and with the touch of the sword piercing into the meat, a smell of blood appeared.

The sage king who noticed something bad jumped back. Then pull back a distance of about ten meters in the backward direction. The forest wise king's body suddenly sank.

The tail waved in a huge arc, striking Ma Yuan with an unimaginable length. Ma Yuan blocked his bone sword with his right hand and opened his eyes in surprise. Because the tail can turn at right angles with the bone sword as the axis.

But he quickly recovered, jumped at lightning speed, and stabbed again.

"...It's really amazing. No, Ru's power and sword skills are breathtaking, so wonderful. Ru is quite an amazing super warrior. In human society, is Ru also a well-known person?"

Ma Yuan was too lazy to take care of him, put away the sword, and decided to use magic to solve him quickly. It was really troublesome.

"Death Field"

Gas was sprayed around Ma Yuan, and the chill that affected the spirit was scattered.

Upon encountering the radial cold, the forest sage immediately raised his body's hair and turned over at an alarming rate. I only saw a soft belly with silver body hair and no defense.

"The scumbag surrenders! The scumbag loses!"

"..." Ma Yuan was speechless.

"Do you want to kill it?"

A loud voice came. Turning around, it turned out that Andre and Ankar had rushed over.

Has it been so long, Ma Yuan was annoyed.

The two men were astonished at the forest wise king: "It seems that the strength of the so-called forest wise king is not very good. I knew I wouldn't go to the old lady to buy medicine."

"Yes." Ma Yuan was also very bored.

Ankar looked down and intersected with the eyes of the forest sage king who looked up tearfully. It was shaking his beard, afraid of what happened next, and waiting quietly for his future destiny.

"Do you like it?" Ma Yuan asked Ankar.

"Ah... I feel pretty cute..." Ankar scratched his head. He is a forest priest, and he has a sense of closeness to this lovely forest warcraft.

"Now, are you willing to make Ankar a pet, and spare your life if you want." Ma Yuan pointed to Ankar and asked the hamster.

"Thank you, thank you! For the grace of life, you will definitely return with loyalty and dedicate this life to the great warrior Ankar!"

"Uh..." Ankar was amazed that Ma Yuan even gave him the forest sage king as a pet. You know that this is more than 400 years of Warcraft. He hesitated and waved his hand. "Ma Yuan, you still Keep it, you beat him."

Ma Yuan said with a smile: "It doesn't matter, I don't think he is cute, just keep playing. By the way, maybe its size is not so good to follow."

Ma Yuan turned over in the warehouse for a long time to find a small pill and fed it to the forest king: "This allows you to change your body shape freely, but it can be the same as you now."

The forest wise king took the pill and gradually reduced it to a palm-sized ordinary hamster, and gently jumped onto Ankar's palm, shaking his tail to please.

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