Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 10 Chapter 43: reward

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Enfreia seemed to anticipate this situation, comforting him: "Mr. Fei Fei does not need to be frustrated. It is a very powerful thing to be able to fight the forest king and retreat."

"Really..." Anz did lose a bit. The Warcraft didn't expect such a high level, he could only say that it was a tie. It seems that there are many unpredictable strengths in this world. He wondered if he could meet it again next time and use advanced magic to defeat it. With a complicated mood he looked back at the forest.

Andrea and others on the side smirked and quickly became internal injuries.

"--Mr. Feifei."

"what's up?"

The secretly overly happy Anz waited for Enfrea's next speech.

From the beginning, Anzda intended to protect this village of Kahn, which is extremely valuable in terms of intelligence sources. But the important thing is to be able to get commissioned. Not only can you sell your affection to Enfrea, but you can also ask for remuneration. This is exactly Anz’s plan to misjudge the loss of King Forest, and intends to make up for it from here.

But Enfreia's words were far beyond Anz's imagination.

"Mr. Feifei! Please let me join your team!"


"I want to protect An Li... Kahn Village. But now I don't have the power to guard Kahn Village. So I want to be stronger! Even if it is just fur, I hope Mr. Anz can impart his powerful power to me! My financial resources cannot hire a good adventurer like Mr. Anz for a long time! So please let me join your team! I am still a little confident about pharmacy. I’m willing to do anything whether it’s luggage or other chores! Please promise me anyway !"

While Anz was hesitant blinking his non-existent eyes, Enfrea continued: "I have been studying the pharmacist's knowledge all the time. Because my grandmother and father are both pharmacists, I entered this line without much thought... ...But now I find the way I really want to go. It's a different way from the pharmacist."

"Do you want to be a powerful magic chanter and protect the road of Kahn Village?"


Enveria stared at Anz with a sincere look of masculinity, free from juvenile childishness.

In the era of YGGDRASIL, want to join Anz. Ur. The people in this guild are endless. Most of the reasons are for your own personal benefit and want to benefit by joining the highest-level guild. It's not that I want to do my best for the guild, but I hope the guild can bring something for myself.

Not only that, there are even plans for the unscrupulous to sneak into the guild in an attempt to capture intelligence and rare props.

Because of this, Anz. Ur. The members of Christine did not increase much except for the original members. Be careful not to trample on the hard work of hard work.

"First of all you have to meet two conditions to join my team. Now you only have one. So unfortunately, I can't let you join." Anz said sorry.

The hidden condition is that half of the members of the guild must agree, so even if Anz agrees, there is absolutely no way to increase the membership without authorization.

Enfreia was a little disappointed, but nodded very understandingly, feeling that his request was excessive.

Ankar was a little soft-hearted and turned his attention to Andre, who seemed to want Enfreria to join their team;

Andre looked at his eyes and slowly shook his head firmly. They were going to be dangerous in the future. Let Ma Yuan join because he showed a strong strength. If it was Enfrea, he Without combat effectiveness, it is impossible to follow them for a long journey. If it is absorbed only because he is a pharmacist, it is not necessary at all. First of all, Ankar, as a forest priest, is very sensitive to healing items such as herbs, except for too high-level potions, his healing The magic is completely dealt with, and Enfrea can't make a high-level potion.

One night on the way to Kahn Village and one night in Kahn Village. Then leave the village in the morning and return. Lantier’s three-day and two-night journey ended with a return to Yah. At Lantier, the town has gradually revealed its appearance at night.

The road was illuminated by a perpetual white street lamp, and pedestrians on the road also changed. Young women and children are no longer visible, mostly men who return home after work. The shops and houses lined up on both sides of the street gave out loud sounds and lights.

"Since I have returned to the town, the commission is over even now." Andrei chatted with Enfreia. He is in a very good mood now. Although he did not get the news about the potion of Anz, it was only for Against the forest king, now the forest king was accidentally conquered, and he also obtained the herbs he wanted. By the way, he beat Anz. This trip was simply a great value.

"Yes, you are right, so the commissioning is over. Then... although I have prepared the required remuneration, but... I have to pay the additional remuneration that is said in the forest. Will you come over to my store?"

The carriage behind Enfrea was full of herbs. Not only that, but also piled with bark, weird fruits that look like branches, huge mushrooms that are big enough to be surrounded by one person, and tall grass that grows in a variety of harvests. If you look in the eyes of people who don't understand, you will only feel that it is a simple plant, but for people of insight, it is simply a shining treasure mountain.

After these all worshipped forest kings were conquered by Ma Yuan, they could safely explore the sphere of influence. There, a variety of very precious herbs and medicinal materials that can be used to make other potions were found. Enfrei, who was constantly collecting, promised that they would give them a lot of money.

"Sorry, can we leave for a while, and then pass later." Andrei asked.

"Of course, always waiting." Enfriya agreed readily.

"That..." Andz also said, "I need to go to the union..."

Enfreia was a little surprised, but nodded and agreed: "Then I'll go back and wait for you."

"Where are we going next?" Ma Yuan asked.

"We have to change our clothes and go to the old lady to pay the fee and then take the potion. Alas, it's a waste." Andrea looked sad.

"Isn't this troublesome, why not go with Enfreria first?"

"Because our appointment is at this time today, if we don't pass on time, the old lady will lose her temper." Andrei shrugged.

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