Thousand Blades of Death

Vol 10 Chapter 52: True and false

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Ma Yuan lowered his tone again, and slowly said: "Look, you want herbs, we have accompanied you to find them, but you can't think of one after another, right?"

"What are we going to do now?" Lilith actually agreed with Ma Yuan in her heart. Even if Andrey didn't adjust the key, why would he suddenly want to find this kind of crooked evil.

Andre sighed in silence, and he also understood that he said it was too much. There are countless powerful servants behind this unsolicited high-ranking undead. I don’t know if they will do anything harmful, so it is really an unwise choice to rush to him for a deal.

"Actually, we can do this." Ma Yuan put forward another plan, "If you must want to find him, you must first have the qualification to talk about conditions. It is estimated that there is nothing missing from him like that, which can make him owe us a favor. ."


"Yes, even if it's moral, he can't do anything to us, he can't look down on our good things, so it's exactly the same."

"Then how can we make him owe his affection?" Lilith was very puzzled. Powerful people like Andz shouldn't need their help very much, or could they get help to help Andrea's resurrection.

Ma Yuan said with confidence: "I know he has an important servant to perform tasks outside, we can help them."

"How do you know?" Andrea asked with raised eyebrows.

Ma Yuan glanced at him silently: "Of course it was overheard, otherwise what do you think?"


"Are you sure we can help them?" Ankar was a little worried. Don't wait until the end and don't help, but also compensate them.

"Rest assured, isn't this me?" Ma Yuan patted his chest.

At this time, Andrea seemed to remember something, and asked him: "At the beginning, I said I was adventurous, but now I am accompanied by medicinal herbs. What did you want to do?"

"Me." After being asked by Andrea, Ma Yuan hesitated, "It's no special purpose to turn around on the mainland."

"Really..." Andrea thoughtfully.

"Don't stare at me like this." Ma Yuan was uncomfortable. "I have no family or anything. I grew up in a remote place from an early age. Now I can finally come out. Of course I have to go around. Where are you going? It doesn't matter to me."

"But you are strong and stronger than all of us combined." Andre said so straightforwardly.

Ma Yuan was embarrassed for a while, so why did he answer the question? Don't you want to say it outright, yes, I'm better than you.

"Cough, what do you want to say?"

"It's nothing... I'm afraid you won't be reconciled. Such a powerful person came to find medicinal herbs with us, and you have concealed from us before. I'm also a little uneasy."

"...You really think too much." Ma Yuan was speechless. "Then what do you think powerful people should do?"

"For example." Andre's eyes dimmed, "What is the internal high level of the organization, come down to draw our steel-level team."

This time it wasn’t just Ma Yuan. Even Lilith and Ankar coughed up. What did they do?

"Hey, when I met you, you weren't even a steel team!"

Andre also turned a little bit pretend and said, "I'm just proposing a possibility, what do you do so much?"

"Forget it, if you have to help me find a reason, then I will say a little so that you can feel at ease." Ma Yuan sighed.

"Hear your ears and listen."

"Actually, in my future goals, a large part is Anz."

"Anz?" They didn't understand how this was related to the undead Anz again.

"Ah, how to say, this man robbed our family of things before, I wanted to take it back."

"How is this going?"

"Nazaric ruled by Anz, they wanted to make a staff, and they came to take away the sacred object of our family. That sacred object may not be very powerful for you, but for me, that It’s a robber’s act, I must get it back.”

"So-you knew Anz before, and you know Nasarik behind him? How much do you know?" Andrea's eyes narrowed.

Lilith and Ankar are both stunned, if he knows everything, then he also used them a lot.

"No no no." Ma Yuan shook his head wildly, "Be calm, don't get me wrong. Do you remember the first time we met Anz in the village of Kahn?"

"what happened?"

"He put a staff on the table at the time, and later found that we were all secretly looking at it and put it away. It was at that time that I found our holy thing inlaid on the staff, and I suspected that he was robbing Those who left our relics, but still not sure. It was not until Lilith said the intelligence in the forest that I knew that there was a powerful organization named Nazarek behind him, so that everything was in line with the relics we had taken in those years. The identity of the mysterious organization of Ma." Ma Yuan finished speaking in one breath, and his mouth was a little dry. He picked up the glass at hand and swallowed it. The story was really tired, and he had to think about whether there were any loopholes, but he said so. Finished, but he himself believed a few points, not to mention Andrei and them.

"That's it..." Ankar's eyes were full of sympathy for Ma Yuan. "The words of Andre before have caused you a lot of trouble. Do you want to deal with the enemy..."

Andre was indeed a little guilty when he heard that. Andz was indeed a hostile relationship for Ma Yuan, but he wanted to cooperate with others' enemies for his own goals.

"What's the matter." Ma Yuan waved his hand to signal that he was okay. "Anyway, we are all companions, isn't it? If we follow the method I just said, then we can only say that we are counting him, not cooperation, and I have nothing. Are you angry?"

"Let's help you together." Lilith said, "Help you get back the relic."

"Ah? Don't use it." Ma Yuan waved his hands again and again. "I want more than just taking back the relics. In fact, I want to take revenge on Anz."

"Oh, it's actually understandable, after all, he first robbed your family relic." Lilith understood immediately.

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